Philosophy things: The Unspoken

in #philosophy7 years ago

Once or twice in life, we all have an epiphany about something. Lucky are those who have it about themselves. I believe, self-discovery is the ultimate goal that we all should strive to achieve. It's only when you know your true self, your purpose that you can go on and help make the world a better place.

Well, that's too far fetched, I know! Let me be selfish for a moment and talk about myself. Growing up I faced enormous challenges caused by changes in my personality or was it confusion? My thought process never quite matched by the ideals set by my family. They were right in their opinion and I felt like an asshole whenever I thought that they were wrong and I was right. How could I? They know better! That's what confused me. But I was a child and I did not understand that the definition of 'right' for two people is never the same. Life gives different joys and different wounds to each individual. Each one of those strokes, our environment, shapes us. Most of my teenage years were influenced by what I saw outside. That time of my life really proves that mankind truly is just another animal species. We would love to think that we are superior to them all but at the end when it comes to behavior we are a lot like sheep. Most of us follow 'trends' and what is the definition of 'right' and 'wrong' in the eyes of society. Whenever someone or something different comes along, every fiber of these 'sheep sapiens' tries to bury it. Galileo. Einstein. They were called idiots back then and now everyone is all like oh wow they were right. Well, kinda too late. It's because of this tradition there are only a few amongst us today who stop at one point in their lives to ask "who am I?", "what do I really want?", "why am I doing what I am doing!". Ofcourse it's not exactly picnic putting yourself through such bitter honesty. So once you ask yourself these questions, a war begins with your inner self. The war with our soul is the hardest kind, because we can never actually lie to ourselves, we cannot trick the opposing team here.

I know this topic often comes up in philosophy, but I urge that you do not dismiss it as a cliché. I avoided talking about it for a long time but today I could not resist writing about it. What changed? Well, lately I have been finding myself in a constant conflict. I look at the mirror and I feel like I don't recognize myself, that there is something absent. Have you ever felt that? If you have, don't be upset. Don't lose hope. It's not your demise, it's the epoch of the most important voyage you've had so far. Don't ever ignore the voices of your psyche even if it sounds stupid, just take a moment to consider it (unless those voices are verging on sociopathic, in that case, ignore them).

Escaping your truth is the worst thing you do to yourself. So I want you to look into the eye of that mental torpedo with fierce determination. It took me 7 years to finally find out who I was, not completely, of course, I'm a work in progress. But, it makes me feel 30 pounds lighter! And that was the moment of epiphany in my life.

You know, a free soul is like a life-full seed, it goes where the wind takes it, seeing the world, being at peace! Enjoying even the harsh strokes of nature, and when the rain and storm bring it down to the ground to bury it, it rises from the ground with the rise of that sun with a new resolution, new form, new ambition and a new hope! Our life is a lot like a song, a collection of arias, some high tunes some low ones but they are all beautiful as only when they are together that they make a balanced beautiful song. So don't dread and as they say don't let the rhythm get you.

Peace out!

Written by @things, 2017. All rights reserved.
Image by Flash Bros


I love it. Very nicely written :) Keep up the good work!

Hehe. Thanks kind lady <3

Fully agreed !

Loved the writing @things and I could relate to many things in your post. I hope you will continue posting more often!

Escaping your truth is the worst thing you do to yourself.

Aw I'm glad you enjoyed that. And I hope it helped on some level.


Glad to see you here again :)

It sucks the life out of me to kick her ass and make her post, but it's worth it, haha! How have you been @mammasitta? How's life :D

Hahhaa :) All good here in Vienna. Finally the sun comes out

Ah, so jealous! Berlin is pretty shit when it comes to the weather. Still no weather to go outside without a jacket :l Heading to Amsterdam tomorrow so hope the Dutch weather will treat me a little bit better.

Have lots of fun ! Summer is near but the question how long will it last :) before I am off to Indonesia again

Ah! More than jealous. For how long will you go?

Thank you so much. I am really happy to be writing again.

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