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RE: In for a rough ride

in #philosophy7 years ago

A thought-provoking post.

What are you giving? That is the question I always ask newer people who are complaining about the lack of payout. Many come on here looking to get a payout without really contributing anything towards the growth of the ecosystem. Put up a post or two then complain about the unfair reward system when they dont get a $100 on each post.

I wrote a post a number of weeks back similar to what you are saying about only looking at the results and not factoring in the risks one took to get where they were. It was in regards to whales and how many like to cite that they could buy STEEM when it was really retort, would you have been a buyer when it dropped 98%?

Security is an illusion and those who pursue it end up worse off than those who do not. You mention the staying in a job one hates year after year....think of the emotional toll on that individual. They tend to be unhappy, perhaps even depressed. Their physical health isnt good. They might be over stressed. In short, they are miserable which ends up taking a toll on the body. Since few really know how to relax, it ends up being a vicious cycle which only increases the stress.

I guess we are wired to try and seek security. It is also how we are conditioned. Our parents most likely werent risk takers hence, they tried to instill the conservative within us (go to school, get good grades, find a good job, get married, have kids, retire). Rarely does that happen and when it does, one ends up in a midlife crisis.

I never thought about it, but steemit is an indicator for all that takes place in the world. It makes sense since we are all human and bring our humanness to this site. Our habits and emotions are with us wherever we go.

So if I want things to change, I need to change.

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