...And you can quote me on that!

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

Have you noticed that when someone gets famous, their words from the past get dredged up from the depths of anywhere they can be found? Even fake quotes like the heavily shared Trump one in TIME magazine with his words about running as a republican because of their stupidity get traction. In that case, a lot of traction.

Now the blockchain is going to store all of our words for posterity forever, or until the lights go out forever at least. This means a reporter or anyone else for that matter doesn't have to trawl through old magazines or creep around yearbooks to get quotes. Our words are here for effectively eternity.

Words of the past are not a new problem and it is going to be interesting what kind of information is going to surface for world leaders over the next twenty years. Snapchats to ex-partners, drunk facebook posts and a whole lot of Sometician posts and shares made in youth will no doubt be pulled from the darkness. And these days, it is easy to turn on a light.

Have you ever thought about your own quotes? What would they look like listed and how could they potentially be used against you? Could someone cherry pick them to portray you in different perspectives. Would your words as an eighteen year old be a good representation of you now or, if you are eighteen now, you in 20 years?

Freedom of speech is one thing and I am an advocate for responsibility of speech, but for how long are we liable, is there a statute of limitations on our words?

For most of us, each day we grow in different ways and shift our overall view of the world. In time, these can change our understanding a great deal. I have changed major perspectives on issues across unions and religions, education, environmental policy and how I see money and many, many more areas. I don't think one view I have had when I was 18 has remained intact (other than, find out who I is).

We see these quotes from the past in the media and we often pass judgement on how someone has changed. They are obviously a flag in the wind with little integrity if they have had large shifts in perspective and stance, changed political affiliations, religions (or left them behind completely) etc.

Several years ago I started catching myself passing judgements on quotes like this and began admonishing my simplicity. Wouldn't I want a leader (since in the media they are often politically motivated) to be someone to change their views from the past? Isn't that possibly the kind of person that may be able to adapt to a volatile future?

If I held my views from 20 years ago still, I think I would have some quite large problems to deal with. It is not that my views were necessarily terrible, but they were definitely limited and in some cases, very naive. Just about every twenty year old thinks they are wise, and every 30 year old looks back and knows better, but looks forward as a wise person again.

When it comes to my past quotes, these days my memory doesn't hold much past a few minutes and when it comes to what I write, it can pass from mind, through my fingers and never touch a recording brain cell it seems. So how valid is it to quote me as a representation of me? Sometimes people remind me of things I wrote or said to them and tell how it helped them and affected them deeply. And I have no memory of it.

It is not that past quotes are invalid of course, it just may not be a good representation for a present understanding of someone. Kind of like those people that use 10 year old photos on dating websites. Yes, technically still the same person but not practically.

But now, here it is, my quotable self in digital format for ease of use.

What happens if I become unfortunately famous, what kinds of quotes will they pull out from my articles? From the 20,000 words per week that look at a hundred different topics, the future, politics, education, satire and bad humour, social issues, psychological and philosophical arguments and an endless supply of questions that surround authority and the established institutions, what do they choose?

Will I get a fair quote trial?

I think that we are going to have to learn to rethink how we receive supplied quotes as they rarely tell the whole story of who someone is. We have to learn to be objective and understanding when so much content is recorded and available over such a long period. We will need to become more compassionate with someone's past and charitable with their earlier views and words. In some cases, it is probably more useful to think critically and disregard past words completely.

Imagine an uneducated flat-earther from 600 years ago explaining their view of the form of the world. Imagine taking them out to space so they can see the curve, taking them further so they can see the entire ball of blue and green. Imagine their wonder and instantaneous shift in understanding.

And then we represent them to the world by quoting them from before the journey.

[ a Steemit original ]


This is definitely something we all need to think about. I think we have to remember that people can and do change. However, I am more likely to excuse a stupid remark made by an 18 year old than one made by someone in their 50s, 60s or 70s. And if someone has shared a consistent opinion on a topic for 40 years, I would be highly skeptical of a sudden change in that opinion when they're called out on it or when it's convenient.

Which is kinda why, after watching multiple videos and interviews of Trump talking about women, I find it super hard to believe that "No one has more respect for women" than him. 😜

I can agree with you there but I still give the benefit of the doubt. My father's father was consistent for 30 years and admonished my father for being naive until they did actually land on the moon and he saw it on television.

A friend of mine in high school had been raised by a Vietnam veteran father. The horrible things my friend said at times of the Vietnamese at my school. He still reminds himself of it whenever he passes judgements over another after all, he married a lovely Vietnamese girl and has two gorgeous children. Some people are brainwashed to believe something before an objective view can be formed. Sometimes a very simple thing can destroy a prejudice. In his case, a simple smile from a pretty girl.

A moment of enlightenment can happen at any age. But I do completely understand what you mean also. There are plenty that even given every opportunity, choose ignorance.

Yes, you are right. I shouldn't imply that older people can't change. Perhaps it's more of an "actions speak louder than words" lesson. If someone said something stupid when they were younger, but has since shown through their actions (and words) that they no longer hold those beliefs, then they shouldn't be punished for their stupidity or wrongness years and years later.

This really was an excellent post. I love when I read something on Steemit that makes me think, and quite a few of your posts have hit that mark for me. I look forward to more!

I am glad you enjoy them. I am in two minds lately about these posts as they take a lot of work but aren't well read. I will keep going though.

Is there anythinh in particular you may want to read about? I wonder where taking requests will lead :)

I think that we are going to have to learn to rethink how we receive supplied quotes as they rarely tell the whole story of who someone is.

I agree with you 100%. I know a lot of my views and opinions have changed considerably over the past several years. The good news is with such simple retrieval of past statements possible, it will hopefully force individuals to think more responsibly before making statements or accusations. The old saying, "Please engage brain before putting mouth in gear," comes to mind.

Yes I agree. My worry is that people will cleanse their views and stay average and popular rather than explore their depths in the fear of it coming to haunt them and hurt them.

I would rather have a conversation with an open racist than someone that hides it away. How else can we solve these kinds of problems if we do not express our differences and engage?

There will definitely be a those in glass houses average though.

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