The light and the dark

in #philosophy6 years ago

Day, night. Light, dark. Good, evil. Life, death. Possible, impossible? Sometimes I set things up as a dichotomous situation to illustrate a point, even if it is a false dichotomy and other options exist. It is easier to manage understanding when the examples limit complexity but, there always is complexity.

Many of the right and wrong judgements we make on the world. Who am I to decide what is right and wrong? Well, who else can? We all make these judgements for ourselves and we all live with the consequences of our choices. Many of us outsource our decision to others, a peer group, a culture or an authority but, that too is a choice.

When we hear words that judge us as wrong, when we feel that we are unfairly aligned, we get defensive or feel oppressed. We say, "it isn't fair, you have no right to judge me.." Fair doesn't come into it, nor do rights, judgement is part of our animal and even if represses, never voiced, judgements are made.

The interesting thing is that no one says, "it isn't fair, you have no right to judge me.." when they receive a compliment, words or actions of support, positive critique. When the pats on the back come, there isn't the same evaluative effort placed on the words, even when the praise is undeserved.

It also makes less of an impression doesn't it? A negative holds twice the weight of a positive, A compliment half the good of the bad in disapproval. Our judgements are not consistent. Even when it comes to the energy spent in response, those that are favorable we barely touch upon, those that we perceive as damaging, we attack veraciously.

This gets used against us often, we get played. Situations that set us up as polarized means that we put a great deal of energy into fighting against and resisting each other rather than finding the common ground. Polarization is a tool of authority that is effective in keeping us sectioned, compartmentalized, manageable. The false dichotomies they present make us feel community on one side aimed at a common enemy. And they play both sides against each other shamelessly.

I think in the world we have created we have disconnected from each other, reduced diversity and willingness to involve ourselves in it through specialization and then, reconnected to narrow interest groups that support our opinions and, fight together against those that differ.

Finding and building places to help us mix, interact, diversify and recognize the strengths and weaknesses we each hold will be of increasing importance going forward. There are changes coming to this world and those who are able to prosper aren't likely to be the individuals, but the communities who work together, despite their apparent differences.

There is a lot of range on the human scale when it comes to many quantifiable numbers but, for the things that really matter to each of us, there is little of difference at the core. At least, not of the sort that warrants polarization.

The funny thing I find at the moment is that we are so easily led into the dark and told what is there to see.

[ a Steemit original ]


A negative holds twice the weight of a positive, A compliment half the good of the bad in disapproval.

Think this is even worse then twice the weight for many people. People get into holding onto the negative and then any added negative that gets added builds upon the negative feeling the person is feeling about themselves. This cycle is viscous for some people and very self destructive for everyone.

I agree. The twice the weight actually comes from risk exposure numbers. I think when the ego is involved, it makes it much higher.

Also much higher in kids. Sure you have noticed this by now, but 1 set of negative words can undo a days worth of positive reinforcing. Have to be so careful around little ones.

Yes.. I can play with her all day and feel really good but, when I put her to bed she says "I love mummy." Crushes me. ;)

Oh we are talking about your ego We had (and have) the same issues. Except I have 2 Daddy's girls so my Wife gets stuck wondering what the heck she can do to gain the kids love. My youngest still loves to curl up in my lap and watch TV, but not my Wife. Sometimes I feel bad, other times it's just funny...oh I'm so mean aren't I?

My only point I can really push (and I will reinforce this as she gets older) os that after all my wife went through to get her into this world and keep her here, her first word was "Daddy" :D

That can never be taken away from you it!

@tarazkp, everyone certainly prefers a positive judgment to a negative one, and no one questions a positive judgment except the person making the judgement is seen as suspicious by the receiver of the compliment.

Polarization is a tool of authority that is effective in keeping us sectioned, compartmentalized, manageable

Divide and conquer. I have seen this mode of management in effect and it weakens any community or group. For if distrust and suspicions breeds in a community, that community cannot strive for a common goal.

Finding and building places to help us mix, interact, diversify and recognize the strengths and weaknesses we each hold will be of increasing importance going forward. There are changes coming to this world and those who are able to prosper aren't likely to be the individuals, but the communities who work together, despite their apparent differences.

Are we ready to be a part of a whole, not an individual fighting his or her own battles? Though it is ideal that we come together and pool our resources to build stronger communities, people still want to pursue their own individual agenda.

Divide and conquer. I have seen this mode of management in effect and it weakens any community or group. For if distrust and suspicions breeds in a community, that community cannot strive for a common goal.

I ahd a client session on this today as they are trying to build an effective team.

Though it is ideal that we come together and pool our resources to build stronger communities, people still want to pursue their own individual agenda.

I think that for most, they will improve their results in a group and if the group is well developed, the space is still their for individual growth and accomplishment.

Awesome analysis. It does seem that many are so easily swept off their feet emotionally when confronted with what they cannot step beyond. I set myself an emotional cutoff switch to safeguard against unrealistic emotional disposition. Very appreciative of the pat on the back, quickly neutral when slapped with critique. Don't overthink

How true a negative holds twice the weight of a positive. It's funny but I am a happy go lucky sort of guy but I always see the negative first. I will never change. It is my mindset I suppose and I like to fix things I see wrong. I think you are similar in that sense and when you get a bone you don't let go.

I think you are similar in that sense and when you get a bone you don't let go.

I am but there do come points that I have to adjust however reluctantly :)

Hi Taraz. What would happen here if the Steem Dollar (SBD) went to $20 or $30? I feel that maybe more negative than the positive. It's great that everything has gone up in value and a huge influx of people. I think it will attract the wrong sort though. I put a post up asking this same question and keen to see the response. I think I kind of know that they would all be happy but won't see the negative with more shitty posts trying to get their share. Think it would be the equivalent to a gold rush. What was it like when it hit $16? Did you notice any changes?

The funny thing I find at the moment is that we are so easily led into the dark and told what is there to see.

Right from birth my friend, right from birth,..

Its interesting to think about though, that an action is only seen as wrong when it generates an immediate negative result, we call it wrong action, meanwhile if that same action probably generated a positive result, then we say bravo or call it right action. What im trying to say is sometimes, to achieve the result of a positive intention, there might be need to generate negative result first.

For example, i didnt turn up at work sometime last month and i got fired (long story, on my way to work i saw a chicken with 3 legs run across my lawn, wow, i had to take the picture and send it to animal service, i missed my bus, what a wrong thing to do right) i wept for several days, on my first application to a new job, i got the job and was offered a salary 5times better. How wrong could i have been? Again what is right is wrong?

The interesting thing is that no one says, "it isn't fair, you have no right to judge me.." when they receive a compliment, words or actions of support, positive critique. When the pats on the back come, there isn't the same evaluative effort placed on the words, even when the praise is undeserved.

Lol this too is a very accurate analysis

Right from birth my friend, right from birth,..

This was the post I started writing but will work on later. Travelling for work today which takes it out of me a bit :)

The juxtaposition between wrong and right helps but, what about a right that slowly creeps into a wrong under the radar?

The juxtaposition between wrong and right helps but, what about a right that slowly creeps into a wrong under the radar?

What then is right, what is wrong?

This was the post I started writing but will work on later. Travelling for work today which takes it out of me a bit :)

And that is something worth looking forward to my friend...i wish you a safe trip

Naturally, human beings don't like opposition, correction, judgement or disappointment. Many don't even like change, others don't know how to accept change or adjust to it. But I think you've said very valuable, and that's about finding a common ground.

"This gets used against us often, we get played. Situations that set us up as polarized means that we put a great deal of energy into fighting against and resisting each other rather than finding the common ground."

Finding a common ground will always help humans to become more rational and objective to matters, than they would've from a "selfish ground".

White and black
Good and bad
The world works in sync of polar opposite. And opposite sides always attracts

Equality places every individual on a leveled ground. Leave aside the culture, tribe, peer group or what sort. The world consists all and to coexist the mind set must be plain and equal. This way. We win together

For what reason u down vote me. Explain pl

Your comments are useless spam that add nothing of value. They are generic comments.

I comments on post which I feel

We have a similar method then, I use flags too. Try adding comments related to the post at least.

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