If you don't like it, leave.

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

Do not complain. Do not question. Do not try to change. Do not ask for change. 
If you don't like it, leave.

I have heard this many times in my life. Experienced it in many ways.

The words of the privileged and the ignorant. The actions of those that are invested in the status quo. The ones that live in fear of change. The ones who believe that the systems of today are better than the developments of tomorrow. Anyone that threatens their position is to be shunned, ridiculed, attacked, belittled, ostracised.

The ignorant speak this way because they do not know different. They have not explored potential and possibility and do not understand the risks of remaining the same. Or they have tried and they were burned. Once bitten, twice shy. They suppose that their attempt was good, clear and well performed and the reason change did not work is because change is bad, not that their actions were poor, their timing off, their skills lacking. And they remember the pain of the fire that scorched their mind and when the heat of change rises, they do all they can to douse the flames. Even when they are suffering themselves, better the devil you know as they say, at least I can maintain this and not fall further.

The privileged speak this way because they have benefitted, are benefitting from the way things are and change risks their continued returns, their influence and power over others. Yes, they know that change may actually benefit them more but killing the cash cow for an uncertain return is not smart business. It is better to keep things stable, ignore the suffering of others and extract all that is possible before the system collapses. It will not matter for them, they can buy into the next venture. Play the game, convince the ignorant that questions are to be feared and the con can go on a little longer.

I have seen this many times. 'If you don't like our country, our group, our platform - get out'. Questioning this as an outsider or a minority within unleashes both the ignorant and the privileged. Those with influence whip those without into action. A common enemy to unite the masses, close the gaps in the group, bring unity. The promise that we are all in this together.

But it is a facade, the gaps are still there and the ignorant do not realise they have been the pawns in a game designed to keep the privileged benefitting, in power, at the top. The gaps actually widened. But they feel togetherness, pride in the group for destroying the threat, the enemy. Protecting what is.

And the destroyed move on, outcast and dejected. Or with a raging fire that burns with vengeance.

Every ancient civilisation has collapsed, been burned to the ground, been left decimated, smouldering ruins. And each has faced the same situation in various ways. They look to protect themselves with ignorance or privilege. The have created systems where the privileged receive more than their effort warrants and the ignorant less. A gap destined to grow.

Until questions are raised. At first, the questions can be buried and the the status quo maintained. But it gets to the point where suffering wakes up the ignorant as suffering so often does. The cold, hard and unforgiving rock bottom has that affect on people. 

And more questions are raised.

And the flood gates crack, seeds of doubt become hardy plants and the pawns used to quell the insurrections of the past have gathered and united to tear down the system, burn it all. And in their pain and suffering, from their limited view. They burn it all, even what is worthy and valuable. All within the system gets destroyed. Revolution.

There must be another way. There must be. Perhaps if the system is reworked. If it is altered to be more inclusive, to close the gaps between communities. Perhaps if the civilisation worked in a straighter line and effort and reward were tied together more closely. It will never be perfect it is an ongoing process of course. But this process requires investigating, many minds, many perspectives so the best can be achieved at each moment, not just the best for some. It needs questions.

It is possible that the questions of the past that were shot down by the privileged and the ignorant, if considered, could have built something robust, unbreakable. Even antifragile. Something that benefits from the continual questioning, not suffers from it.

Complaints are valid, as are ideas. Both of them raise questions that can help a country, a culture, a community, a system, a platform be better. Not all are valuable, not all are useful and some are harmful. But without considering them, dismissing them blindly as the complaining of small, miserable and petty minds, one will never know.  

We just need to listen, be open and consider. It is the least we can do. And it may bring the most benefit.

Freezing time only stagnates the pond in which one lives.
Time marches on, hand in hand with change.

[ a Steemit original ]


If no one complains nothing ever changes. Complaining steers innovation

As some use it as a welcome tool for development, others use it to build fear, and others still choose to ridicule it as they are going to short the system and divest anyway.

We just need to listen, be open and consider.

I like this, and its usually something I try and follow as much as I can.
In this current world and economy though, much of the fud'sters and those seeking to cause trouble just for the attention of it or taking advantage of users who already are very confused and new to this scene.

Then I usually just stop listening as it really does seem like some people either don't want to try and understand the innovation, or they are siding with another one and just want to spread lies for their own profits.

It's important to be open and question everything, but its also important to realize the biggest innovation of this technology. Its open-source, adaptive and very, very powerful. If something were to occur that is worthy of a conspiracy story, someone out there will be able to check the facts because of its open-ness.

I hear you from the platform view although this is not specific to it.

You are right that many use outrage and ignorance as a tool to subvert, not develop.

I am trying to present a perspective and reminder that if we group all complaints as whining and subvertive alone, we throw out the valid ones too. As hard as it is, sometimes one has to wade through waist high shit to get to something valuable.

Perhaps in time, those who present the crap and whine for the sake of it will wake up to the advantages of knowledge and questioning for development, not attention.

It is always nice to hear from you @acidyo as you take time and effort to think and comment.

As hard as it is, sometimes one has to wade through waist high shit to get to something valuable.

Hah, same could be said about curating! Nah just kidding, there were some periods a long time ago though. Nowadays its been a lot more smooth in general. ^^

wake up to the advantages of knowledge and questioning for development, not attention

This is especially why I love Steem. The incentive is there for anyone to start being creative. On BTC they might have a team of the best developers working on it, or on Eth that might be true as well, but here we have a way of giving everyone a voice, no matter from where or who, at the same time incentivizing readers to find these gems.

I really love it here more day by day. Still have no idea how it works. :p

Perfect recipe for success! Problems somewhere? Issues? Concerns? Don't talk about it you heathen! How dare you question the sanctity of X! :P

The gall of some people.

Wonderful post and great read!!! @tarazkp "a man that does not question well does not think well" you now have a new follower and hope you follow me.

Thank you very much for the support.
I will follow you for a while and see what's on offer. 😊

Well said and contains a lot of truth. Thanks 🙂

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