Surrounded by yourself

in #philosophy6 years ago

"Morality is bad for mental health" - @elliotjgardner

I grabbed this quote (with permission) from a chat just a moment ago. I find it quite interesting to think about considering, I think in at least part, it is true. The people who often act morally (in their view) are often also struggling in other ways emotionally, perhaps because of it. I know for me, it is often a difficult position.

It isn't difficult to act morally as the thing with morals is that acting on them doesn't create internal conflict however, it does meet a lot of external conflict day to day and that can become wearing. Would it be easier to live unethically?

This is the problem because breaking the personal moral code is a worse position than constantly meeting the external conflict points. In some way, it is being stuck between a rock and a hard place all the time. People will say, "Just let it go" or something of the sort but, if the moral position is to not let it go then, letting it go is worse than holding on... even though holding on doesn't feel good.

Perhaps people that don't have strong moral/ethical positions don't suffer this fate as no matter their own actions, they are okay which means they will also likely meet less conflict that challenges their morals. They will accept all of the behaviors of others as passable because, they themselves don't care about right or wrong for themselves. In a way, it is kind of like being a psychopath of sorts.

It is a bit of a strange conversation to talk about morals these days as often, people associate them wit some kind of religious aspect, even though that may not be the case at all. I think many of the religion indiscretions are because people have tried to fit into a oral code that just isn't suited for them so it represses their real self or something of the sort and eventually, the real person shines through.

It is common when people are attempting to be something they are not that as time passes and they become more comfortable, their reality starts to leak out as they lose the attention required to constantly maintain it. I think it is a hard life to continually repress what one is to appear a certain way but, honestly isn't any easier either as it puts one's cards on the table for all to see.

Honesty makes us socially transparent and that opens us up to all kinds of negative consequences and, historical data points. Our moral positions, (despite what some believe) are fluid and can change over time. This usually happens as we get more information externally or, become more aware of our own positions internally. Perhaps this is why there is so much conflict though.

Maybe the conflict is because the moral position is growing and expanding and is also under various forces internally and externally. It might slowly get easier over time as the shifts start to better represent the true-self. I know for me, my positions have changed markedly over my lifetime as I have experienced a much wider array of circumstances, met many different people and suffered several large setbacks personally.

I don't really know what my moral profile looks like but, I think it would have something to do with compassion for others and doing what I can to help. The doing what I can has actually changed a lot as I used to do a lot more but, I found that I was becoming less and less effective as my own suffering increased. I realized that to be able to maintain a long-term goal, I would also have to spend enough time and effort on myself and building my own position.

When I made the initial changes many years ago, I felt that I was doing the wrong thing as it stretched my moral fibre but, in time I realised I became more capable to assist others and, the assistance of more came with less psychological pressure since there was less personal hardship and, I think this is the point in the long run.

A moral position shouldn't be difficult at all and should come with no personal cost as even though external costs are applied for holding a position, the moral self has already come to full terms with paying the price. This means there is no more conflict. I am not there yet and may never be. I am still conflicted, still have to question, still trying to find out just who I am. It may be a fool's errand or, it may lead me somewhere special, it doesn't really matter.

I think that we are all on a journey of discovery of who we are yet, all of our paths are different and we are all at various distances along them. I think a lot of the conflict in this world is because we don't yet know ourselves so, we argue with others thinking our position is solid.

Maybe in time, one of the great technological revolutions in the world will be one that facilitates self-discovery. That might be a gadget worth buying.

Just a rambling Friday mind after a very long day.

[ a Steemit original ]


We're all definitely on a journey of self discovery. Some get there before others, some others never get there. One of my favorite quotes which I've shared before says, "we're all in the same game, just different levels. In the same Hell, just facing different devils."

I have a feeling that the percentage of those who get there is dropping.

Brilliant piece. Indeed there are so many conflicts everywhere all the time based on who's right and who's wrong. I live my life allowing others to be who they are or want to be providing they do not try to influence who I am or am trying to be. Simple respect, believe what you want and feel free to debate it with me with the understanding that respectfully we can be different in many ways without wanting to destroy who the other is in his/her every way shape and form. I allow myself to be open minded, respectful and with as little judgement as possible. Give me the same and we can all get along just fine regardless of who we are and what we still need to learn about ourselves. The natural temptation to question will always be there, but the trick is to grow through learning what you can from others and the world around you and applying to yourself what makes your life a moor pleasant journey.

Simple respect, believe what you want and feel free to debate it with me with the understanding that respectfully we can be different in many ways without wanting to destroy who the other is in his/her every way shape and form.

In these discussions, people will change if they are compelled by the argument, they will hold on if they are forced or cornered.

It's a hard road to give of yourself too much. Service to others needs to be mitigated with service to self for sure. It's a good thing to help others, but not to the extent that we personal suffer for it.

I am slowly learning.

I think it would have something to do with compassion for others and doing what I can to help.

morals are a standard of how we treat one another . Its is right not to take another's life , yet it is moral to take someones life . Everyone's standards or morals are different . We tend to group together with people of the same morals .
Our morals change over time . as we grow . Hopefully for the better . but we can only judge morals on how one treats another . So that must be the basis of a moral person .
Self discovery for many is like that river in Egypt

We tend to group together with people of the same morals .

This is part of the challenge for an open social media. The groups are visible.

Self discovery for many is like that river in Egypt

I have crossed that river. Something like 70% of the trash from Cairo, A massive city, ends up in there yet, the crocodiles survive.

Hi Taraz. Also been a long day so will be last post for tonight. Morals vary from person to person. You think that everyone would be similar with the basic ones at least. I have learnt the hard way and always end up getting screwed somehow. My morals have definitely changed over time. Used to always think of helping and putting others first. This somehow always ends up costing you in the pocket and being taken advantage of. I have changed like you with certain setbacks and a lot less trusting now. I find my morals are still rather higher than certain work colleagues from my past. Overtime things don't surprise you any more. Maybe it was when you were younger you did things because it was right. You can't be like that now and have to think first. I wouldn't hesitate to help someone change a tyre on the side of the road. You felt bad driving past them and would always stop. Today you can't do that, maybe in Funland you can but not here.

Today you can't do that, maybe in Funland you can but not here.

The interesting thing is that people here do not help each other, they will drive past even though this is one of the safest countries on earth. I am the person that stops to help still.

Maybe in time, one of the great technological revolutions in the world will be one that facilitates self-discovery. That might be a gadget worth buying.

Ah yes maybe, and maybe we arent supposed to figure it out, so we can keep on discovering and applying more effort to unravel our mysteries...just thinking out loud

I would buy many and distribute them ;)

I discovered who I am or was when my wife died. Until then, I was obliged to be who she thought I was... who I wanted to be for her. When she was gone, I was free to be me. I prefer the required conflict I once had. I was ‘better’ than I am now. I’ll think more and write less now.

Don't you think there is value in being able to be who you are? Who is the final arbiter of what is valuable? To you it seems to have been your wife. Why her? To me my wife's value system and mine are examples of such systems in a vast space of possible (and viable) value systems. To the degree they differ from each other, that difference is a source of stress. I don't recognize her value system as being superior to mine. They're just different in some ways.

Death does indeed change one's perspective. The mind is wild but I find the writing helps. It is as you say, not so consistent as it was before but when you do take the time to write a little less while thinking a little more the thoughts and words are much more powerful and real.

This lines was as though talking about me

I don't really know what my moral profile looks like but, I think it would have something to do with compassion for others and doing what I can to help. The doing what I can has actually changed a lot as I used to do a lot more but, I found that I was becoming less and less effective as my own suffering increased. I realized that to be able to maintain a long-term goal, I would also have to spend enough time and effort on myself and building my own

Overtime I try to be who I used to be but what I’m becoming is making me less of whom I used to be. I hope to be who I wish to be and eager to discover that which I know not of myself.

I totally agree with you!

I think that we are all on a journey of discovery of who we are yet, all of our paths are different and we are all at various distances along them.

Everyone has their position in the discovery. We are standing in our individual positions but yet it differs from others.
Best for us to know ourselves. Know what works for you.

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