Back to the woods: prepping for volatility

in #philosophy6 years ago

With a client a couple of days ago we discussed his new hobby, prepping. He isn't a prepper per se but, he is improving his skills just in case. He has seen that the world is more unstable but, I think there is more to it than that. Lots of men I know are turning their hands back to nature and skills that once upon a time, they held. Gardening, beekeeping, hunting, cooking, fishing, building, hiking, woodwork and all kinds of earthy type areas that had once gone out of fashion.

I suspect that it is in counterbalance to the modernity of the world where most live lives of product consumption, ready foods, packaged goods. I think that many are realizing that this continual gorging on material items is not satisfying their personal needs, that buying comfort has not brought them the real comfort they desired, self-sufficiency.

Many talk about being self-sufficient but, when that is only financially independent, it doesn't provide the feedback that being able to do something oneself does. Buying something may bring a good feeling although, it is short lived. Creating something however brings a personal contentment that can last a lifetime.

For the last few decades, those with the capabilities have been building man caves that they fill with all of the toys, home theatres and gaming systems. Yet, it didn't seem to fill the hole they felt in the long term, buying it just doesn't cut it for many, it isn't enough to consume the talents of others, humans need to create.

I think there are many returning into the waters of skill development and picking up old tools or trying their hand at wielding new. This isn't about preparing for the apocalypse, it is avoiding the skill vacuum that they may unconsciously feel coming. I think that this is going to be a driver of Steem also as it is a community that rewards development.

I think this is also going to be a driver for all cryptocurrencies for as people start to become aware of their want for self-sufficiency, that will inevitably shine the spotlight on the financial situation, the lack of personal control and the fragility and manipulation of the fiat markets.

As people realise this, they will want to secure their hard earned currency and, investments that don't rely on the banks to back them or which can be diluted by those same banks will come into sharp focus. What could potentially happen is that what seems volatile now will gain stability as more and more users flood in and, what many see as stable now will increase in volatility as investors leak out. Cryptocurrencies could become stable while the fiat markets bounce wildly.

This is likely some time off but, I do think that it is going to happen and the near trillion that was in the market at the end of December will look like a drop in the ocean. For example, BlackRock are the world's largest asset manager and control 6.3 Trillion in various funds. That is just the largest, there are many many more. What happens when they decide to diversify into crypto? A 5% position is 300+ Billion. That is almost the size of today's market cap. One company.

It is going to be a rocky and wild road forward though isn't it? When that sort of money starts leaving fiat, the governments prick up their ears and will really start ramping up their activities. This will of course create more pressures and uncertainty and further display the fragility of the fiat markets. All of those people who have been preparing will be glad but, more and more will open their eyes.

There are going to potentially be many, many implications to the shift away from centralized currencies and, they are not all going to lead to Lambos. In fact, there is likely to be a lot of heavy conflict and potential wars as governments struggle to maintain their power. Take away their ability to pay and they struggle in very short, bloody order.

It is going to get interesting at some point when a government will have to get consensus from their people to not only have a war, but fund it and individuals will have to make the decision on how much they are willing to pay. How much would you pay to bomb Syria? They are not going to give up their ability to act as they wish easily. Would you?

There are going to be some interesting times coming up, times that the world may never have seen before and if it isn't managed well, it is going to create a great deal of inequality, violence and separation. Does it have to be this way, do revolutions require it? I can't say but i would like to believe that large changes can be made in peace but, history doesn't support my position.

At least for now, I do like the idea of people beginning to rediscover they have creative minds and hands to build with. I think those that take the time to invest into themselves and develop personal skills will find a lot more meaning from life than those who only purchase and consume.

[ a Steemit original ]


He has seen that the world is more unstable but, I think there is more to it than that....

I think that is exactly it and nothing more to it.
It's only dressed up and rationalized to fit in with normal life.

The overriding deep instinct for all of us, is to survive.

Anyone with half a brain can see that serious turmoil is coming our way.
We don't know when exactly, but we do know it's coming.
Deep down. We know.

And suddenly, (unconsciously), people realize that you can't eat paper, plastic, or silicon
The survival genes get turned on, and suddenly there is a 'desire' for some unknown reason, to plant food, to learn about gardening....

I really believe it is that basic, and primal.

You are likely right I think. There is a growing feeling but, I am unsure if it is because people like us have been paying attention for a while. I think that there is a primal element at play though, we can smell it.

Maybe some people just watch the horizon a little before others do, listen to weather, and see the signs.

What's coming over the horizon, is the same for all us.
(fortunately my life skills - in that regard anyway - were well honed by the time I was 15. A regular huckleberry fin,

I just hope I don't have to utilize them...

What's coming over the horizon, is the same for all us.

On a flat earth, the horizon is just the limits of vision... ;)

😂😂&# ....
Wait until my iodine levels rise, i'll be right back at ya!

What I wonder is what happens when all that traditional investment money starts pouring into crypto, bringing with it the mass scale corruption that characterizes that market. We can't pretend that all they bring is more capital. The introduction of futures markets alone has apparently had a huge negative impact that we're still coming to understand the extent of. Will shorting become more common, such that only those with large enough stakes to move markets can possibly avoid having their capital merely extracted from them? Will there also be crypto derivatives? Will only crypto that conforms to rules that favor institutional investors be legal, and all other criminalized under a "money laundering" banner?

These are the thoughts I think we I think about the big money committing to this space.

the mass scale corruption that characterizes that market.

It is already in.

These are the thoughts I think we I think about the big money committing to this space.

There are going to massive pros and cons to it but, it is going to happen regardless. People in crypto think they are immune to the manipulations of the banks yet, as soon as they noticeably enter, we see how 'good' they are.

Sipping my juice stopped the moment you hit the hammer on the nail right here

There are going to potentially be many, many implications to the shift away from centralized currencies and, they are not all going to lead to Lambos. In fact, there is likely to be a lot of heavy conflict and potential wars as governments struggle to maintain their power. Take away their ability to pay and they struggle in very short, bloody order.

Very interesting time it will be,there would be a lot of blood in the fiat-crypto-verse, it wont be easy, but it will be worth it.

At least for now, I do like the idea of people beginning to rediscover they have creative minds and hands to build with. I think those that take the time to invest into themselves and develop personal skills will find a lot more meaning from life than those who only purchase and consume.

Ah and this ofcourse back to sipping my juice, im here, im learning, im skilling up :) and im not stopping....guess its time i pick my drawing tools

I agree with you that the everyday skills that people knew have gone out the window. Being self sufficient is a degree that has been handed down for generations. Hunting, building and making things. Bit like being street wise in the wilderness.
The skills of life and being self sufficient are going to come more to the fore as this world changes. There will be less jobs so future generations will have to think out the box.
Crypto currencies will have a boom period and we have just started. For the ones that have educated themselves and have established themselves on platforms like steem it is a prep for the future. What you have achieved on here is like doing a degree. There are no short cuts. i have been doing my experiment with a boosting bot. Still busy but you were right. So far it helps with your SP but that is minimal. I don't know what the others are doing but have some thoughts which I will post later in the week.
You have invested in your self and hats off to you. Those that know realise how much time and effort you have put in and you will reap the rewards.

There will be less jobs so future generations will have to think out the box.

It is because of this I try to prepare my kid to have real skills, not just consume the products of others.

What you have achieved on here is like doing a degree.

This is a very salient point and one I think about too. I might have a post somewhere about it floating around. Or, maybe I will write another also.

So far it helps with your SP but that is minimal. I don't know what the others are doing but have some thoughts which I will post later in the week.

Looking forward to it. if you are on discord or you can send me links there too.

You have invested in your self and hats off to you. Those that know realise how much time and effort you have put in and you will reap the rewards.

At some point I will get to a position where I can slow down posting and spend more time on the community side. Right now, it is in mine and the platform's best interest to gather a little more steem.

Great piece. Indeed the need for self sufficiency will draw more to create and to create one needs more time which will allow stimulation of more
creative imagination, through which we will have to learn how to learn from more failures. Your last few pieces really do cast a wide net. I'm enjoying the stimulation, thank you

Pardon me... I know that this post is about cryptocurrencies but I just can't get passed that tree picture. I am in awe... I just love trees. Did you take that picture @tarazkp? You should take more picture.

Yes I did. It is of my favourite Autumn tree in the city. Pretty much all of the photos I use are my own which is why I don't credit them :)

Firstly I’d love to acknowledge some few lines of yours .

Buying something may bring a good feeling although, it is short lived. Creating something however brings a personal contentment that can last a lifetime.

I totally agree with this and this is so true and practical.
The feeling of a creator lasts forever I can tell.
Very awesome conclusion my friend

At least for now, I do like the idea of people beginning to rediscover they have creative minds and hands to build with. I think those that take the time to invest into themselves and develop personal skills will find a lot more meaning from life than those who only purchase and consume.

It’s time for creativity awakening

When individual people have to pay for wars from their personal pockets i think it will bring the "cost" of war closer to the people. And make then think twice

It is good to develop self. That is the best we can do for self.
Great day today. Perfectly waiting for that lambo

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