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RE: What would you sacrifice to change your life or the world for the better?

in #philosophy6 years ago

I think I will wrote on this later but as I see it, the willingness to sacrifice and what is able to be sacrificed has decreased remarkably over the last decades.


It's a numbers game. The system is rigged against us. It's all part of the plan to divide and conquer. Keep people looking down so they don't have the chance to see what's going on around them. Did you see what happened on the Bachelorette last night?

It is a choice to turn on the TV, it is a choice to use it as a babysitter. Yes, it may be compelling but, it is a choice. People are more than willing to make the choice to be entertained than the choice to work. People choose to look down and then find the world is not what they want when they finally raise their heads, so they look down again. Avoidance.

A person has a choice. Controlling the population is a science based on statistics. A few outliers here or there isn't going to change anything on the macro level. People are predictable en masse. There is no choice. A grain of sand cannot stand against a tidal wave.

Leaders lead and followers follow. There's a reason why the Holocaust happened and it doesn't involve Germans being evil.

Perhaps the obvious conclusion is that we need better leaders on the "right" side of history. It's too bad they all end up dead.

The statistics only work because people will predictably choose to follow the herd. Society is made up of unique individuals who decide to do what others do because it makes them feel safe, protects them, helps them feel accepted. We all have choices at this level.

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