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RE: Our ability to disagree

"Sicks and stones may break my bones, but names can never hurt me"

Does anyone else remember this nursery rhyme taught to infants as a building block to help equip them to enter a glorious world of free speech, thoughts and opinions?

They must have stopped teaching this at some point and replaced it with something along the lines of "Sticks and stones may break my bones but if you disagree it offends me and your voice must be silenced".

It was not long ago here in the UK that the government had to create legislation to ensure free speech and open debate was available to all who attended University, and not just speech and debate dictated by student unions to be suitable.

This sort of behaviour from students considered to be the next generation of great minds is perhaps
questionable. However that is another debate and I will stick to the current subject.

I have my own unique set of ideas,ideals,beliefs,opinions morals and thoughts just like many other people. Those who disagree with them and seek to debate them are to my experience extremely valuable.They can help my mind to re-asses and open it to other considerations and possibly make me a better person, and the same could be true for them.

Those who would seek to shut down debate with childish verbal attacks and coarse language that could be found offensive and sometimes even hateful should be considered inconsequential by adults.Their speech should not be policed as by exercising their free speech in such a fashion they have exposed their character for you to see and proved themselves incapable of being any benefit to you or them self in regards to engaging in debate. By failing to make a well founded argument on why they disagree they have in essence lost the debate before it even begins.

Sticks and stones... I hope people are still teaching this to their children.

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