Greed knows no bounds?

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

This is a common topic at Steemit where people talk about greed and how stingy some people are with their vote or delegation, how the system is unfair and so many go unrewarded. No, this post isn't going to solve any of that, it isn't really even going to look at it. Instead, this is a question post and I am hoping people will have a conversation about it in the comments section.

The basic question is this: What would you do for money?

I have had many jobs in my life. Among others, I flipped burgers, I gutted chickens, I cleaned fat out of drains, I sold fish and sausage at a supermarket and stacked shelves. These weren't glamorous jobs but to me, they provided a small income for me to pay for what my parents could not, almost everything. honest work, for poor pay.

Later, I worked in a CD store, I monitored the media for company mentions, I sold computers and printers and trained staff. These were better jobs and paid a little better but, were not careers.

In Finland I trained business English, tested mobile software for Nokia, tested potential recruits and started my current business which is in personnel training. These are clean jobs with a basic income, my own business takes a lot of work but doesn't return much more however, freedom has a value too.

For me, I have carried a work ethic through all of these official positions from when I was 15 or 16 but, it actually started earlier than that. My first job was cleaning new buildings out before the painters and finishers came in. I was 12 and I did it alone. My mother hired me after I convinced her I could do it as well as the people they were paying and, I would do it cheaper. She worked at a building company at the time and gave me the chance. The money was good even though for less and, I didn't want to lose it so worked very hard.

Work ethic is something I value highly in myself and even though it doesn't always get highly rewarded, when I look at the job that I do, I value myself for having done it well. I carry this through into Steemit. This is not easy money in my opinion, it is value earned through effort, consistency and a process of continual learning. This is my experience, not everyone's.

This is not a career (at least not yet) for me but, I do take it seriously. There is so much to learn I am unfamiliar with, so many aspects that lay hidden away and so much work necessary to understand how it all comes together. It isn't a magical place of free coins (kinda). What this means is that my work ethic drives my approach here also.

When I post, I try to post the best quality content I can at the time as for me, getting paid for nothing doesn't support my personal philosophy. If I am getting paid for nothing, I will work hard and earn more, right? This is not about greed, it is about value and taking value for nothing is what middlemen do and I am not that kind of person.

When I work, there is more than money in it for me, there is the value I hold in myself for a job well done, in my eyes. For many, this may seem silly and redundant but, getting paid is only one part of it, what you do to get paid is something altogether different. People talk about pride in your work and although I am not proud, when I look in the mirror, I am not ashamed by the work that I do or have done in the past.

So, what will you do to make it here at Steemit? Will you beg, drop links in DMs asking for votes, spam wallets with .001 Steem transfers, scam, plagiarise, lie, suck up to those you think can help you, send provocative pictures of yourself to people? What are the limits, what lengths will you go to? Where will you end? What line is the last?

If you get the vote you are after, get the payout, what will you be willing to do for the next as it will likely require more than the last? You are going to have to ramp it up, are you on a slippery slope? At what point will you look into the mirror and no longer like the person you see there, no longer respect them? Do you think you will be living on a beach in the Bahamas by that time, or might it not be too far from where you are now?

This is greed too is it not? Selling ourselves, selling our dignity, ethics and morality for a quick buck. The wallet may be full, but it could be in the pocket of an empty shell of a person. People talk about the horrible things people make others do for fame and fortune, Hollywood in the news gives a surface level insight. But, there seems to be no end to those willing to debase themselves for a chance at a little more money, a few more coins, an easy road forward. Easy roads. Is there such a thing? I am yet to find one.

Greed may know no bounds, how about you?

[ a Steemit original ]


I've been lucky to have many "things" in my life because I worked hard and made smart decisions on what I bought and when I bought it. Most of my life I have held a job working for someone else while having my own business at the same time.

I have been unlucky however in the number of people in my own family who think because I have more than they, I should be willing to give it to them. I disagree.

Now that I am older and physically not able to do much outside of my home I find since my husband died, my own efforts are not replacing the daily expenses fast enough. I will run out of money within a year or two.

I am old enough I could take early Social Security, which would keep me going several more years. But I am not willing to give up various rights and abilities to do as I please.

I could do as some have suggested, simply accept the fact I am not able to produce as I use to, and literally blow my brains out. But to me, that is the epitome of weakness.

I have chosen to learn to do new things. Things I can do from the comfort of my own home. Things I can do while being my own boss.

Steemit is one of those things. It isn't easy for me to write because I am vision impaired, but I put in the many hours to fact check the knowledge I have learned over the years and I am slowly finding my place her on Steemit.

But I have also been teaching myself to make graphics and I am doing ok. It is not easy when there is so much you can't see, but if you try, you learn ways to work around the problem.

I am also teaching myself how to make jewelry again and will be opening a store on Etsy sometime this month, if I can figure out how to get decent photos of my work out of this slr camera I am learning how to use, lol.

I think the point I am trying to make is no matter what life throws at you, there is a way past it if you try hard enough. For that reason alone, when I see people taking short cuts that abuse others, I would like to give them a kick in the rear end.

I think Steemit will be a major part of my income in the future. But I refuse to run bots to sell my upvotes or use my downvotes to harm people that I disagree with. I have chosen to only downvote hateful, harmful and abusive posts. If I simply disagree there is always the mute button. I am not willing to do much over trying my best to make money. It is the same ethic I have held my entire life and since I am debt free and everything is 100% paid for, I am already ahead of over half the population so how can I complain?

I have been unlucky however in the number of people in my own family who think because I have more than they, I should be willing to give it to them. I disagree.

So do I. there is helping hands and there is charity. There is community and there is abuse of it. Can't choose your family but, you can build your community.

I think the point I am trying to make is no matter what life throws at you, there is a way past it if you try hard enough. For that reason alone, when I see people taking short cuts that abuse others, I would like to give them a kick in the rear end.

Absolutely. And, even if it ends up in failure and destruction. It is our failure and destruction and as it burns, we know we did all we could for it not to.

I am not willing to do much over trying my best to make money.

There is no harm in making money (depending on how it is made of course) and you will find at Steemit, the best way is to be a part of the community.

I wish you the best of luck here and will drop by your blog and have a stickybeak :)

Thank you for your kind words and I agree totally on participation in the community. Read other peoples posts, comment on them intelligently, ask real questions so you can learn more. Leave the fake stuff at home, lol.

"send provocative pictures of yourself to people"

If I did that I'd probably get banned from the platform!

Seriously though, I have been grateful for the help I have received from people, some have done so by great commenting and interaction, others with strong voting and yet others with guidance. I am grateful and hope to have the chance to repay that kindness in kind at some stage.

Excellent thoughts. Reminded me a lot of the distinction Ayn Rand makes in her book Atlas Shrugged. Not sure I agree with all of her thoughts, but I found this illuminating.
She says there are people who earn money by producing - and this is what I also read in your post, whether it's producing clean buildings or value on steem.
Then there are the leechers - those who feel they earn the right to live and have money because they are in need of it. They will hunt down the producers, make them feel bad because they have more - and in case of steem, have a higher reputation.
The ethics and the basic way of looking at life and what is value is different for these two groups. And Rand is sure, and I am with her on this, that we should never allow to make society in a place where people who produce value are the victims of those who do not.

I realise I'm often mentioning Rand here, but it's just because I've just finished her book that has impressed me a lot, made me think about many things. (Which is how I define a good book, to make you think & reconsider your own life and position - so Atlas Shrugged was an incredible book for me)

This is most of the current banking system, corporations squeezing supply chains for profits and a most of the world. For me, I may die with very little but the plan is to add more to the world than I took.

I have heard of Ayn Rand but don't actually read that much of anything these days. I am a terrible student :)

Yes. And I wonder if cryptocurrency (which I admit know very little about) is doomed to fall in line with the same leeching business, or can go a different way. Same question for social media platforms.
Not really expecting an answer to this one, but am thinking about it :)

“It is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, that is poor. ” ― Seneca

I truly admire you Taraz. This post really let me see inside of who you really are. It's amazing how much liberty there is in having the ethics you expressed! I worked under the table as a youngster in similar fashion because I could do it cheaper! I think you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned "value"! The value isn't in wealth and riches... it's in character.

“Nothing satisfies greed, but even a little satisfies nature.”
― Seneca

There is no easy road to building character or having any measure of class! What is the nature of a person before even trying? You could almost ask the opposite question... What Wouldn't People Do for Wealth?... though greed isn't limited as we know.

“Wealth is the slave of a wise man. The master of a fool ”
― Seneca

I could write a book discussing this post! Thanks for sharing as you always do. This one (as many others) really hit home! You are a good man in my book Taraz!

You should write a book on it. Share it in parts here :)

If you are quoting Seneca, even with my less than impressive philosophical knowledge, you understand where I am coming from. Not only is there a negative path to happiness, it is an ethical path based on quality of work. There is something about classical Stoicism that resounds in me I think and is sorely missing in today's world. People look for pleasure, not contentment, they want it fast and easy, without needing to spend time developing skills. They sell themselves short, lower their potentials, reduce their being because they fear work.

Exactly! Back in the day i used to argue that we needed to go back to having minds discuss matters of importance in a common area. I used to point out the Greek Philosophers just chilled and discussed. That's what led to so much wisdom. Today, we live in the instant gratification era when the irony is that gratification is instant depending on your perspective! I feel like happiness is the road not the destination... I always think back to John Lennon saying the Love you Take is Equal to the Love you Make! I have been gratified doing some of the most humbling labor as you mentioned from your work experiences. I am always trying to find a lesson in the best of times and the worst of times. Wisdom has more value than all the riches in the world. I will check back in a bit for some pearls and engage the other conversations going. This is going to be a fun seven day (plus) discourse! =)

I'm still really new to Steemit so I'm trying to get the lay of the land, as it were. However, this topic is something I'm really familiar with and have seen before in other content-creation sites (namely Youtube). There really are no limits to what some will do to make a buck, no matter how they are hurting themselves or others in the process. It definitely is a societal problem that I think has no easy solution. Some people are just programmed to always be grasping for more--and I don't mean that in a bootstrappy, "let your ambition be your guide" kind of way. Thanks for the great post.

I understand, it is a society driven by desire and competition so it is only 'natural' some take it to extremes. Achievement and continued dissatisfaction is one of the things that keeps humans advancing yet, it is not always applied in a healthy manner.

I’m not willing to do much. Not much beyond abiding by my own ethical standards and compulsory obligation to myself to always give my best.

If success strikes, I can firmly state - based on past experiences - that I will not fall in the trap of temptation and increase output to reap even more rewards. That because I have earned much more previously and have lived a totally different lifestyle... one in whichI was absolutely not happier than I am now, with much less.

Additionally, I’m a firm believer in paying it forward. Especially paying it forward while trying to inspire others to seek and find success. As a certain tech CEO once famously said: I don’t want to be the richest guy on the cemetery.

Nice quote.
However, I would like to be the richest person in the cemetery - but only when 'rich' means to have an abundant amount of happiness, love and non-material achievements :)

Ironically he would be the richest person on the cemetery (had he received a traditional burial).

I often refer to that quote because the meaning of it to him, just like another famous quote of his about doing the things you want to do as if every day were your last day, was geared towards change. Towards improving the experience of the users of his product. It wasn’t a self-centric statement, only by proxy (or by cascading outcome).

Who was that illustrious CEO?
Steve Jobs.

Here I lie by the vestry door;
Here I lie because I'm poor.
The further in, the more you pay;
So here I lie, as warm as they.

For the most part, one can earn and take care of the self and help others along the way. Spiralling circles of value but, the system breaks when people expect more out than they put in.

I wouldn't say that by any means money in itself is a greed form. Yes, it makes many people greedy, but I would consider myself a "money-hungry" individual but I would not consider myself greedy by any means. My work ethic is driven through the desire to learn. My great grades and diligence once I entered the work place was from a desire to get promote and earn bonuses through my hard work...therefore more money.

What will you use the money for?

I still have some student loans...not much compared to others but some. Although I have yet to have a family I’m trying to build money now to provide for my future family and kids so my future kids don’t have to work as hard as I did to have the same opportunities.

I don't ask to be nosy it is just good to think about where it all goes down the track. For me, I have a baby daughter which is the reason I joined Steemit and the daily struggles of life and health. There is no issues making money, it is tool to use. How we use it matters in my opinion, though, each to their own.

Don't worry! I didn't think you were being nosy at all.

I might be a little controversial here, if you ask to what length i would go to earn a buck, it's tricky to answer with few lines because it depends.
How do most people breakthrough on steemit?
I was to told when i had just joined steemit that the best way for a newbie to earn a buck is by commenting, so it's interesting how you spend the all day looking for people with posts and chasing for some upvotes. Is that going an extra mile atleast a little extra mile?
Most people here have diginities, Actually big egos and that's why a big percentage of them don't work on shitty jobs.
But what's point?
You can go an extra mile for a while to earn buck, because when you get better after sometime everything is likely to go back to normal.
Steemit is like real life, you can kiss people's ass for a few months and things will get better.
I always remind myself that though i have a big ego, no one is watching me in everything i do.
A years from now i will be a whale, i will look back and laugh at how i used to kiss people's ass for a few good upvotes.

By the way i was about to write a post about the same thing. I will write it anyway. Your title was kind of, so it was hard to relate until i read it.

I hope you will be a whale but remember, the higher the prices go, the more competition and more people are ass kissing for votes. My advice is always the same, find your niche, work hard at engaging people who are interested and help others grow. There are many parts to this, many things to learn, many places to invest time, energy and commitment. Ass kissing will only get one so far. For some however, that is far enough.

Lol...actually you are right, there is alot of competition in ass kissing. Alot of people are doing just that. It 's not a good thing to do because it's not a progress if i think about it.

Well a mixture of feelings and thoughts about it altogether.

Want to stand out of the crowd? Work harder than the rest.

I think people have lost the principles of Steemit, but that was so predictable when "value" got involved.
People share their lifes for free on the others well known social networks without getting any reward.
Here we can share and get or not some profit. Bots,fakes,cheaters,and a wide range of fortune seekers are all around. It is very easy to see who is who.
I personally always act the same, this is, as if I am on the streets surrounded by people. So I use respect and keep my privacy safe.
I found lots of "easy roads" , none of them I took .

The easy roads are rarely easy when you count the costs of what is dropped along the pathway. Steemit imo is much more honest with the money than other social sites as at them, the billions generated are hidden from view. People do not consider themselves miners there but they are, just for conglomerates. There are the bots, the cheaters, the fake accounts, like4like, follow4follow there too. You just don't see their wallets.

Totally agree.

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