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RE: We have a Democracy and thus are wiser than you back water Dictatorship types...

in #philosophy7 years ago

Just to give an example for a dictator who did good things: King Sejong the Great, inventor of the Korean alphabet. I dont know much else about him, so I dont want to call him a good dictator per se.

I prefer a dictator over what you call democracy (It is still just representative parlamentarism). With a dictator in power you at least know who rules you, with democracy you have to guess, many would say it is currently Rothschild.
And another reason is that too many cooks spoil the broth especially in politics. All these laws are a testimony to that.

I need to do some research and thinking before I can come up with a solid alternative to dictatorship and parlamentarism. But we circled around this topic for so long I think I have to.

If a person shoots another person do we need to ban guns, or should we simply prosecute the person for murder?

What about WMDs though? Especially A-bombs.


Well I can't argue that there IS a good reason for WMDs. Not a single one.

A-Bombs... perhaps to blow up an approaching asteroid though that is unlikely too..

The tech used to make WMDs can have a purpose but WMDs I believe have no POSITIVE reason for existing.

So there is a "tool" you would like to ban? :3

I know this is quite nitpicky, but it goes to show that there are things that oppose the Libertarian/Anarcho doctrine. It is a great approach to many things, but it has limits.

I don't believe bans are truly effective. It just creates a black market, and criminal enterprises. It builds powerful empires of crime that then go on to influence our governments.

So dealing with WMDs is a tough one. It isn't a problem really with anarchists as there really would be no reason for them to exist. WMDs tend to be tools used between governments. :)

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