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RE: When You See Yin & Yang What Do You See?

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

Thats actually a different theory then what I learned. The yin and yang sign above is actually 2 coy fish swimming around each other. Without one coy fish there isn't the other to complete the circle of good and bad. Good and bad are equal partners. Without bad we don't have good in life. Without good we don't have bad in life. So they both have equal importance that create the good and bad we face every day. So basically no such thing as good or bad could ever happen without the relation to one another. So they have equal importance. We can find the good in anything bad and find the bad in anything good. The key is learning from this circle of life whether it a good or bad situation and to respect both equally.


Thank you for the comment. It is much appreciated.

With the yin and yang symbol, used a lot more symbology to try to give a different perspective than usual

Very interesting point. If we take away the concept of "good" and "evil" how do we construct the a social contract on which society is based on? How does on differentiate between..."this is good for me, us, society" from "this is bad for me, us, society?" Most of people would agree with raping of children being a purely evil act no matter the circumstance. Most people would also agree that killing someone for emotional reasons is an act of evil. Most people would also agree that bombing a country out of existence for pure greed is also evil.

I agree that both of these are two equal forces, but not all force is good force. One can apply a certain amount of force to stop and artery from bleeding out, but if too much force is used it can be damaging and can even kill the artery. Both are the same force, however one can cause more harm than the other.

Wind on a nice breezy day feels good to the spirit, the body and the mind and provides relief on a hot day, but a tornado, hurricane, or typhoon, can cause severe damage and death in many cases. Both are the same force, however, one is more lethal than the other.

Humanity has done built some of the most amazing structures in the world. From Giza, to Motu Pitu, to the Great Wall...yet these same humans starve one another, hate one another, and kill one another. Same humanity...different forces. One is more lethal than the other.

At what point does humanity acknowledge that there are idea's that are good for society and idea's that are bad for society such as those listed above? Why does humanity use the concepts of yin and yang or the goy fish to tear down one another? At what point do we recognize that these forces...principles are indeed playing out in our very lives today and that these forces...whether they are good or evil are in fact having a major role in one's life?

Your talking about religion when you believe good is better then bad. I understand what your saying but Yin and Yang is not about good or bad. Its about how the opposites has relationship with each other and wont exist without one another. This explains it really well its by Alan Watts.

I dont' know where my message went by Yin and Yang is not about good is better then bad. That is more religious beliefs. Yin and Yang is about how if something doesn't have the opposite it can't exist. Without bad its not possible to have good. So bad has just as much of importance as good. So if the goodness defeats the evil then neither will exist. They both go together. Bad is necessary for goodness. It may not sound right in your opinion but thats how yin and yang works. I was trying to find another video on it but basically all of the good and bad things we talk about would never exist if opposite effect never existed. I would rather choose to be good then bad but when bad things happen I accept it because to get good things in life we have to face bad as well.

I do agree lot of sick people in this world that need serious help and they lose control of who they are through greed. Greed imo is the most cancerous thing for the human mind.

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