The impossible game

in #philosophy7 years ago

There are so many rules to this world but they generally fall into two categories as I see them, natural and artificial. The natural rules are unbreakable by universal law and we do not know them all. The artificial rules however are the ones we have created and impose upon ourselves. These are always inside that of natural laws, often heavily within the boundaries.

When it comes to the natural rules of the universe there are two positions, possible and impossible, meaning, if it can be done, it can, if it can't, there is no way to ever do it. Now, if it can be done, it doesn't mean it will be done, it is just that there is the possibility open for it.

Nature looks to maximise possibility and then trim what doesn't work through natural selection whereas artificial laws look to restrict what can be done and protect some positions over others. Essentially, natural laws live in a free market of risk and opportunity, artificial laws are a box designed to manipulate freedom. Again, this is just as I see it and you may have a different way of visualisation of the two systems.

Now, we all like to play games and a large part of any game is the rules that bind the behaviours and when people choose to play a game together, it is implicitly understood that all will follow the same set of rules. This is why cheating is so heavily frowned upon by most as it breaks the agreed upon rules.

The problem is though, for most parts of life, the rules aren't agreed upon and everyone has different interpretations as to how to play the game. When one interprets it one way and another uses their own interpretation, it is easy to see how each may call the other a cheat, or naive.

The next issue is the assumption that our interpretation of the rule book is the correct one which is of course obviously the case as that is what we act upon and, what makes us feel ashamed when we do the wrong things. This assumption also means that we know when others are acting badly as it is different to us.

This assumption also creates another problem as we also assume that we have read and understood the whole book and when things affect us, we may ascribe it to what we know and feel victimised, instead of what it actually was, which was outside of our sphere of knowledge.

But, all this aside (and many details left out) this is not the impossible game I speak of. There is one impossibility that is potentially bound by a hidden natural law. We can compete and beat people at all of the artificial games we can devise, we can lie, cheat and steal and gain advantage over all others but, there is one that we can never best, and that is ourselves.

No matter how hard we play, no matter how much we attempt to change, no matter how much we redesign and improve along the way, We can never be better than who we are in the moment.

This doesn't mean we can't be better in the next and it doesn't mean we cannot learn from our past but, we do what we do now and that directs our next step forward, back or off to the side. The game of being better than who we are today is always unwinnable but it is one we cannot help but play. By design, there is no failure and success is momentary and pointless as all it is, is an indicator to move on and do better again.

This is our personal evolution and when we overcome ourselves, it is always in a limited capacity meaning, it is just a changing of one rule in the rule book, the creation of a new rule, or destruction of an old.

It is lucky that this game is unwinnable for if it was and we won, what then? No, there is always another path to take, a new facet to investigate, more options laid out in front. This is the expansion from restriction to unrestricted except by the bounds of natural law.

but, as I said, just because a possibility is there, it does not mean that it must be taken. This is the negotiation with the self and it is just as continual as the game of the self. We are all acting upon our personal rule book of truth and morality and how we negotiate it, how we use it to interact with our environment, our world and our community is a game just as complex as the universe itself.

Which also means it is just as simple. It is we who introduce complexities at the human level, not nature for nature is unbounded except by the impossible. It is we who create competing desires for nature can only act on the moment itself, there is no future, and the past provided what it did. It is we who choose to create a rule book that benefits us at the expense of others and we who feel harmed when their rule trumps our own.

There is a lot of conflict in the artificial rules we have created, the fun part is working out a better way. That starts, continues and ends with us and the end is only possible when nature says it is impossible to go on.

[ a Steemit original ]


We are currently living in a weird era. Crypto has brought in a weird philosophy with it, and people are getting in not knowing where this will all lead and/or end.

Did people get in for that philosophy, or did they get in for the quick money grab is the underlying question.

Still, without knowing it, even people coming in for the quick bucks are engaging into a war they didn't even know was there. A little rebellion against the big players in our society.

A fight for change.

I don't think most understand what is actually at stake in this crypto game as they are looking short and shallow.If they investigated deeper, it might surprise and scare them.

After these comments, I am challenged to embark on a journey of getting to know more. I want to know what I am into

Through our rules and regulations we have made life very difficult for ourselves, creating division and segregation. Nature in herself is complete we should learn to appreciate it

You get it.

Sure we can't win the battle we fight with ourselves ...All we do is improve.

Speaking about people playing by different rules in reality and seeing others who play by theirs as defaulters ....there is a picture I once saw on the internet. Two men were looking at the number 9 from opposite directions , one from the top and the other from the bottom. One saw the number 9 as 9 and the other saw it as 6 and they both stood there arguig their arses out.

In life, there is never a stereotyped way of doing things and so there is really no rule or law to life. The man who saw it as 6 wasn't wrong either because that was what his angle of view presented him with.

We should respect everyones opinion and respect how they choose to play by their own rules.

We should respect everyones opinion and respect how they choose to play by their own rules.

I disagree if they are causing physical harm to others or their ideas are fundamentally bad.

There is a difference between playing by one's own rules and being an ass.


I love the contrast you made between what natural and artificial laws are looking to achieve.

As you pointed out, the game of being better than who we are is ultimately unwinnable. Thus, we should not only strive to improve ourselves, we should also learn to accept our imperfections and be gentle towards our weaknesses. After all, small idiosyncratic flaws are often what makes us lovable.

Cheers! : )

We can compete and beat people at all of the artificial games we can devise, we can lie, cheat and steal and gain advantage over all others but, there is one that we can never best, and that is ourselves.

Yeah. Even the fight against other humans, it depends on the "means" we use at winning. If it is good, Fine,if it is not, then wait for Karma.

I quite agree with you.
We are always faced with decisions to make in life.
Brings to mind the "power of will and Choice"
And every man is responsible for the choices he makes and the consequences of those choices.

Thanks for sharing @tarazkp

Absolutely true, the game we can't cheat is ourselves. We can always get away with lying, cheating, crime, but deep in ourselves we shall be haunted. The world will be cheated but you yourself won't be cheated. I learnt this the hard way when I would give excuses for poor grades at school, telling my parents how I did exams when I was sick, teachers beefing me. This hindered me from progressing in my efforts to read hard. The excuses worked out for me for a long time, but in the end It's me that had to bear with failing to get a place in the University of my choice because of my poor grades. I also felt so demoralised when my dream of doing engineering was affected by the poor results in physics.
Everyone should learn this to avoid regrets that only you will feel deep.

Great thought @tarazkp
If I add , not only game but also we human beings has also adopted this in our daily life.It may be any habits,religion,rituals,sports,existence.

Looking at the pictures, you must've had a blast! I appreciate the sharing of travel experiences because it makes me feel like traveling as well. -You multiply the happiness and tranquility you gained by sharing mood-uplifting photos and words. Great work!

This isn't a travel post boss...damn!


Having a blast at where?

I appreciate the sharing of travel experiences because it makes me feel like traveling as well.

Still trynna locate where the author talked about anything travel related..

Smh for these guys. They just keep spoiling this system.

Imagine somebody draining himself mentally, putting in energy and time to put up this post and you end up spamming it?

Wow... Smh

Upvoted ☝ Have a great day!

Awesome philosophy natural laws never change but artificial laws will be changeable

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