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RE: Wyrd/Urd: The Norse concept of fate [Dabbing with a Mage episode 133]

in #philosophy6 years ago

So basically you have a destiny but you can change it if you want to... but won't that just ruin the whole "destiny" thing, if you can change it, then it just means it isn't destiny its just something that can happen, ok now i'm the one confused hahah, the only north mythology i know is from games like age of mythology


Destiny is laid by the writers of the past, but with each action forth, that destiny alters.

The way I've been explained by "Source" through psychedelics is that everything in an individuals life is like a spider web where the individual starts at the center of the web. Each action is leads to a certain path, or strand, of the web, where some actions can lead astray from one path to the next. Where it becomes super tricky is that everybody has their own web, everything has its own web, and each of these webs intertwines with one another (quantum entanglement - two objects quantumly entangled will immediately respond to the affect on one or the other) causing each individuals web to alter just so slightly, sometimes greatly depending on many factors, some too great to even comprehend from a human perspective.

Does that make sense? lol

It did, now i got it... Isn't this very similar to the whole concept of different timelines and parallel universes? where, every time there is a choice the web splits into two and everything is happening at the same time

Exactly like that, except in the Norse tradition the web doesn't split, it just alters. In my own understanding, I still don't know what to believe lol

And that is part of how divining, or fortune telling, works - when done legitimately, not by charlatans. The pattern is laid forth, and if that pattern is continued then it will lead to an ultimate end.

if that pattern is continued

the problem is knowing how we can continue on that path, the fact that we know the future changes the present, making it so that, that said future is more easily changed

But there is also self fulfilling prophecy as well, knowing the future or thinking of yhe outcome can more easily influence said outcome.

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