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RE: Making a Case for Reason Over Outrage

in #philosophy7 years ago

he showed courage to state exactly what he thought.

This is exactly the reason why I think the freedom of speech is important and I will fight for yours even if I think you are full of crap. Our democracy claims to be based on arguing all of the different opinions and then finding the best solution through this discourse. Banning opinions from being discussed should be impossible in a democratic system. You can hardly discuss with somebody who is not honest.

You could ban a women rights speaker 100 years ago with the same outrage "He is not recognizing our medical (and medieval) studies that women are too stupid to form a political opinion, he must be insane to dispute science!"

There are 1st wave feminists ranting about 3rd wave feminism but the media kindly ignores them.


You absolutely get it @thatgermandude. :c)

As inconsistencies are revealed, a given paradigm demonstrates itself to be flawed. It can try to strike those with superior views or awareness down but it shall ultimately fall - having only achieved momentary delays and a deepening of its own shame as it goes.

Thank you for stopping by @thatgermandude. ^_^

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