Too hard on you?

in #philosophy7 years ago

I am the fourth of 5 children, the last being the only girl of the five. The family was large, ages were quite spread and my mother always wanted a girl. Perhaps due to this dynamic, I was somewhat ignored in childhood, for the most part, this translated into a lack of encouragement to try and an apathetic view to pushing me to continue at what I did.

As a result, I cannot play the piano, quit all sports by high school, was an average student who never had homework checked and was largely, left to my own devices. Perhaps, if I had had attentive parents in me as a person, they may have seen something I was interested in and encouraged me to stick with it and perhaps even excel at it. They weren't, they didn't, I do not excel at anything.

For the most part, I drifted through life until becoming very ill in my mid and late teens and realised, I want more than this yet, I had no energy to do any more than open my eyes and close them again again each day.

I'd watch my friends, filled with talent and potential playing around, drifting through life, skipping on opportunities I dreamed of. At the time, it angered me and in a way, it still does. I don't understand how people filled with potential to make this world a little brighter, sit and procrastinate, wait for opportunity, waste time.

So, I push. I know I shouldn't because everyone has their own lives to lead and the responsibility is on them to do it but, I do. At times, I may push people too hard but what if it makes a difference? What if they had similar experiences to me, not encouraged to take life seriously enough to want to be better at what they enjoy, what they are good at?

It tires me to have the same conversations with the same people over and over where they really, really want to be different yet, they want to do it without changing themselves. I see it at Steemit where people do not want to 'play the game' and want to 'do what they want' but, they want support from the game and the people within. 'I want you to love me for me, even if you have to change yourself to do it'.

Yes, I agree that people shouldn't change for the majority but, if you are aiming for something in particular, you have to understand the dynamics and practicalities of how to get there. For me, I am looking to add value, by helping people add value and, do no harm to other's attempts to play their game, as long as they are wanting to improve too.

It is a heart wrenching approach as some of those I invest in, time and time again choose not to invest in themselves. No one is forced to do what I say or recommend, I wouldn't even want that. But, why are so few willing to understand that if they are not where they want to be right at this moment, they are going to have to be the one to shift position? The world is not going to change for them as it is the oldest dog there is.

Some are trying to heal the world but are unwilling to build stake. Some are trying to heal themselves but are unwilling to change. Some people here are looking to increase their value at any cost, even if the cost is to the community from which their value is generated. There are all types in society. It is a challenge isn't it?

It is hard to get what we want but it is not because of fate or destiny, it is hard because in order to be somewhere else, it is us that must move, us that must act and us that must accept our failures. It takes thought and internal review, it takes reflection and consideration and it takes a whole lot of action and work to even have a real opportunity at getting there.

Yeah, I may be hard on people but, I am the hardest on myself and it is a struggle at times to look in the mirror, accept my position and know, I don't want to be here forever. Yes, I can choose to accept and stay where I am too but, where does that lead me? Do I find my passion, am I motivated, am I content in my life? Is that what you would want me to do?

What if I was a researcher close to solving energy issues or a doctor on the brink of curing cancer? Do you want me to stop? Do you want me to accept me as I am right now and sit down? It is my choice isn't it? I can stop.

Now, I am not a researcher, nor a doctor. I just write some fiction and some thoughts about how I see life. But, there are hundreds, thousands and millions of people who are highly skilled, filled with potential and have so much to offer this world in so many ways... wasting it. Not only is it costing them, it is costing all of us. It slows us all down, harms us all but, we cannot see the tally for there to be a mark made, just like the blockchain, there must be a transaction, a move.

But, like at Steemit, it seems the most motivated, the most hungry to achieve in this world are those that want power and fortune for themselves at any cost. Those who are willing to scam and injure others, destroy the environment, enslave the poor. One must be very motivated to knowingly inflict suffering on another in order to achieve personal goals. Very motivated indeed. There may not be many of them, but, they are definitely among the most active.

How come those that are looking to make things better aren't as motivated, how come there is so much talk of improvement yet so little action. Where is the passion, the fire, the willingness to suffer for the greater good?

I have a young daughter and she is talented and takes interest in many things already. I do not know where to start but, all I know is that I will do my best to encourage her to be her best, and try my best to do no harm. There will be failures, I accept that but to do any less is unacceptable. To invest any less in myself would be unacceptable also.

We all have issues that challenge us, hinder us, slow us, hurt us. We all have aches and pains and broken hearts. But, if we aren't willing to improve ourselves and our world, others will do it for us and we will pay the high price on delivery. There is always a lot of work to be done and hopefully, always will be more to arrive.

[ a Steemit original ]


I can feel the pain in your writing, but I honestly think that you are wrong with your conclusion that those that want power and fortune for themselves at any cost seems the most motivated, more motivated than those that are looking to make things better.
A think the first group has no conscience and do whatever they please to get whatever they want. When you have no conscience you don't care when other people suffer or what other people might want. Only a little motivation is necessary. They are like the elephant in the china shop. The other group is really motivated but take into consideration that their actions must benefit others and they don't do things without thinking what their actions might do to others. That takes more time and is more slowly than not thinking about these things. In my opinion, there are more people of the second group, but the people belonging to the first group have a louder voice and their actions are brutal. When I look at the history of mankind I notice that the most known people belong to the first group. When you belong to the second group, you almost seldom are in the history books. But there have been, and are, a lot of people of the second group. It takes only 1 man to destroy the world nowadays, but millions to save the world.

there are more people of the second group, but the people belonging to the first group have a louder voice and their actions are brutal

I agree with this however the loudest voices garner the most attention (a societal issue of the majority) and with their visible position, quell many of those trying. They make them feel impotent to change anything.

It takes only 1 man to destroy the world nowadays, but millions to save the world.

Many people are required. They need not be the greatest, nor the most talented but, they must take action.

People who aren’t as motivated to make things better are mostly unaware of their own potential. They struggle and are victim of the crude opinions of others, but mostly their own voice downsizes their own beliefs. Insecurity, the harsh internet-trolls, fast changing society, “you should do it like this, and not like that”, “what if, what if I am too selfish?”.

People criticize themselves for no need. I can relate to you and the way how you look at the world. You have zoomed out massively and literally can see the bigger picture. Intention is all that is what counts. A good strong intention from someone sincere and pure can be doubted, due our own experience with others who have abused the good of other people.

Facing failures will lead to growth, reading your post, makes me wonder if you realize how talented you truly are. Zooming out, looking at things in perspective like this, takes a lot of empathy and social skill. From my own standpoint, I embrace failure and problems, experiencing these failures and problems let me see progression and give me a chance to improve.

The real challenge is how we deal and react to other people’s way of living. Respecting and accepting your own way is the first step, accepting and respecting someone else’s every single opinion/move is on a whole different level.

I wish I had more Steempower to Upvote these thoughts to the moon. ;-) Thanks for sharing.

I embrace failure and problems, experiencing these failures and problems let me see progression and give me a chance to improve.

To see ones own shortcomings, one has to possess a certain level of self-awareness to look objectively. Many are unwilling to develop it.

This one's really deep. I can sense pain through the words, but definitely speaks the bitter truth. I am also guilty for sometimes having the lack of motivation for fulfilling visions I think would help many.

The daily push and pull of emotions may sometimes leave me out of energy, but I too try to push myself hard -- so hard that I can start hating myself. However, I just stop for a while, ponder on things -- I realize that there is no rush (yet). I should take my time, but not too much,

Maybe it's all about balance? Or applying the right mix? I'm not sure, but hopefully, we keep moving forward. For me, that's what matters.

This is one gem between posts, very insightful and thoughtful! Thanks for sharing it with us!

As a younger "war" child from small town I get what you are talking about, parents not pushing you just making sure you have enough to survive and do good enough in school, but never motivated for some extra activity. - Luckily I had a good friend and we started training aikido together, well one of the best things that happened me in my hometown!
When I think about it now, I guess person needs to be persistent in their goals and efforts, luckily my parents did support every activity I have found for me. But also they tried to diverge my education path, constantly disagreeing with my choice of university. And it is happening again, they want to chose for me what is the best.
I guess people that are not being given everything by parents tends to get a fighting character, or character at all.

And about pushing people, I could not agree more. I can see it in myself being lazy procrastinating until I need to push myself so hard, but on the other hand I enjoy that thrill, still everything in life I ordered by my design so I don't cry and whine about it, sometimes on joint pain tho. :) But people who are always repeating the same conversation like a broken record should be pushed to the limits until they have a breakthrough or distance from yourself, or at least start saying the same old story over and over again. they deserved to be pushed as hard as you can!

What I have learned from older friends with kids, always provide her some entertainment activity without your monitoring, sports, art, music, whatever. if she doesn't like it change it, she will find the place for herself given the time, after all isn't life one long run of trails and errors ? :)

Hope it is not long yaiks! :)

Thanks for the good comment :)

I guess people that are not being given everything by parents tends to get a fighting character, or character at all.

I think this appears in sports heavily. Soccer for example where often, the best players are from the poorest communities. Challenge of life does indeed build fight, as does experience of suffering build compassion.

Yes, for kids it is all about space and opportunity to experiment and fail and encouragement to try again. I don't fear for my daughter at all in this regard, she is the most curious little thing I have come across can spend hours entertaining herself and getting up to mischief.

I've known you only through Steemit and I've always seen you as very skillful, and what I've though, very talented.

But when we know only someone at the point they are now, we are unaware of anything they have gone through in the past. Who knows if I have assumed you've come from a family in which you have been the focus of attention and thus you have been encouraged to do bold things in your life and become skillful and successful.

But we never know.

I see you as a skillful and successful person. But we rarely see the work people are going through to reach the point at they are now. It is easy to see someone from own point of view and never knowing even if the author themselves are happy what they have done.

Yes, it is very easy to see the successes and failures but not what has led to them. Rarely is anyone an overnight success as they must of course build the skills necessary to be able to take the opportunity. Every hockey player wants to play in the NHL but, how many not only have the talent but the obsessive drive it takes to get there? Same for everything really I think. It is easy to say 'Be the change' but there are not many willing to take the extreme approach Ghandi did to actually be it.

From my view though, no matter our early experience or even our situation now, we can all improve upon it.

It's an easy thought for most of us to think "I've done enough, I've tried enough, I've had enough".

As on the earlier photography post, it's the same "I could have done that" but the difference remains - not all of us are prepared to do what is needed.

Just like I'm not doing enough in order to be better.

I am not sure what 'enough' really looks like but for a while I have held the view that we should go to sleep knowing we gave that day all we could. These days, I hardly sleep :D

This is what "Enough" looks like. :D

Went a bit off the topic but I just couldn't resist.

you right!! we don't overcome the challenges by making them smaller but by making ourself bigger for confrontations challenges, motivation makes things happen, where there is no will, there is no way one of the best ways to improve personal effectiveness

This was very touching, and you are absolutely right if we had parents that would be there, we would have more progress, because you felt like you on your own, you just feel like doing anything, but you were strong never gave up, and pull through it, very nice I like it

A famous german speaker by the name Bodo Schäfer says that in live there are ducks and eagles. At one time everybody has to decide if he wants to live the live of a duck or the live of an eagle. My suggestion is that roughly 95% of mankind decides to be a duck and only 5% decide to be an eagle.

Anyhow, liked your story and it reminded me on this guy.

great post...i like this philosophy..

dang, you are a fast reader ^^

yes & first upvoter..thanks @cryptosenpai

Good work thanks for information
Well done

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