
CLUE: What is a maxim? A maxim is the rule or principle on which you act. For example, I might make it my maxim to give at least as much to charity each year as I spend on eating out, or I might make it my maxim only to do what will benefit some member of my family.

Ha ha! Wrong answer! [nice laugh though @everittdmickey! Truck on dude!]

Alas...I fear my truckin dayz is ovah...I iz retired...
at the moment I'm thinking about a kayak.

I bet your never thought there was an @baah waiting for you at that final truck stop! Ha ha!

final stop was @home
the wife would have been surprised (and unhappy) to see bah there.
(NOT as unhappy as he would have been)

I'm sure he'll pass by to bless your comment soon :)

I think I'll just bail outright here. LOL!

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