The Creative Dad

in #philosophy7 years ago

My father told stories to us as children. Many, many stories. He would make many up to appeal to our immaturity but, most had some moralistic component that provided some lesson or imparted some greater wisdom learned than that of the words alone. This is a skill that was driven by many factors but, it is a skill. The most likely reason for his creative ability was the driver of all innovation, necessity.

When he grew up in occupied, Malacca (you can read some of the stories being written by my brother @galenkp), he faced many challenges, as did many of the people of the time. Life was disrupted and for many, the source of escape was their ability to create. This has been lost as for the most part, creative pursuits have been replaced by consumption of engineered content.

Necessity is an amazing driver of behaviour and our innate survival instincts are very strong but, even they are hackable through the attention pull of entertainment. Instead of facing our problems and working toward a solution, many turn to a screen to avoid the confrontation. But, are they really in need?

For many these days, there is a safety net that holds us from the rocks of the bottom and even as it begins to sag under the weight of the supported, many do not want to act until they feel the coldness of stone touch their skin. Why wait, why avoid, why not act earlier? In my opinion, escapism runs deep in our cultural behaviours and if there is a hole in which to hide and close our eyes, we will take it until dug out and consumed.

But, there is often one factor that rips us from the self-indulgence of avoidance, responsibility. Namely, responsibility of our children. My father worked his entire life from small child until this day at 82. He has never stopped, never rested, never said that is enough. He has taken responsibility and although we grew up in financial hardship, we never went without food. For him, this was a victory and compared to his own childhood, a luxury.

I hear people talk about what they would do to protect their family from harm, what they would do if their children were threatened. Most will steal, con and kill if the situation required it. But, many seem unwilling to work for their children, unwilling to work for the communities they will inhabit, unwilling to work to improve the environment in which they will exist. I think it is a timing problem, the future seems far away.

To increase chances of success, the solutions to solve the problems of tomorrow must be in the pipeline now. But, it is necessity that is the driver and tomorrow's challenges do not impress on the mechanisms to act now, do not inspire the creativity immediacy of need delivers.

I feel that from the point I found out I would be a father, the requirement to act kicked in, necessity took hold of my mind and I looked for ways to increase our savings. From day one of her birth the drain started as complications arose, work was missed, replenishment of savings gone. By five months, we were living hand to mouth. We survived.

But, up until that point I had never really explored what was inside me, what creativity lay hidden even though I thought I had done my due dilligence. It was only until I was faced with not only my rock-bottom but that of my family that I was driven to find out the truth or admit failure.

Here I am, finding out and as uncomfortable as it was to begin, once running, the well was full and, there seems to be a lot left in the tank. It is no longer necessity for the moment, it is necessity for the future. A slow drive toward solutions for problems not yet described.

I know that there are some people who struggle for content, I know there are many who struggle for reward but, I don't think that they really need it yet, for if they did, necessity would drive them into action, it would force their mind to search for solutions, it would make them creative once again. They would avoid no more and work incessantly until survival was theirs.

My hope would be that once they found their creativity, once they were able to get out of whatever hole they find themselves in right now, they would never become complacent again, never let their creative skill slide. They would always look to discover the spring inside of them, the pool of innovation that refills and the more it is used, the faster it returns.

I want to protect my daughter and if I must, I will drop my life for hers in an instant but, I do not want her to avoid whatever issues she may face, I do not want to wrap her in cotton wool, protect her from psychological discomfort, limit her drive of creativity. It is a fine line, a line easily blurred, easily withdrawn until the boundaries of the comfort zone is small, the world large and threatening.

I do not know yet how but, I am exploring each day and willing enough to do the work so her future is maximised for growth, not ease. There are hardships we all face now and many more to come, to wait til later leaves her unprepared, I am not that parent, I am a creative father - many of the stories she will read are yet to be written but in these words, some already lay.

The needs have changed, the necessity remains.

[ a Steemit original ]


The story makes me remember my dad. He ever said that he left in a very difficult situation when he was young, he couldn't get food without any big effort to put, and it was so sad, he said. Then he told me, he works hard only for me (he meant me and my family), he didn't want me to feel what he have felt formerly.

Now, he has past away.

Your story about your father makes me want to hug my dad once again, if I could...

Your story about your father makes me want to hug my dad one again, if I could..

I know the feeling, mine lives on the other side of the world and I am unlikely to ever have the opportunity again but, I have many stories.

I am a creative father - many of the stories she will read are yet to be written but in these words, some already lay.

I have heard it said that if necessity is the Mother of invention... then creativity is the Father! Sounds like you are doing a great job taking after your father.

My dad used to make up stories to occupy our minds and imaginations growing up. One was called the Mu-Lu trail! He was also the guy that would give you the shirt off his own back if you needed one. I miss my dad and draw from his example and inspiration.

I think he would be delighted to see me working on my art again and taking steps to maintain productivity in that realm. He was my biggest fan... I only wish he could see what masterpieces have yet to be created!

Thank you for this post. It really spoke to my heart! I was blessed to have a creative dad too. I am thankful that you have taken the knowledge and wisdom from y'all's experience and have applied it to your parenting.

I just wonder HOW creative you will have to be! hahaha

He was also the guy that would give you the shirt off his own back if you needed one.

Maybe we are brothers ;)

I think he would be delighted to see me working on my art again and taking steps to maintain productivity in that realm. He was my biggest fan... I only wish he could see what masterpieces have yet to be created!

I think this is the curse of being a parent, so much will be missed. I think it is also a reminder of why not to waste moments on triviality and irrelevance. Make each count, whatever you do.

I was going to quote it here... but thought hearing from the horse's mouth was better! The final words you said reminded me of these wise words! I have it time stamped to start at the quote.

I would say congrats to you both, some people had fathers who were just not there. Just 2 days back, i was speaking with one whose father ditched all five of them, people whose fond memories of their dads are sparse. We are lucky.

Yeah, i've heard the saying, "be your child's biggest fan' and they are great words, what i've not heard is creativity being the father of invention - that's really cute!

I didn't bear in mind those without fathers... or those that might as well be without fathers. Thanks for reminding me just how blessed we are!

When i was child then not only my father my mother also told many story . In that stories something i have remember all stories related good habit good current and your brother stories is really very good and i wish for more success.

This is thought provoking, I could relate very well when you said this...

My father worked his entire life from small child until this day at 82. He has never stopped, never rested, never said it was enough. He has taken responsibility and though we grew up in financial hardship, we never went without food.

My dad would say let's run out of money but let's not run out of food. Growing up, I've watched my parents sacrifice so much to give us the kind of life and comfort they never had. Their efforts and hardwork keep inspiring us that we just know we have to do it better.
Confrontation is not just imperative, it is key towards combating all forms of challenges.
Thank you for sharing this amazing piece.

I've watched my parents sacrifice so much to give us the kind of life and comfort they never had.

I think this is what needs to not be wasted.

My father also told many stories, which gives me a moral lesson of life, and i enjoyed to listen stories being my father, he teaches me the lesson of life.
You are a lucky Dad for your daughter to want to protect him in every way, have very good thoughts about your child. I am impressed to read your article :)

I feel so blessed reading this. Creativity is born out of our desperate need. Instead of running away from problems, dig deep and you will find a way out. 👍👍👍

Nice one @tarazkp...The description of your dad fits that of a superhero . So I must say u have a superhero dadbwho hasn't stopped working even at the age of 82, mehn thats huge

I know that there are some people who struggle for content, I know there are many who struggle for reward but, I don't think that they really need it yet, for if they did, necessity would drive them into action, it would force their mind to search for solutions, it would make them creative once again. They would avoid no more and work incessantly until survival was theirs

Motivation actually drives people to do a lot of things . Perhaps they havnt found their motivation yet, perhaps they are on steemit because their friend persuaded them to. I never knew I could write a poem till I came on steemit, lost my drawing skill but found it when I came on steemit, never knew I could write pretty long articles till I came on steemit. My motivation was my drive and here I am today.

It is great when we discover we have more skills than we thought.


But true I only began to really appreciate nature when i took interest in photo hashtags. I will be walking and ser the magnificient beauty in trees, how well tended they were. prior to then, i just walked.

Seems both you and your brother take after your father the story-telling gift, Taraz. I resonate a lot with this passage (and not only):

I hear people talk about what they would do to protect their family from harm, what they would do if their children were threatened. Most will steal, con and kill if the situation required it. But, many seem unwilling to work for their children, unwilling to work for the communities they will inhabit, unwilling to work to improve the environment in which they will exist.

Your writings have the power to make the reader re-examine if his or her priorities are aligned with what's urgent or with what's important in life.

Thanks for mentioning my blog in your post @tarazkp. Writing about dad has been interesting for me. I think about his journey over my day and gather ideas on how to present some of his life. When I go to the nursing home to visit him I ask him about it sometimes but he is really struggling for memory due to the dementia. Sometimes he talks about it though.

I'm not sure who's getting the benefit out of my blogs on his WWII experiences however it's good for me to write is and it's doubtful I would be doing so if it wasn't for steemit.

Nice post thanks for sharing!

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