Dog walk diaries: Spending time and energy

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

As I am walking, I am thinking about a comment I got recently that said that they realised that to be part if the community and be taken seriously, they had to power up. This isn't just as a show of commitment to the platform but also as an attractor and a foot in the door. The ability and means to be able to offer reciprocity even if not acted upon reassures people.

Ava Birthday (1 of 1)-3.jpg

I was wondering in regards to our real lives, who do we surround ourselves with. In general in my life I don't aim to be surrounded by those who only need support in fact, they are the much smaller group. I don't just mean financial support of course, I mean emotional and mental also. It is not that they never need support but, they don't always need supporting.

I wonder about other people here and who tgey surround themselves with, does Birds of a feather hold true?

A long time ago I came across the idea of having a reference group, a support network of people who are in general, more capable and more skilled than myself. My work allows this to some degree as I have close relationships with some talented professionals. It is not that I want to do like them but, I would like to be able to find my place in a similar way to them. In return for their help, I help them where I am able. Reciprocity. A relationship.

I find that here at Steem many forget the reciprocal state of a relationship and that the strongest bonds are based on mutual benefits rather than lopsided reliance. It is not that it needs to be the same goods traded but, the value has to be seen as somewhat even over time. A vote might be given on information provided or, an ear offered to release social steam.

People rely solely on their content as the offering to the community but it is rarely going to br enough in the long term of things unless that content continually delivers value. Maby do whay they like doing and expect to be paid for it, regardless of whether anyone believs it holds worth or, without returning anything else to the community or audience.

When it comes to entertainment factor, repetition gets old fast unless it offers a compelling hook. No trends last long term with steady support otherwise there is no space for evolution of trends through new ideas. If however there is relevant information attached or chance for support in other ways, there is more possibility at longevity.

I wonder who we as an average surround ourselves with. The ones who make us feel good, smart, important? Or, the ones who challenge us and force us to think and be better than we were? It is interesting to note who we spend our time with because it might indicate what kind of person we are. Do they rely on us, we rely in them or is it a win/win situation where we can both bring our relevant skills to the table to trade?

This is not a utilitarian approach to friendship buy it may be a pragmatic view of relationships in general. When the balance of relationship is one-sided for too long, the chance the provider feels used increases and they may walk away leaving the reliant feel like victim. One thing is near certain though and that is human nature dictates that needs require satisfaction and any manipulation is justifiable to reach those ends.

People may want to feel clever or rich, important, attractive, successful or loved and they will manipulate their environment, their acquaintances and themselves to get what they want. Balance and reciprocity rarely come into the mind of an addict.

Why have relationships in our lives unless they make us better people? This doesn't matter if better is only a material consideration. Not everyone can offer material value but, everyone can offer value.

What do you bring to the Steem table? Is it worthy of support, would you upvote your content if another wrote it, would you follow yourself because of what you offer? Do you follow people of quality and behavioir higher or lower than your own? Those who offer a lot in your opinion, can you offer support to them? Are you providing, reliant or acting for a win for all? Are you appreciative of what you get or do you feel entitled to more?

[ a Steem original ]
(posted from phone)


I am actually arrogant enough to think that it was my comment :-)

Our needs are the most compelling reasons for our actions. In that lies our strength and many a times our moral dilemma. If we don't find understanding from others for what's within us, then we try to explain it to others........ I guess once the air is cleared, we probably do not want to leave that area where people have come to understand us.

Frankly I think that my content is mediocre at best and better is available. I am just trying to find a group within which my limited abilities are appreciated. I return I can reciprocate that understanding. It is not an easy task because just like any relationship there is a chance that feeling might not be reciprocated.

I am sure that sooner or later I would find a place for myself here but my worry is bit different. What happens after that? Do I become stagnant or rot or there is more evolution to be had even after that?

Yes it was. :)

What happens after that? Do I become stagnant or rot or there is more evolution to be had even after that?

Keep finding places where you are not the best or smartest and ask lots of questions. You will improve and new pathways keep opening up through knowledge and relationship.

Sometimes, its easy to miss the answer even when its in front of you. Thanks for reminding man :-)

Hi Taraz. I appreciate everything that this place has to offer. I expect nothing and everything is a bonus. I enjoy the social side and will support the people I enjoy interacting with. I upvote stuff I wouldn't normally because I like the person. I see they are trying and that is all that counts with me. I would rather support someone that wants to be here and isn't trying to milk the system for self gain over and above others. It takes all sorts to build a community and as you have said previously we all have something to offer.

I would rather support someone that wants to be here and isn't trying to milk the system for self gain over and above others.

Me too. there is value in the range from a practical perspective but, there is more community value in the commitment.

Many questions and very few answers, I think, @tarazkp. I think it will depend on what kind of person you are to see what kind of people are around you. I think there are a lot of egomaniacs who are fine if you caress their ego. Others prefer to have their brains stimulated, to be made to think. I believe that in steem we can find, like the sea, varieties of fish. I have seen excellent groups that seek to support each other, like shoals, but others that live and feed on the little ones. There's a saying out there that goes, "Tell me who you're hanging out with and I'll tell you who you are. I think we often surround ourselves with what we need. Beautiful afternoon.

I think it will depend on what kind of person you are to see what kind of people are around you.

What about you?

Each person has a different taste, which for me is a good content publication, for another it may not be. I try to make good content publications, but not everyone should like them ... I support people who publish things that I like and I have some that are my favorites. Some are big and other small fish like me. I believe that gratitude is very important, and I am very grateful at this time with a person who has helped me and who I will always support him. Being a grateful person is very important. There are people who use someone for a purpose and then they simply leave ... From those people I go away, they give a lot to think, I call them opportunists!

We support people who provide useful content here every person has his or her preferences

The real question is are you capable of being a small part of something bigger than yourself. Or does ambition get in the way.
There is nothing wrong with ambition. But when it blinds you and greed creeps in there the problem.
Good friends often help in this area. they give you balance and prospective.
I have learned that all it takes is to do your job/task. Do it well and all things in time will come. Don't rush time.

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