There’s a Brilliant Star Inside of Every Apple

in #philosophy7 years ago

When the world was young and new, it asked ‘What am I, if not an apple?’

Like me, the world woke one day seeking to know itself better, and began it’s curious inward quest, as many of us do.

Like me, the world didn’t know exactly what it was looking for in there, and even though the inner structure was familiar, the world found it difficult to describe itself without also describing an apple.

Are We Not Apples?

The world often tries to illustrate itself with artful diagrams, circles and arrows, but the sketches and models often have a similarity to an apple, complete with skin, fruit and seed.

A drawing of the inside of an apple seed might turn out to resemble an entire tree, with it’s branches reaching upward to study the air and sunlight, while the roots intimately examine the earth and water below.


Space: Also Behaves Like an Apple

What does space look like? At a glance, space would appear to be made of nothing, and we can swish our hand through the air to prove it, as long as we ignore the swish, and only as long as we think of the air that we breath for sustenance as being nothing. It’s really quite a lot.

Looking beyond the air, there is proof everywhere that the space that we call empty space is full of infinite information, and that instead of space containing nothing, it contains everything.


The Fractal Wake of Consciousness

As consciousness plunges inward to examine the infinity in there, out here is such a tremendous reaction to that action that we might think we were witnessing creation itself, happening live. If only we could back away to see such a splash, if we could only see what happens when awareness itself leaps inward for a more intimate look, we might then see what space is actually shaped like.


Every Apple Has a Star Inside

Like an apple tree, a star looks inward with all of it’s might, pulling data in through it’s north and south poles, and like an apple tree, the vibrant star perpetually showers the equator with golden fruit, the results of the perpetual in-query.

Like a star, the tree’s radiating branches and roots fill the orb on the inside, while fresh fallen apples bounce out into the surrounding field, sharing the data in a seemingly-infinite feedback loop.


The Earth Could Have a Star Inside Too

Like an apple, the Earth draws information through it’s poles, but then radiates that data outwards in the form of volcanos and lava, plants and trees, animals and things, fruits and vegetables, male and female, roots and branches.

The Earth May Actually Be a Strawberry

The Earth that we live upon does seem a little different from an apple, in that an apple’s seeds are in the middle, while the Earth’s seeds are on the exterior: the Earth’s seeds are us, as we contain all of the information that we have inherited from the planet, taken in through the earth, water, light and air just like an apple, and we are animated with consciousness by way of the same introspective jaunt that gives the force of life to all things.

We are all stars inside-- every planet, every apple, looking inward with enough enthusiasm to spark an entire universe of life, and whether apple or planet, we all look the same on the inside.

all images above are mine, 2018-- for more art, stories and variety, click below these birds:


click @therealpaul for more


Very interesting concept.

I myself have been afraid that the Earth is a banana for quite some time.

haha that looks cool, reminds me of Ringworld. The world could be three ripe bananas, end to end, quickly freezing in the vacuum of space.

Such a stunning way of looking at things. also a very trippy feel to it all.... hmmmm... what have you been up to?

Haha yes it does have a sort of 'just got back' feel, doesn't it? These kinds of thoughts are probably the residue of something, but not a recent something. ;)

wow what a beautiful concept you have brought on for the discussion :) wonderful..the concept about everything and nothing :) well said :)

It turns out that space had enough information in it to build an entire universe. :)

I like the strawberry analogy and I LOVE the drawing of the apple seed with the tree inside.

Thanks @kiwideb, I wasn't sure if I would be able to draw it at all, it was a challenge to portray with a few colored pencils, but I was determined to draw what the thing might look like! I'm happy to know that you liked it.

It might be just a few coloured pencils but it is truly stunning.

OH!! There are many things to think about in your apple theory!!!!! This is brilliant!!!!!

We have lots in common with apples and planets I think! -cheers-

It looks really cool @therealpaul, you are so genius, have thoughts so far about apples. I have never seen anything like this before. I really salute you. Apparently apples have very many benefits. Starting from trees, roots and fruit. Thank you for sharing this science. Hopefully you will be more successful... :)

I think for me it started when my grandmother told me there was a star inside of an apple, then she cut it in half and showed me the five-pointed pattern inside. Maybe I never stopped thinking about it!

This was a very profound contemplation, Paul. I think this one's up there as one of my favorites from you. I've often noticed that the apple's core does look like the shape of a star. It's an interesting notion that we're the seeds and the fruit that spring from the Earth. I think the citizens that live inside our hollow Earth would disagree. But, I do strongly agree with your sentiments here.

There are many repeating patterns in the universe, and I do feel like you're on to something here. It's interesting to note, wasn't it an apple that fueled the study for gravity as well?

It was my grandmother who told me long ago that there was a star inside of an apple, and then she cut it horizontally so that I could see it. That stuck with me I suppose.

Yes I did kind of leave out the center of the Earth there at the end, and if the inner earth dwellers have any problem with this, they need to come out and say so!

If they came out in protest, then who will be left in the center to tend the core? You're putting everyone in a very precarious situation, my friend.

I think they sent out some little workers, the cave-and-tunnel guys with the big eyes and pale grey skin, but surface-dwellers called them aliens and started blasting away at them. The big shots down there, they only come out once in a while to make sure we are still digging for gold to send in there, whatever it is that they do in there with that stuff. Snorting it, probably.

Pish! Humans couldn't fathom where they came from, so they just dismiss them as coming from outer space. When, in fact, we're the true aliens!

I like to imagine that version; where they come out one day and we're out here digging around, no clue how we even got here, and nobody knows what to do.

eat an apple a day ; ) to go inside a universe again ;p

That sounds like a plan!

Beautiful post Paul. It reminds me very much of the concept of a tree bearing fruit that contains the seeds of itself... I believe this reflects a concept from Kabbalah, although I'm no scholar of such. Thanks for the inspiration :)

It's sort of an 'as above, so below' idea, and wouldn't be surprised if it was from the Kabbalah-- I'm also no such scholar. :)

They say that apples are the food of the gods.

That makes sense; they also occasionally say that WE are those gods!

Lol the "powers" they have been trying to play that for quite some time now. Here's one for you, I watched a video on sacred geometry one time and Drunvolo Malchizidek showed photos of the first cells that are formed within the human embryo and they are joined in the shape of a star tetrahedron!

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