Taxes, debts and sunrises over sunsets

in #philosophy6 years ago

People love sunsets yet, they say "The early bird catches the worm." Do we love sunsets because they are more beautiful or, because they have a lower hurdle to consume? Getting up to see the sunrise takes a lot more work than sitting watching the day end.

The other day I was talking about attracting the crypto dollar and how I see that in the future, many smaller nations are likely going to offer incentives for crypto wealth to settle an invest into them. Today I was paying business taxes and bills yet was unable to cover both. It is not like we live a life of luxury nor is it that we don't work hard enough, it is just that the cost of living has been increasing faster than the earnings.

I was talking in chat that one day, I am going t pack up my family and move to a low cost, low tax country and hopefully live a simple life of basic, healthy living. It would still have to allow for me to work though as retiring is just not in me I think. However, this brings up questions.

It is going to be interesting that as people with value leave for other lands, those left behind are going to face increasing tax burdens themselves to cover the departures. This will obviously lead to more and more leaving and eventually, levels of untenable poverty and the conflicts that come with it. Do I have a social debt to remain?

I haven't thought so much about taxes overall and I would prefer it be much more voluntary however, I do not think we are anywhere near ready to govern ourselves, Steem communities are a good example of why. One day though, it will hopefully be possible that we can self-govern effectively enough that we are all able to have an opportunity at a decent life.

What I do recognise though is that the current system is heavily flawed and is a large reason we are slowly being crushed into debt cycles that we will never be able to get out from. I say never although that is not true. The way out will be a complete failure of the system as complexities start to collapse and the world is thrown into an unrecoverable economic free-fall. Doesn't sound like fun for those who do not have the means to look after themselves.

I remember a lecturer at university saying that, many think it is love that makes the world go around but they are wrong, it is taxes. What makes that world spin once the taxes are gone? As much as we like to separate ourselves as individuals, no man is an island, even if he lives on a tropical one in luxury. Eventually, society is going to get to us all in one way or another.

What i think though is that many people are waiting for the end before they act, waiting for the sunset before the new day with new ways arrive but, if the early bird catches the worm, we should be getting up with the sunrise the day before the new ways arrive.

Is that what being in crypto is now? Are we the sunrise and soon the sunset on the old will arrive? Is it us who are building the new ways of tomorrow or, will it be us who are the slave masters of tomorrow? Will we look out from our islands at the destruction and mayhem we left behind glad we got out, or ashamed we didn't stay and pull our weight?

We may escape the taxes but, there will always be debts.

[ a Steem original ]


We need to do a better job of creating wealth. Crypto is not a magical solution. We waste a lot of food in the USA and everyone seems to want to pay interest to the bankers so they can have a brand new car every few years and live in a McMansion.

... A Mcmansion :)

No, it isn't a magical solution and could be one of the catalysts for the collapse. We have to actually have real solutions to follow.

You have maintained an extremely high savings rate during the past year considering the sum of your fiat and crypto income. Your wife may be right in that you should take home some of your Steem earnings and bridge the gap. If Steem goes belly up which I think is unlikely but possible, you will have something to show for it. That would also alleviate your in-laws' concerns. I fully understand your reluctance. I'd be loath to spend anything I earn here except for the distant future but your present circumstances may force your hand.

You have maintained an extremely high savings rate during the past year considering the sum of your fiat and crypto income.

Considering this yes. We have one account that is sacred and untouched which is our daughters. there is not much in there yet but, I remember my mum asking me as a kid for whatever I had saved or earned from my cleaning job. She always paid it back but, it is not the way to live.

I'd be loath to spend anything I earn here except for the distant future but your present circumstances may force your hand.

Hold off just a little more... and the a little more again. When I started here we were in a terrible way financially because of the various complications with or daughter and errors made during the pregnancy that are ongoing problems 2 years later.

It is funny to think that the only reason I joined was an attempt to try and close a gap to buy baby formula. The earnings at the time here were so insignificant it wasn't worth taking any out and instead I used some of the liquids to learn how to trade. If I had read more and learned faster things would have been different but, I am also lucky that we were able to make it through without having to take 20 or 30 euros of Steem out to make ends meet. I didn't buy 7 cent steem but, i didn't cashout 7 cent steem either.

We have one account that is sacred and untouched which is our daughters. there is not much in there yet but, I remember my mum asking me as a kid for whatever I had saved or earned from my cleaning job. She always paid it back but, it is not the way to live.

That's commendable. Kids first.

It is funny to think that the only reason I joined was an attempt to try and close a gap to buy baby formula. The earnings at the time here were so insignificant it wasn't worth taking any out and instead I used some of the liquids to learn how to trade. If I had read more and learned faster things would have been different but, I am also lucky that we were able to make it through without having to take 20 or 30 euros of Steem out to make ends meet. I didn't buy 7 cent steem but, i didn't cashout 7 cent steem either.

I'm glad you made it.

Early worm is for the birds (

When you have the ability to leave, you need to take action. Soon, desperate societies will build walls (physical and legal) to corral the remaining producers to feed to the takers. The Berlin Wall fell barely a generation prior, after serving for 50 years as an open air prison. How quickly we forget our past.

I wrote a piece once asking why the Jews didn't leave earlier when they had the chance. Not to blame them of course but as a demonstration of human will and its stupidity. I would likely suffer the same fate as they.

When a government is clearly pursuing policies contrary to reality and reason, to the harm of its communal members, do its members owe the state any obligation? I think our first obligation is to our immediate family, then community; the state is a necesary arrangement, within which communities can prosper, but the state is a tool. One should not be too attaches to a tool.

I don't mean to the state, I mean to the other people oppressed by the state. Is it morally correct to leave them behind to save the self? Or, is saving the self paramount considering there is no great use in all being slaughered/enslaved etc. The, 'at least some made it' approach.

Your line of reasoning is a repeat of the empathy vs compassion post. What can you possibly contribute to the betterment of fellow oppressed sheep, if you are stuck in the gutter with them?

this is the issue isn't it? As said, it is a known conflict I hold but one that in practice would be most likely overridden by the protection of those closest to me.

First off I think taxation is theft. Secondly you can enjoy a beautiful sunset and still be the early bird if you just stay up all night drinking right......... Just kidding, kind of, but people enjoy beauty but they also want to make money. It is just hardwired into us. Every mammal has it. If they didn't we would not be able to teach mice to run through mazes for a reward. Our paycheck is the tiny reward and we are the mouse in the maze.

Secondly you can enjoy a beautiful sunset and still be the early bird if you just stay up all night drinking right......... Just kidding,

It is even easier here. Where I live, midsummer the sun sets around 11pm and is up at around 3am, midwinter it rises at about 10am and sets around 3pm. In the winter, I once went over two weeks without seeing natural light because of work.

Our paycheck is the tiny reward and we are the mouse in the maze.

Yes. We could do a lot better for a reward system.

Deep man, real deep. Well hell yes you are right on so many levels, but help can be given while floating yourself and your family. We need to learn not to help with emotion, but rather with conscious eye on the bigger picture.

Taxes I think can be a great thing, but as long as they are paid to the corrupt and greedy there will be a problem. We as masses don't stand up against those we elect to oppress us. We don't implement our power as the people and silently just keep paying more and more so the corrupt sods we elect will keep taking more.

Maybe going to a better place can help one to help others from position of not having to worry about one self?

It can be tricky, but does it have to be?

It can be tricky, but does it have to be?

I think we have created a complex system filled with holes and stresses expecting it not to break. There are better ways, even ones that include millions and billions of people.

It's ironic that in my country the taxes and services are so cheap, but the food is so expensive ... So one wants to pack and get out of here ... I would say that we are never totally happy with what we have ... Always we want more or something different.

In Finland the only cheap thing are Bananas. Weirdly.

Until we eventually hit that rock bottom, I don't think the World is ready to get things right - especially we in the 'first World'. A system collapse is imminent. Like you said, let's just be prepared

Very well said, @tarazkp and very good your analogy. Those of us who live in poor countries see how nothing is done with our taxes, and it is worse. At least, your taxes are invested in improvement, in the future. It is true that we can feel that life can go on in an eternal work and payment of taxes: modern slavery. Here they say: "He who rises early, God helps him". I think in all cultures the idea is to get up earlier and not fall asleep. I always like to read to you.

I have always been a nightowl, much to my detriment. :)

After reading this post i want to share my philosophical view point and that is, whenever we see sunrise and sunset it always reflects and give one message that, simplicity have the beautiful essence and less is more, and true life is living the natural way of living, and it's true that, until we have the Centralised systems we will going to have the debts but the nature never talks about any financial terms and that's why people who stay close to nature they stay healthy and they don't need much because nature gives everything, but the issue is in other developed parts which converted into the hub of materialistic work and until we need more materialistic aspects, that will going to ruin our life because we will run more rat races to earn more, and most of the people follow, unrest, unhealthy decisions, tensions, drugs and so much other stuff. Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

In my country it is said: the early bird catches clear water. I hope so and that in the world of cryptocurrencies we are owners of the worm or clear water.

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