Unexpected evils and accidental heroes

in #philosophy6 years ago

It was an inter-school event senior year and the best and the brightest had been chosen and collected for a problem solving event, an early hackathon so to speak. As bad of a student I was, somehow, I had made the cut.

There she was a pretty girl, class captain of another school and smart as a whip, a true leader, controlled, decisive and with the ability to organize her team into functions that utilized their strengths to solve what was put in front of them. Unfortunately, I was in another team.

At the lunch break, I had a chat with her and a few others and away from the necessary requirements of the competition, she was humble, reserved, shy.

A week or so later, she had a small birthday party and she got into an argument with her slightly younger brother, something about a CD he had taken of hers. She Stabbed him to death with a kitchen knife. I read about it in the paper.

She was not some psychopath that was feigning sociability and hiding her true desires. She was a kid who had been drinking and under whatever circumstances she had found herself in, she lost control, she snapped. And in those fractions of a second, her life had changed forever, as had the lives of her family and of course, the life she had taken.

The reports said that before her brother even fell to the ground, she was holding him, trying to save his life, apologizing. Things just can't be undone though, once broken, some things are unable to be repairable, no matter the will and want. She held him until the paramedics arrived and the police took her into custody.

What most fail to recognize is that we are all capable of such evils given the right set of circumstances and sometimes things align perfectly for lightning to strike and move our hands in ways that would normally be impossible. Unintentional harms, words let go in anger or blades thrust into flesh and blood that would otherwise be protected.

It is easy to pass judgement over the actions of others in these circumstances and say I would never but, placed in the same position, with the same mind, experience and skills, there is actually nothing else that could be done. Under pressures untrained and unimaginable, we do not know how we will react, we can only work under assumption.

We read about these things in the news, we empathize with the victims and their families but, do we put ourselves in the shoes of the perpetrator, do we dare? It is easy to say, but that is not me, I am incapable of such but, how could we actually know?

We all have our breaking points.

However, these pressures can also bring about the best in human behavior also. Another factor people dismiss. Under the heaviest of stresses is when we can shine and instead of unexpected evil arrives an accidental hero. We might even fantasize about how in a given situation our hero within would shine but again, how can one know without having experienced it?

There can be the finest of lines between hero and villain and only in the moment will one discover the role they will play.

[ a Steem original ]


A very sad story. The strong ones are the ones who can control their emotions. The ones that can make a split second decision that has no emotions attached. She was no cold hearted killer but unfortunately will affect her and everyone else because of a crazy split second.

Perfect write up. Yet again, you think in my line of thoughts.

I am one person who would always tell you never to be so sure of what you think you are capable of. I always tell people too that I do not know what I would do in the next minute and it has helped me understand people and helped me stop judging others as I get to tell myself, how sure am I that i wouldn't so the exact same thing this person has done if found in the exact same situation.

The young girl acted out of impulse. She didn't get to think about her actions before she acted and her adrenaline failed her. We could also be found in same situation so why crusify her. Its owk for the law to take its course but we bystanders have no right what so ever to say anything against her because we never can really tell what we are capable of.

What a shockingly sorrowful tale for all involved.

And an interesting piece.

I often used to wonder how people managed to step aside and allow the holocaust to happen but then there was the war between Serbia and Croatia and, even though aware of the genocide, I did nothing. I often think on this and feel guilty ~ but then I reason what could I have done to change the situation? (Bit of a cop out I reckon as each movement starts with one or two...)

We can never really know how we will react in any given moment.


Yes, almost an entire nation led step by step to do the unthinkable. Isn't the first nor the last time.

There is only so much one can really do toward the end but the problem is that most aren't paying attention at the start. the slopes are slippery and they use the sales person techniques of leading questions that have yes answers. We buy-in to atrocity and even justify them.

Sheeple power eh :(


most aren't paying attention at the start.

Thats it right there . there are always signs of what is to come if people just pay attention . but instead we go through life with blinders on excepting what we are told because deep down we don't want to know

For once I don't agree with you @tarazkp. Under the same circumstances some people will still react differently. We all have our breaking points but some people have deliberately worked on themselves to elongate it. Moments of madness should not be an excuse for unforgivable acts.

Like I said, it's just my opinion

placed in the same position, with the same mind, experience and skills, there is actually nothing else that could be done.

It is inevitable. Being an identical person would result in the same result. Some people train or have been brought up in different ways and will react differently but, one does not really know until it happens.

I know a guy, drove the bakery van for his parent's bakery. Fell asleep at the wheel in the early hours and drifted into the opposite lane.
Killed a mother of two young kids coming the other way. He's just got a small scar on his nose.
I don't know how you'd get past something like that.
Do you know what became of her?

Fortune swings both ways.

Do you know what became of her?

I don't know. It was her 18th birthday party though so she was tried as an adult at least. I would have likely left the city for Finland before she would have been released.

She might have held the party a day or two beforehand. Imagine that.
If you'd stabbed him 10 minutes earlier, before midnight, your sentence would be much shorter.

My uncle told me a story once that, a father had a son who had a quick temper, each time the son was angry, he would destroy things around the house. So one day his father bought 100 nails and a hammer, took his son to the back of his house and instructed him that anytime he felt angry and wanted to destroy something, he should hit the nail into the wall. So the boy did this day after day, when he exhausted the nails, he then told and led his father to the back of the house where he had been venting out his anger, then his father told him to pick out all the nails one by one, the boy thought it was ridiculously stressful but he did anyway. After he was done, then his father said to him *look at this wall, because of all your anger you damaged it and bore a 100 holes in it, anger only makes you blind and bitter, and a lot of time you cant take back your actions after the damage has been done. And so the boy changed and learnt his lessons or thereabout

Young people shouldn't drink or do any drugs.

For the drinking side at least, perhaps no one should. For the drugs, if she was on marijuana there would have been laughter not, anger.

That's what crossed my mind, too. This particular tragedy would not have happened had the kids smoked weed instead. But even marijuana is not exactly healthy for a developing brain.

meh, she was 18... close enough ;)

It is going to be interesting how Finland tackles legalisation of weed in the future as the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks fro just about every perspective. Healthcare costs would definitely drop overall.

amazing! i mean i try to learn about the paranormal stuffs about the life, so, for me the real demons and evil´s in another dimension its a reality, in other hand the destiny can make real heroes of some strange situations too, but for me i believe in demoniac possesions and stuffs like that im very serious about that kind of matter not for jokes or light treathment of the case, so for me she maybe open a portal and some demon possesed her, for commit that murderer, but its very hard to prove it, but its my thouhgt, i mean, i watch some similar cases here and its a fine line between psycological troubles and paranormal stuff. its hard to say in the end but i wanna expose my kind of view. cheers from Venezuela

I think she lost control of her emotions to the extent she lost control of mind and body also. Emotions are harmful things out of control.

yes could be a reality, but for me i prefeer to explain all the strange cases into paranormal side, for me its like another kind of explanation, i read some books and cientific " " material about psiquiatry and espiritism, one of the titles are: Dr Ignacio Ferreira: "Psiquiatra y espirita"By Natalio Ceccarini, very cool short book about this kind of phenomena, i try to search in english for you, but i cand find it only in spanish and portuguese :( but its really very interesting case, this doctor was the director of an asylum in Brasil and he finds some nexus between paranormal possesions and mental illness people (violent one) so its an interesting other point of view. For me "some" spirits with an opened mind portal control her emotions and later the possesed girl kill and not for the pleasure of kill, only a bad spirit manipulate her. :( its a delicate case i know but i mean some intense troubles about the life or mental illness can be explain in that way, about others spirits trying to control our brains and minds.

completely true is something that can happen in life nothing can surprise us from a moment we can go from good to bad and from bad to good but it is something that is impossible to predict or contain are things that happen simply for the moment or the circumstance, in some cases happen when you hear news of thousands of accidents that people who are calm and lose control l, what if it is certain is that we will never be in your body or mind to know what caused that unexpected reaction, I think that's why it's better have control and get away from bad things, people never remember how good you have done when you fail once, they settle more for the failure that you have made

It is very unfortunate, emotional person will come out when the emotion is out of control, this incident is very unusual, during school he the leader, quiet and achievement. Tapih it was lost all due to the murder of his own brother, whether this is intentional or unintentional, this is a very cruel murder@tarazkp

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