Little boy collector

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

When I was a child I liked lego and matchbox cars. I was not a collector of either, I was an inheritor. I have three older brothers and had financially limited parents so, I inherited. Most of it had seen better days. I didn't mind though as I knew one day I would have my own money to buy whatever I wanted. When I'm a millionaire...

I wonder now, would I spend my time and money collecting all of the matchbox cars, building lego kits? Would I be like those grown men that invest into a model train set in their basement, painting props while wearing an engineer's hat?

Perhaps I would upgrade my tastes and collect supercars instead of matchbox, build holiday homes instead of lego. In the place of dubbed C-tapes it is VIP seats, sports on TV into corporate boxes, chocolate milkshakes to fine wine, fast-food replaced by a private table at the fanciest restaurant. My, how tall I would have grown.

With all of the resources I have acquired, the information, the relationships, the failures and successes, travel, study, jobs and myriad experiences; have my childhood dreams remained unchanged? Have they not grown and matured?

Or would I still just be a little boy collector?

When I'm a millionaire...

[ a Steemit original ]


I'm a simple man. I see Lego. I like.

But seriuosly, my brother and I got a huge box of used old school Lego as kids. The big blocks, not this detailed kit stuff. I loved it :D.

Adult people like to say how there is so much more than money in life while in a kids eye money dictates everything. I vividly remember how much of a capitalist I was when I was 7 years old, my grandpa used to call me Dagobert Duck (Scrooge McDuck). How things have changed :D

I can't tell if one million dollar would alter my values to be completely honest. Even though I would like to think it does not.

Thanks for the cool article, brought back memories.

Seriously it is called Dagobert?

Yup, he is called Scrooge in the Disney Christmas story tho.

Anything else but Dagobert sounds strange to me. the 3 nephews always said "Onkel Dagobert!" :D

I like lego still too. I sit on the floor with friend's kids and play. It is an awesome tool for creativity if used well. I don't own any but will get some for my daughter when she is older.

It is not about the money at all. Money is just a tool and like any other it can be used in many ways. I'd like to hope that I would use it a bit more wisely than on an 8 year old's dreams.

Gotta have it first ;)

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