Dog walk diaries: a limited view

in #philosophy6 years ago

This afternoon we visited my wife's family so that they could meet my brother. It is somewhat strange for them to see members of my family as they get a different view of me as a person. The challenge is that they don't speak English which means everything has to go through the filter of translation and, a lot is lost.


My wife's sister and brother-in-law are not old yet they are very limited in their ability to speak. They understand quite a lot though but these days, not being comfortable speaking English restricts them in what they they do and holds them back from some things they want to do.

This is more than just having a chat with some foreigners, it affects where they are willing to go on holidays and what they are willing to do while there. They want to adventure but, they also don't want to feel like they can't communicate if they must.

English speakers tend to take it for granted that pretty much everywhere they go, they are able to find someone who understands them and most places, a lot of people who speak their language. Finnish has about 6 million speakers of it in the world, 5 million of them are in Finland.

I have trouble with this too. I don't know my in-laws very well at all because I can't speak Finnish well enough. Yes, I can survive but, not speak deeply on anything. They are lovely people but my view of who they are is very narrow. It is also because of language that they are not so willing to visit us often, even though they live close by.

Not learning Finnish properly is one of my largest failures and now with a daughter who appears gifted with language skills, it is going to become more apparent soon. She is under two and already speaks outside of my range at times.

One day, there will be tech that solves the communication problem well but, the ability to actually learn a language other than a mother tongue brings many added learning abilities. It also brings new perspectives and changed thoughts. I wonder if there was a test done on single and multiple language speakers if conclusions could be drawn on things like level of conservatism or willingness to accept others.

In my experience, the higher the language ability, the more liberal. This seems obvious perhaps as it indicates an interest in other cultures.

What I think though is no matter the languages spoken, the mire ability one has to understand the world, the richer the experience.

[ a Steem original ]
posted on the phone


Lols language is a very big problem. In Nigeria, we have over 450 languages. I understand how difficult it is to cope.

450 languages...that's quite a lot...

I think there's already a technology for's like a headphone and it translates the other language to us...great post though...upvoted and followed...

yes, but it is limited at the moment and only covers a small language group. won't be long though.

Yes..atleast they are on to something...

Languages can be a barrier and hope you are right about new tech coming out in the future.

it is already here in basic forms for some languages but, they are also competitive cognitive artefacts that limit our abilities to learn in a range of other areas. Tech that makes life easier generally decreases our abilities.

True but I am not great with languages so I will welcome whatever tech there is lol.

the higher the language ability, the more liberal.

I agree with this, although I only speak out of experience as well. I have always had a talent for languages, carried on down from my grandfather and both him and I (as well as all his children and grandchildren who inherited it) are very liberal. On the other hand, I've met some people with a narrow knowledge of a second language who were pretty liberal also, but I think that's an exception...

I think you're right, not knowing a language is a terrible disadvantage in today's world, it makes you so insecure and weak, not good at all for you. I wouldn't like a technological app or device that could solve that at all. It would take all the beauty out of learning a language. A few nights ago, I went to see a film in Italian. Of course, it had subtitles, but I felt very proud that I could understand most of it without them, since my command of the language isn't nearly as good as the one I have with English. With an app for it, that feeling would be gone...

With an app for it, that feeling would be gone...

Not only that feeling but pretty soon, your ability to be able to learn languages and therefore, many other things as well. People make their life easier in some way and forget that their development is like an ecosystem and the butterfly effect comes into play.

Oh, I agree completely. I hate this whole idea of making machines that know what to do so that we don't have to do it anymore, because that way, we'll be dumber than them someday, you know? It's like we're giving them all the keys and trusting them with those keys completely. Doesn't seem too smart to me.
If the teacher forgets what he's teaching, then he's a teacher no longer. And we'll forget a lot of this stuff, because we just won't need to remember anymore.

Am sure you'll get better at it (the language), you just gotta want to really bad.

On the other hand, your in-laws really should improve on their English... They're missing out on all the fun. Take for instance they won't make too many non Finnish friends on

Take for instance they won't make too many non Finnish friends on

haha :)

I can certainly imagine that having them not speak English would be challenging. Interesting insight though @tarazkp!

Morning. Yes and no for me. My wife is from a British on her mo's side and German on her dad's side family and went to a German school. I grew up with a father that spoke many languages, but we can't all be him, but my mother's language skills were limited to Afrikaans which is a Dutch derivative. My Wife speaks English, German, Afrikaans and some Zulu as where I speak English, Afrikaans, understand some German, Italian and little Zulu.
I unfortunately didn't have my father long enough to start learning German from him, they were also predominantly German/Afrikaans speaking. Dad respected everyone from all different cultures and raised us the same way, hence my respect and fascination with other cultures today. I think that, yes it's difficult to communicate when on different language plains, but it shouldn't stop us respecting each other and trying to understand each other. I've grown to learn people and tax on behaviour other than color and culture.
There are apps that help with crossing language barriers and so doing will also teach you the language as you go, but hey, you're smart guy, give it stick.

hi @tarazkp language is a very big problem but new technology coming out translates the other language .

We have a tight Finnish community here. Ive heard similar stories from my Finnish buddy.

Funny, we were out at a bar a while back and a man stole my buddies seat. My buddy is the quiet type but has a temper. The guy was refusing to give back the seat and started cursing my buddy in Finnish, not realizing my buddy was from Finland. My Friend in a deep low voice spoke to the man in Finnish and i never saw someone move so quick. The man spent the rest of the night apologizing. Lol just sparked the brain, felt like sharing.

These are those comfort zones we all need to step out of from time to time. Its also amazing how simple language influences architecture. For example in French the word bridge is a feminine word and the French build elegant bridges to where in Spanish its a masculine word and they build rugged structures. A language i find very interesting is Chinese as they can communicate the most amount of information in the shortest amount of time/words.

Another interesting post, ty.

I don't think you're at fault for not learning Finnish considering it is spoken by just 6 million people. If it were a more widely spread language, then it'd have been the best thing to do

I live in Finland.

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