Ready for passion?

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

Imagine your perfect partner. Imagine every detail of them. What they look like. How they act. How they smile. What kinds of ideas they have. What job. How they treat you. Imagine every element that you think is important to you.

Now, imagine they walked into your life right now. Are you ready to receive them?

If someone offered you your perfect job, are you ready to take it?

Everyone wants the perfect job opportunity to fall into their lap but most seem to have not thought it through deeply going on the way they act and speak. To have the job, career or take the opportunity, one must be ready for it.

I don't mean know everything about the work, have all skills or be the perfect contender, I mean ready. Ready to do what it takes to win its heart. Passion takes a huge amount of work to satisfy it. The kind of work that most people are trying to avoid most of the time.

Many think that once the opportunity presents itself, then they will get the energy and hunger to perform. This is rarely the case as it is not generally presented in a life or death manner. When pushed into a corner with only one way to survive, the energy may come. But, when presented with a chance to step into massive amounts of work or stay in relative ease, most tend to stay.

Especially when presented with the thing that one desires within reach. Many get nervous, stutter and stammer, umm and aah and miss the opportunity granted them. Perhaps the proposition of failure becomes all too real. Holding back also gives an out as one can say things like, 'I could have, but the timing wasn't right'. Yeah, play it cool.

When it comes to passion work, a question of work ethic gets raised. This is a question that only one person can answer. And it isn't any of the gods. Work ethic can only be evaluated by the individual as the variance is great between people and there is no comparison possible. This takes honesty.

How honest are you when it comes to yourself? When you say you tried, did you or was it 90 percent, 80, 50? I don't know, I am not judging, that is up to you.

When most people talk to me about 'finding their passion' they are generally not serious. They like the idea of being passionate about something and having work they find meaningful but, most leave it there. I know, I have tried to help many and have been met with many excuses.

When they meet people doing it, living in passion, they make excuses for them as if it is easy. Nothing that requires grit and determination is easy. No matter how some make it look. There is struggle under that calm, a churning sea hidden by the cover of darkness and many dangers to navigate.

Given the opportunity, most stake a step back from the edge, passion plays too hard to get, the chase is too much, better to aim lower, settle for easy instead.

[ a Steemit original ]


This blog is absolutely spot on.... If we are ever lucky enough to meet someone who is really passionate about something or someone, it is hard to not ve jealous and resent there achievements, thinking they got a better hand in life.

I feel truly inspired by people who are passionate, but can appreciate that they have worked hard for what they have achieved...... It inspires me to really try harder to believe in the things that I am passionate about. Xxx

I agree. They should be used as inspiration not excuses. Thanks for taking the time to drop a line.

I find it a really attractive quality. Passion is always quite contagious too and one person's passion in the workplace can create such a positive environment...... the power of positive mental attitude can transform others xxx

I have to agree with that. It is what I kind of do for work. Help people get passionate about parts of their jobs.

I have done surprisingly well with them considering they are mostly engineers. :)

Sounds like a great and rewarding job. Xxx

It really is. xx

following your passion is important... we must never waste time... for time is the only thing our lives truly consist of :)

I'm alone, I'm 21 years old, is that normal?

You're only as alone as you allow yourself to feel. Xxx

People are too ready to want something without the knowledge or drive to be able to handle it when they have it.

Well, not having passion is actually an excuse for a 'no-doer'. Its not important to have passion to be successful but working hard at whatever you're doing brings you the success.
Knowing someone passion is an extremely difficult task, only a small percentage of people could do that but as we know there a large number of successful people in this world and not all followed their passion and yet they are successful because they worked very hard to be successful at their job.

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