Approaching trauma through our words

in #philosophy6 years ago

"Those who can't do, teach."

This is a saying that people use to identify a lack of skill in others as if to say those who are unable to actually do something pretend to qualify themselves by teaching it instead. I think the saying has a much more literal and practical purpose than that. The best way to learn something is to teach it to others because the act is a very efficient and effective way to investigate what one actually knows and in so doing, identify knowledge gaps and begin to close them. Teaching is a learning strategy where the teacher can continuously be the student, a feedback loop.

Taking this idea a little bit further is the reason there is so much value in writing ones thoughts and why when one does so, it has a cathartic and somewhat of a healing effect on the psychological and emotional understanding of the issue addressed. When one writes the tendency is to write for an audience, even if there will never be a reader other than oneself, like a private diary may be.

This audience are essentially the students, a teachers class, and the writer will naturally think about how to express themselves to get their ideas transmitted across the gap. While running through this process, new thoughts, ideas, connections and revelations arise that begin to close the gaps in knowledge and with greater understanding comes a higher degree of control of circumstances in the mind which can significantly change ones experience of life.

Under normal conditions, the mind is lazy and tries to avoid difficulty through various mechanisms including distraction and ignorance but writing about experience forces the mind to review and consider positions. The process is more likely to take the person out of the situation and become an observer of it which gives the space to look at it without experiencing it again and to be a little more pragmatic. This can take the emotional charge out of even traumatic experience and potentially release the feelings that have lay locked away unresolved.

The reason for this is that as one writes for the audience (regardless if it will be public or not) it puts the writer in the role of teacher, a position of control and one that carries responsibility of a teacher, one of control. Situations that may have been outside of ones circle of influence can be brought into it within the safety of a page where no more harm can be done and instead healing can take place, or acceptance as the case may be.

We all have things from our past that could easily become baggage if not dealt with and continually effect our experience and delving into it to either take away its influencing force or, understand it enough to work with it can dramatically improve our experience. For me personally, I spend a lot of time writing and the things I have learned about myself and the world by approaching them through words has been freeing. Writing not only forces me to consider, it slows my thinking down and gives me a chance to take the time to consider well.

Not that every piece makes its way onto the blockchain but writing for a real audience has the benefit of an addition feedback stream that supports my own learning and understanding. When we read the words and experiences of others we understand them from our own experience and often they draw out our own memories and emotions from the past. If utilized well, this becomes a learning cycle where writer and audience are continually sharing and consolidating experience and detaching from the emotions of the past while keeping the learned knowledge from it.

There is a massive amount of value in writing about our experiences, especially what we might find as negatives as often under investigation, we are able to find positives that we might not have realized existed as we focus more heavily on the costs. What this means is rather than our traumatic or difficult experiences controlling us, we can leverage them to empower us, to improve our situation and find positives within that instead of feeling oppressed by, become grateful for.

The world in which we live gives us many ways to escape dealing with traumas, but it doesn't mean we escape the effects of them. Finding ways to use them to improve rather than excuses as to why we cannot can be more worthwhile and rewarding than the initial cost of having them in the first place.

[ a Steem original ]


This is a mey reason I have been so interested in engaging here in Steem as perspectives are provided from the followers and the feedback helps a writer evolve in everything from themes to formatting. I think it is an excellent examplenof how to leverage the minds of a community instead of just one person.

I think it is an excellent examplenof how to leverage the minds of a community instead of just one person.

And this is going to be the continued strength of the platform as it will happen globally across communities to find solutions to challenges one group wouldn't likely find alone.

The biggest value is satisfaction of accomplishments that comes from sharing these experience. And yes, even if we can try to escape, it will not be possible always, So better face it and improve it.

Sharing can help others directly but even without (there might be personal reasons) there is value in the writing. More balanced people help others around them also.

This first line, "Those who can't do, teach." is in some instances right on. But for those of us with a desire to learn, it provides us with motivation. Upon graduation from college the job I secured was that of a Special Education teacher. I graduated with a degree in Physical Education and was hired with the stipulation that I needed to complete a Masters program in Special Education within a three year period. Until I completed the courses required to secure my Masters Degree, I was working with a provisional license.

"Teaching is a learning strategy where the teacher can continuously be the student, a feedback loop."
Being that my position was working with Socially Maladjusted students in a totally self contained classroom, I was expected to instruct in all subjects. That was a hurdle which required more learning than my four year degree did.
Realizing that you are not as smart as you thought you were can be very humbling.
You are never too old to learn, and every time I pick up a little knowledge it is a good day. Learning is an ongoing process, or it should be, until the day you die.

"We all have things from our past that could easily become baggage if not dealt with and continually effect our experience and delving into it to either take away its influencing force or, understand it enough to work with it can dramatically improve our experience."
This line reminds me of what my first supervisor said to me. "If something is bothering you, get up and do something about it.

In so many ways writing can free the mind of the baggage we all carry around from day to day.

Being that my position was working with Socially Maladjusted students in a totally self contained classroom, I was expected to instruct in all subjects. That was a hurdle which required more learning than my four year degree did.

My father was a teacher from the age of 16 - 68 and in the last years he was a relief teacher that covered all subjects. He took his work seriously and would do all the learning necessary to teach the night before (if he had warning) so he was able to present it well enough to the students. Most relief teachers set a random task and supervised. An artist by trade, maths, science and chemistry were not his strong suit.

"If something is bothering you, get up and do something about it."

Most just remove thesmevelves from the situation using distraction techniques.

Realizing that you are not as smart as you thought you were can be very humbling.

I have never experienced this. ;P

Teachers have a responsibility like no other profession I can think of. To be the person religated to shape the minds of other parent's children is a responsibility like no other. With the 30 years of experience that I have in the classroom, it was suggested to me that I may want to include posts centered around education. I have posted a few blogs just recently centered around learning. They have been my most successful posts to date. The number of upvotes and replies tell me I am on the right path. If you get a moment to take a quick look it would mean a lot to me. I am sure that your perspective on the content, would prove to be valuable.

I upvoted your post.

Keep steeming for a better tomorrow.
@Acknowledgement - God Bless

Posted using condenser site.

keep going
i voted you as a proxy
please make an article and keep raising awareness about steemit problems
btw are you content with the resource credit being implemented on steem blockchain ?

What do you mean you voted me as a proxy? You use socky as your witness proxy.

I am content thus far with RCs. When the infrastructure is in place, there will be more opportunity to see more opportunity.

Oh sorry, I don't understand why you aren't because I did so already
I am checking it now.
Keep it up!

The reason for this is that as one writes for the audience (regardless if it will be public or not) it puts the writer in the role of teacher, a position of control and one that carries responsibility of a teacher, one of control.

Would that not then automatically create the dynamic of the 'comments section' fulfilling a role of the student, for the teacher...?

I have been thrown out of many a class for questioning the teacher on their own subject, and making then uncomfortable, defensive.
(I learned my triggering early in life. lol)
For me, this is the sign of bad teacher, not a good one.
This is a sign of intellectual weakness, (and unsuitability for the job). imo.

The teachers that I've encountered in life who were experienced in the subject being taught, never exhibited this behavior towards me, but enjoyed the challenge of a new mind, and the intellectual sparring that followed...

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