Making Up The Numbers

in #philosophy6 years ago

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Image Credit - @irvinesimages

Many of us believe we're all here for a reason and that we all have some sort of destiny.

On the flip side, many will argue that there’s no point to our existence and that life is ultimately futile.

I don't believe this to be so.

My position is closer to that of the first group. I believe we have a reason for being and I for one would like to discover what that is. Assuming there is in fact a reason for us being here, now, then I would suggest there is only one reason. I have no idea what that is of course, just that it makes sense to my mind that if there be a reason it would be a singular one with the same reason you are here being the same reason I am.

But what the f**k is that reason??

If that reason is to consider the micro and macro of existence in an attempt to discover the reason behind our being, then perhaps we live in a philosiphors world and any of us who aren’t of a philosophical persuasion are simply making up the numbers for those who are, to consider the actions of.

Or maybe we’re not here to consider but to observe, record, test and re-test, in which case this may in fact be a scientists world and we might exist purely for research and experimentation purposes.

If the reason for being is instead to express ourselves by painting or dancing or singing, then perhaps we live in an artist’s world and we exist simply to serve as muses to their imaginations or as simple audience members for their expressive endeavours.

Maybe the reason for being is to accumulate wealth and power, in which case we must be living in a bankers world and the rest of us merely exist to fulfil the ambitions of the greedy and selfish in their pursuit of yet more 'wealth' and 'self'.
If, in fact there is no reason for being then where does that leave us in terms of value in the world and who are the ones that are really making up the numbers?

Who decides what and who are valuable and what and who are not?
Why do we accept these decisions so readily when they aren't serving our interests or worse still, keeping us from pursuing those interests?

Some people say that we all have a reason for being here even if that reason is not readily apparent but that we all play our part and have an effect on the rest but it's clear to me at least that this is not the case.

Some of us live mundane and repetitive, lonely and violent, hateful and painful lives. I see no meaning or lessons to be learned from these things for the rest of us that could not be learned in a less painful and traumatic way.

A fraction of us are financially secure while the vast majority are dirt poor. A few of us are rock-stars, sports stars or movie stars and live extravagant lifestyles that are the envy of the rest. Some of us are even smart enough to know the world we live in is just a stage upon which most are simply 'extras'. The rest of us are without the desire to even care.
What are we doing with our lives?

Is it the thing we're supposed to be doing and if not why then are we doing it?

Are you supposed to be working in Walmart for eight hours a day and minimum wage, going home to a lonely apartment that you can barely afford, definitely no chance of moving somewhere better, other than a lotterys chance, spending your days playing Xbox and sharing your life for likes on Facebook, dying a lonely, pain riddled life due to your inability to afford actual food rather than that which is described as such while baring little resemble in appearance or dietary requirements?

Are you supposed to be 'chasing the dream' and aiming for the 'lifestyle' that you know for you is unattainable but which you are constantly pressured into attempting to attain by sacraficing your precious time and energy to help someone else attain their version of this dream??

Is this why we're here?

I don't think so.

I believe there is meaning and purpose to each and every one of us born to this world but for whatever reason, that meaning is either not readily apparent or being obfuscated and occulted by those who stand to gain in some way from our ignorance.

I believe in an ultimate destiny, not destiny in the manner that it is propagated in the movies for an individual here on earth, a destiny that includes us all. A shared destiny, one that we can only fulfil by coming together and one that also involves taking more care of and protecting the world we share and all of those within it.

We have no possibility of reaching that destiny if we remain in a state of constant and controlled adversity, as we are now. If we want to know the real reason why we're here we need to start removing some of the barriers that prevent us from giving it more consideration and understand that there is more to this life than meets the eye. More than we are being shown. More than we know and because we know so little we allow ourselves to be treated as being worth less than others. Pawns in the game of chess being played by those at the very top of our society. By those who created and designed our society to serve their interests by making it appear as if they are serving the interests of us all.
We need to stop making up the numbers and start taking back responsibility for our own lives and destinies.

What do you want to do with your life??

Are you doing it??

John Lennon once sang that 'Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.'

I say we stop living this life as we know it and stop putting the needs of the 'economy' and 'society' before the needs of real men and women.

In my opinion, too many of us have lived and died already never knowing our true potential or fulfilling our destiny, trapped in a system designed to convince us that we are worth less than we actually are. We have so much more to offer the world, each other and ourselves if we could only throw of the shackles of our worldly masters and see life through our own eyes rather than through our TV screens.

I think it's time to start finding out why we're here and to start getting on with doing whatever it is we're supposed to be doing.

We've wasted too much time already.

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Thanks a lot @msp-curation. He's not a bad guy that @clayboyn. :)

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Thanks a lot for the support guys. Its very much appreciated. :)

Thanks a lot for the support guys. Its very much appreciated. :)

I don't know if we're here for a purpose, at least I cannot imagine what that purpose could be, however it seems obvious that there is much being hidden from us, perhaps in an attempt to deny us knowledge of our destiny, of the why.
There are so many things unknown, so many questions not only unanswered but not even asked. There are so many mysteries which are not explained by the official historical narrative, from pyramids to evidence of lost cities, floods and a Europe-wide mudslide to name a few.
It seems there is a concerted effort to keep us divided, to poison us, to mislead and misdirect us, to make us dependent and to dumb us down.
The problem is most don't see that we are being manipulated from behind the curtain. Most believe what they see and they don't see much.
Yes, we've wasted too much time already but I don't see that changing, at least not in my lifetime.

I've got no idea what the purpose could be either but I look at a world where we are encouraged to disregard our intuition in favour of learned behaviours and my gut tells me to go with my gut. I believe theres something more to life not because I'm told there is or because I want there to be but because I feel it within myself. I could be wrong of course but I trust myself more than I trust anyone else at this point. :)

I dont see any major changes taking place in my own lifetime either in regards to changing the current paradigm of deception unfortunately while there is so much apathy within our society and so many things to keep us distracted and ignorant to reality. :(

Our rights have been eroding for some time now. We are being pushed and molded into The New World Order. Do you remember what Warner Von Braun said after he designed the Saturn V rocket that sent men to the moon? "Next we will fight communism, then the terrorists and finally the Aliens."

Found this interesting!

Good article!

....upvoted and resteemed

Hey @acwood. Thnks for the comment and taking the time to read my post mate. Werner Von Braun is an interesting character for sure and I'm aware of that quote thats attributed to him but I just can't see the alien thing happening, not even as part of project bluebeam. I think the logistics would be too much to pull off even with all the tech they have and I think it would be too much of a risk to take on the part of the controllers. I could be wrong though. ;) i dont believe we sent any rockets or men to the moon either. :)

Hope your day is going well my friend.

Well, not to sound like I have gone off my meds, but I don't believe anything anymore unless I can touch it or taste it. Not even what I see, as CGI and holograms are so good these days most people wouldn't what was real and what was faked. Slowly but surely they (the Cabal), will grind us under foot. And it is from all sides constantly. I don't watch MSM any more. None of that crap spouted by actors all reading the same lines. Media is owned by the cabal. Military Industrial Complex, Banks, social media, silicon valley, oil companies all owned by the cabal.
We are just so much cannon fodder.
We are in the middle of a mass migration. These are not people fleeing for political reasons. They are not seeking asylum. They are on an economic migration. They are putting such a strain on our economies that democracies are changing. They may not even exist in 20 years. The question I keep asking is why none of the many Muslim countries of our world not taken them in? Surly they would be much happier in a world of like ideologies? Any probably similar languages. Oh, Crap. I could go on for hours. Suffice it to say, my friend, The world it is a-changin'"
Have a good day or night.

The reason we're here is so that our DNA can reproduce. That's it.

Some deep good questions there. Especially for the average individual but even for the more seasoned among us as well. I always appreciate reading your posts! I'd say I'm pretty close to fulfilling but also very far from it. And whenever I feel like I get to a certain mountaintop I usually find there's an even higher one I want to get to. But in some ways I've never been more inspired before in my life! I just hope my eyes can keep up and I don't go blind trying to make the dream happen. I stared at screens my whole life, but especially with the contest it's gotten a but much. Thankfully numerous other people stepped up to help and hopefully that will continue in the future and someday it will outgrow me and have a life of it's own. And even if it failed tomorrow, it's been an amazing adventure! Very grateful for that. Cheers and hope you're doing well! :)

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