Under the mosquito filled sky

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

I am out walking the dog in the forest, getting eaten by mosquitoes and thinking about all the things on the agenda to do. It has been a busy week and one where a few things haven't gone to plan. At the moment when that happens, even small events seem significant.


It is interesting that as pressure mounts, the small tasks throw up hurdles that seem much larger than their reality and it can take monumental effort to deal with them. I have always questioned the useful/uselessness of school systems but I think this is one of the great failures.

With all the time spent at in classrooms doing relatively irrelevant tasks, zero time is spent on self-discovery and tool-building to cope with life itself. It is as if it is neglected on purpose.

One can say it is the parent's job to do this but, most parents in this world are ill-equipped to understand the subject, let alone broach or train it with sensitivity and tact.

What this means is that learning to deal with these things is up to us but our bias will generally ignore the need or limit the depth to avoid discomfort.

I wonder what the world would look like if we were all much better prepared to deal with stress. Most likely, our ability to cope would mean less poor action under stress so lower rates of stressful events. As my child grows, I am going to explore these areas with her so we can learn more together.

I wonder what the world looks like without mosquitoes too... it would probably cause a butterfly effect and end us all.

[ a Steem original ]

Writing on a phone sucks but at least you can save reading time 😋


More mosquitoes breed in the tropics, here every year there are dead from mosquito bites, malaria and dengue fever.

Although parents have little role in educating children or motivating more creativity than listening to teacher talks in the classroom, western education is more advanced than the curriculum sector rather than the eastern world, especially underdeveloped countries such as Indonesia.

Modern education more quickly leads students to find the latest work, a real example is Steemit. And we, less quality education only become users from the western world. In the field of Industry and technology.

Our country officials are too corrupt and shameless. They ignore people and education and let us continue to wallow in poverty. The country has abundant natural resources, ranging from gold, oil and liquefied natural gas. But our life is equivalent to the life of Somalis.

Users but not by necessity. These days just about anyone can learn anything yet most use the internet to play games or entertain their boredom with life.

Yes, it is true.
Much of our knowledge is found on the internet and not in the classroom. The knowledge of our teachers is very poor and it is based on education.

And do you know? Most of them are stingy in science, they do not teach thoroughly, only part and part we have to find out for ourselves.

When I joined Steemit, the promoters also taught half the way, the way they disbursed rewards, how to buy and sell STEEM and SBD they did not tell me even if I was willing to pay for that knowledge. But they are willing to buy if I sell it by sending it through my wallet. Not to the exchange, but I learned all that through the internet and I told people how.

Sometimes, our knowledge is not developed because of the many stingy people of science and hope to gain personal gain.

The wife and I will start homeschooling this September for exactly that. The fact she is a remedial teacher helped in the decision process but we are willing to take a big risk both financially and personnally to make this work.

That is commendable and I wish we could do the same. Currently, it is just not possible but our daughter is under two and is at home or with the grandparents at the moment. In September she starts at a daycare a few days a week but will still be with us and the grandparents half the time. Later on if Steem things go well enough, homeschooling is the plan.

In Finland, homeschooling is legal. In some countries it is not. In Sweden, for example, refusal to take your kid to any officially approved school is, I presume, grounds for removal.

It is strange really that in Sweden there are issues considering homeschooling seems to be a thing that would be encouraged there.

Sweden was ruled by social democrats for decades. Social democratic thinking has taken deep root in Sweden in some ways. There are all kinds of private schools in Sweden with official permits, though.

If you listen to what the left has to say about family, it's always something along the lines of children benefiting greatly from being put to a nursery at an early age. I think it was yesterday when some think tank close to the trade unions published a study on how children's cognitive skills are enhanced, regardless of family background, if they are in a nursery from an age as early as possible. It was noted that the effects disappear until the end of comprehensive school. Then some professor of early education interviewed on Kymmenen Uutiset went on to say all kinds of positive things about early education.

My wife scoffed at what they said and continued that this would hardly have been the case with the sub par quality of care in the city-run nursery in Hervanta at the time our daughter was there. The place was cold and the caretakers did not bother to dress the kids adequately. Out of the five weeks with a place in that nursery, our daughter spent three weeks sick at home. My mother looked after her for the next two years.

Experts have wildly differing opinions about the benefits of early education for very young children. For example, the renowned child psychiatrist Jari Sinkkonen says a child under three years of age cannot benefit from being in a large group.

This topic is very political. To exaggerate a little, it could be said that while the left is in favor of supporting poor families with children financially, they're also in favour of having society and social and educational bureaucracies being in control of raising children.

Early education is absolutely necessary for the very young... just not school.

For example, 85 percent of the brain structure is developed between birth and 3 years and the way it develops is critical to future success.

The biggest influence isn't the children's education, it is the education of the parents. Meaning, the willingness to speak, play, learn with their children. Too many these days hand over an ipad and think their job is done.

Our daughter is very talented with language considering her age but, it is the grandparents who can really take the reward for it as they spend their time (a few days a week) playing and speaking about so many areas. We of course do the same but I think they go to a new level of play. She loves it.

Of course, a children that age need interaction with their parents. Lots of it. That much is clear. But that's not what the word means in this context.

Oh I didn't know about this. That's awesome. Thinking of doing the same too

There are many things that I think should be taught in schools,
and coping with stress is one of those things. It is quite ironic that
we are sent to school to learn, and in all of our time there, we are
never taught how to learn. I have heard teachers and parents say
"you need to focus", but again, we are never taught how to focus.

I do not see why, in this age where access to information has never
been greater, that a child needs to know what the annual rainfall of
Brazil is when they could just do a Google search. It would seem more
useful to teach kids how to find relevant and credible information,
rather that have them spit out irrelevant things.

If schools equipped children with tools that prepare them for life
in the real world, tools like knowing how to cope under stressful
conditions among many things, society would benefit greatly.

It is quite ironic that
we are sent to school to learn, and in all of our time there, we are
never taught how to learn.

This is something I have wondered for a long time and I think that if the first couple of years were spent in this area, the entire curriculum time could be near halved. Too much of it is based on if you already have a good memory. That is not education.

I think 50% is very realistic, if those who have mastered accelerated learning techniques are anything to go by.

You have not experienced a mosquito-filled sky properly unless you are in the woods riding a horse and also being chased by a swarm of deerflies and a cloud of gnats. It's like being a human buffet feeding multiple species of insects.

sounds lovely. I am guessing deer flies are 'horseflies' where I come from. I am from the tropics but I have never seen as many mosquitoes as in Finland. Most of the country is swamp, lake and forest.

School System (free babysitting with social conditioning ) reminds me of the Germany in the 40's .

People have given their responsibility over to the system . The school boards are elected here and no one can tell me who they are or if they have ever voted for any of them . The number of teachers are most likely equally to the number of staff personnel in the system yet the majority of money spent for pay , salary , is spent on administration personnel .
The problem or the fault lies with all to include the teachers who support the so called Teachers Union . The problem will never be fixed until the people in all the small districts get up of their ass and vote for people who can be held accounted .

The problem will never be fixed until the people in all the small districts get up of their ass and vote for people who can be held accounted .

Isn't this is the same with everything in life and politics? We create these issues and then support them through habit and complacency.

Doing the same thing and not only expecting a different outcome but bitching and complaining when it doesn't change

Maybe I was brought up in an environment where the the best laid out plan had to be tweaked . "adapt , improvise and overcome" was basically not only a motto but a fact . But then again there were severe immediate consequences to one's action and no way to hide from them . Even to this day I gather data and make changes accordingly .

I have a hard time understanding people until I figure out their goals then things become clearer .

It is very interesting, @tarazkp, that from a fortuitous fact you make an interesting reflection. Education, with the exception of a few countries, leaves much to be desired. For schools, people's bookstore knowledge is a priority; in fact, they are taught how to read more and become smarter if they acquire more knowledge. Even though they don't know each other. A young person becomes aware of being the best of his class even if it means lack of sleep, of time with his family, of sleep. The leisure materials are seen as decoration of the pensums. Perhaps in that formation, there is a lot of disinformation and deformation. It's always good to read to you. A hug

Hi Taraz. My fingers are too big for phone writing. Fingers and thumbs. I must say that very little learnt at school is relevant to real life. Would have rather learnt a skill instead of a few of the subjects forced on you. I can remember some of the lessons and thinking at the time "how is this important to me" Show me something useful, how to change a washer in a tap or something similar. Think the mossies aren't fussy and like any meat imported or local.

I enjoyed the practical stuff at school more than the book content but ,that is not where 'good grades' come from. Luckily, I was never at risk of getting good grades.

We homeschool. The lack of busy work, etc, does allow for a lot of time for self discovery, and as a parent that is really fun to watch.

If the mosquitos were gone, I think yellow flies might be more prevalent. That might actually be more hellish.

I was just saying that if Steem goes really well, we will have a chance to homeschool but we just can't stretch it at the moment. Of course, it is a little early for classes but we are doing the best we can while we have her now :)

Yep, I'd say mosquito removal would create major unforseen issues through the ecosystem.

I got excited about homeschooling and did an at-home Montessori thing with my son when he was 3. He loved it. Unnecessary at that age, but satisfied the enthusiasm. I hope you are able to homeschool when the time comes.

Great blog. Just wanted to let you know that you have a typo in the second paragraph. You typed "gave", where you meant to type have. I do it all the time. The g and h are side by side. Also, adding garlic to your diet helps ward off mosquitoes. Apple cider vinegar does as well but garlic is easier because you can ad it to most foods. They both enter the bloodstream and mosquitos hate that. Glad to hear the approach you are taking with your daughter. Schools seem to be pawning off more and more on parents. So many children come home from school not even understanding their homework, let alone life itself. This leaves the job of teaching up to the parents. I think teachers should at least be able to teach their students the basics but they have been leaving it up to parents increasingly more every year.

THanks, I have typos at the best of times, more on the phone :)

I think it goes both ways as parents also seem to be pawning off responsibility to schools and technology. Everyone agrees that children are important for the future yet, no one wants to support them.

Yeah. It deffinately goes both ways. Video game systems have become the new babysitters.

I see that you have very dangerous dog, like me 😀DA2E4771-4449-48D2-8C88-A58F61AC650B.jpeg

yes, it is also a beast ;)

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