To catch a pedophile

in #philosophy7 years ago

Very few things literally disgust me. Paedophilia is one.

When I was quite young, a paedophilia ring was "broken up" in Australia, called The Family. They were involved with child trafficking and murder. I remember at the age of seven or eight thinking how strange it all was.

The case built up over some missing children and finally there were titles of suspects named, lawyers, doctors, priests, politicians, the city's elite, and one actual name was forwarded. The next day, the TV news and papers had only run that name and no one else was ever questioned or prosecuted as far as I know.

The entire case disappeared, swept away under a rug. It may actually be when I started getting interested in alternative theories and not trusting the news.

Since then, I have heard many such cases and with the advent of the internet, their preying and grooming has gone to a whole new level. Of course, a paedophile could be from any group yet often, it seems to be ones that socialise in the upper circles. Perhaps it is they are bored and looking to push the boundaries, perhaps the money affords them options. One thing is for sure, they are sick and twisted and should not have the opportunity to harm children.

The problem with the elite is they are protected and I was wondering, what if they weren't?

I am not a fan of authorities monitoring our actions but I wonder if this would be one place I would accept some kind of intervention. The problem with the police doing the job is that they are somewhat corruptible in who they target and when reporting to potentially the same people that they suspect.

What if AI did the job instead?

By now, the police around the globe have a huge amount of data collected including digital conversations, searches and the like. If social sites can tell when we are clinically depressed, can the AI identify a potential paedophile if they trawl the networks for certain behavioural patterns?

With all of the grooming conversations on record by now, can they program a computer to play the role of a child target or adult accomplice on the sites where these people roam? A bot that collects shared images and conversations in the dark web and matches writing patterns and syntax with other sites for identification.

This work is currently done but is both labour intensive and probably not a very attractive work task. It must be quite sickening at times to see and hear what the police involved must witness.

If part of it was automated, even just the finding of potential targets, would that free up resources to actually build more solid cases against perpetrators? Would it be more objective and incorruptible as it does not have preferences of who it targets? Would it be possible to catch a child sex tourist before they ever get to Thailand or wherever they are going?

I am guessing that they are already doing it quite heavily for terrorists and in my opinion, paedophiles are probably the bigger risk to the world's children. I am very hesitant to give up privacy to ease fears and there has already been too much of that happening in the world as it stands. I am hesitant to even write this post.

There is so much potential for misuse of these systems but I am also not naive to the fact that they are already being used anyway. I figure, that if they are going to use them to monitor us, the least they could do is to also use them to protect our children, rather than just market more products to us.

A strange topic perhaps for me but if there is one group I cannot stand, it is those who harm children. Tonight I came across a few stories at Steemit that reminded me I had written most of this but, I don't think I ever posted it. I can't find it anyway. If I remember correctly, I didn't want to post it because the topic is quite touchy and it also crosses into the rights for privacy discussions which is something of a discussion area here at times.

I was going to wait until morning to post it but it is generally not my way as I try to get content out when I find it relevant and perhaps with this one, before I second guess myself and decide not to post it at all.

[ a Steemit original ]


Bevan Spencer Von Einem is currently serving a life sentence in Port Augusta prison.

The Family murders
Pedo's must die. I don't really care if people disagree with me either. It's my opinion and nothing's going to change it.

Yeah. Do you remember all of the others named? Von Einem was the scapegoat for the rest. They should all be rotting away at the least.

Yep, judges, media personalities, high-ranking police also I believe. The actual details of the case, and what was done to the victims is pretty abhorrent. The perps should have it done to them and then be terminated. I don't recall the names...Well, I recall a couple of them but as they were not convicted would rather not say just in case. Remember one of the victims, Richard Kelvin, was the son of the news reader on Channel 9? Abducted from a bus stop in one of the busiest streets in Adelaide.

Yeah, Rob Kelvin right? Many people are sick and I have a feeling that the numbers and extremes are increasing.

That's right. It must have been devastating. The details were...Horrific. I felt sick to my stomach the other day when 'A' took a fall. I was so worried she was hurt, imagine what it was like for the victims families in this case...In all of these cases! It's sick and disgusting.

Make an example of them I reckon.

I was asked the other day what I would do if someone hurt 'A'...I think you know what I said right?

Coming at it from a different angle - do you think that maybe sometimes that child abuse and pedophilia cases are over reported by media/politicians, because it helps them achieve what they're really after?

They know we would all be outraged and disgusted (and rightfully so) over these kind of things, so they use it as a explanation as to why we need things like mandatory internet filtering, metadata retention, etc.

When their real ulterior motive is much more sinister than actually trying to protect our kids from sexual predators... and the net result is that we all lose rights, privacy, etc.

I'm not necessarily saying that is the case - but the skeptic in me can't rule it out.

I do believe this. This was more of an idealistic view, hence my trepidation to post it however, we are also part of a changing world of information and immutability so perhaps, at some point in the future, an idealistic view now may be less so.


I applaud the sentiment.
(I am probably more right wing than you on this subject - I don't even have kids, or a parental bone in body)

The solutions are never going to come 'from authority'. Especially this.

This is the sick glue holding the establishment - and authority - together.

It would like asking a great white shark to look after a seal that's swimming in the ocean......

Yes, I understand this well.
I am actually going to repost an old article so, so check back.

its saddening when things tthatt matters most are been trivialized.

The government of oday (at least where i come from) only talk about matters or issues that concerns them and their loved ones and ignore the ones that really concerns the masses.

a child that has been assaulted by a pedophile would live with the memories for the rest of his or her life. And this would affect the childs pschology and in turn affect the people around them..

im glad you brought up this topic. with our voices together, i am sure we can effect the needed change




I agree that pedophilia is one of the worst phenomena in our society. I think that the sentences for it should be much harsher and I support your idea of suspects identification through AI. Since they are so unnoticeable offline, it's very likely that they do have specific online patterns and that many kids could be saved by using this method!

That said, I would like to emphasize that we should be careful not commit any injustices due to our hate and not to abuse the hate for profit. For example, one website has published a number of links to Facebook profiles of the "pedophiles" it has caught. The journalist who did it has created a fake profile of a very pretty young girl and engaged in provocative conversations with men aged 30-50. I would consider this a very meaningful, beneficial effort if the fake profile used a picture of a cute 10-15 year old child, but it has used a picture of a very pretty girl that can be aged anywhere from 15 to 20. Thus, the journalist has put a public disgrace and caused serious security issues even for a 30 year old men who were approached by a very pretty girl that could be aged 20. We can like or dislike a 10 years age difference in relationships or affairs as much as we want, but it's definitely not for a public disgrace or call to lynch.

These types of vigilante's are often more of a problem creator than a help. During the refugee crises in Europe, a Finnish group of vigilante's called 'soldiers of Odin' started patrolling the streets to 'protect' Finnish women from the blight of foreigners.... Ironically, half of the founding members had been convicted of domestic violence and several of rape themselves. In my opinion, people often start these things for personal publicity rather than any real will to do something for society.

Any harm to children really is sick. I'm glad I haven't really had any experience with people in my life being affected by it, still sad that people everywhere in the world are harmed.

AI would be a great assistant to bring down these sick pervs. Then again who’s operating the AI?!? The level of corruption runs so fricking deep it’s dang near impossible to get to the root.
Your courage shows in this post. Do what your gut tells you. Great eye opening post. These pervs have been covered for and protected by the elite for too long. The day will come when they will meet their maker.

Yes, this is the eternal problem, isn't it?

This is a very vital story. I am from a country where intimacy between children between the ages of 7 and 14 and older men is frowned upon but quite common. It is not surprising to see little girls getting into marriage with older men with the support of family members.
Recently a 75 years old man was caught in my area involved in a sexual relationship with a 14 years old girl. This is a sad situation but we are yet to witness the mass abduction of children to murder or abuse. But all in all, how can one know a man's heart? How can one protect his or her child from such devious minds?
This issue should be deeply considered. Thank you @tarazkp

The thing about paedophile or any other corrupt things - is it may not be planned.

Maybe there are people who might kill, but they are not murderers. So you might not be able to predict. On the flip side, you can allocate all the resources to a person who is identified as potential criminal. But that person might not do anything.

Alternately, another person for revenge commits a similar crime. Who otherwise was a nice person.

So, the system won't be fullproof. But at least we can start somewhere.

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