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RE: Blockchains are Fundamental to Online Freedom

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

Freedom starts with the meshnet ... one of my old posts on the meshnet if you are unsure what it is about ......
This conversation about big corporations being unfair lmao that will not change as long as you are playing in their sand box your own free secure uncontrolled internet ... I have many many posts on the mesh if you want more information about it ....


Nice, I'm going to read the techcrunch link in a bit. Thanks for letting me know!

The meshnet is a passion of mine ...our local ham radio club just built a meshnet for the local ham radio operators to play with ..but you need a ham license to get on ours as we built it as part of the emergency communications network for our area .... but anyone can set up a node and become part of a meshnet and help them grow ...

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