A fair selection of nothing

in #philosophy6 years ago

I find this a pretty interesting life we are all a part of, Don't you? We could all be in fundamentally better positions yet, there are massive extremes in well-being around the world and while some starve, others gorge themselves to death. When I say that we could all be better off, I really do mean it all, even the billionaires with their jets and mega yachts. Even though people think that is the life, I don't think they actually evaluate what life is very well.

Most people in this world are their happiest whilst working toward a goal that is larger than themselves, even if it is hard work that might never end. This is likely why someone like Elon Musk seems to enjoy his life, because he is doing something he thinks matters, even if going to Mars may be a stupid idea. Working toward what we think may matter is a fulfilling experience but, isn't always positive.

Many work their entire life to earn money to live and only ever reach mediocre levels at best. Some aim for the stars and never get out of the gutter yet, die filled with the feeling that what they did mattered. What does matter in this life? Most likely nothing but, that shouldn't really stop us from pretending like something does matter.

We as a species are problem solvers which is likely why we cause so many problems ourselves, kind of like someone who craves attention so creates drama to feed off. The beauty of being human is we have amazing imaginations to turn anything into a problem regardless of whether it is even remotely close to useful or relevant to our existence at all. We do stuff just to see if we can.

I think this is part of the reason there is so many psychological issues in the world too, if there aren't enough problems we create mountains out of molehills so when the mountains do loom, we are unprepared for their enormity and we have no tools left to deal with them. Then we have real problems which is awesome of course as having real problems means that one can better feel that the problems needing solving actually do matter to life.

I know that I create a lot of problems for myself many of which are unnecessary as they often involve improving lives for other people which, is not really my problem at all, is it? Everyone has the responsibility to look after themselves (once of a certain age) so why should I spend my time on them when I could spend it on much more enjoyable pursuits? Of course, if they are proactive and work to enlist my help, perhaps they could convince me to help them but, they better run a god game because my own problems are pretty compelling ones.... to me.

For example, if I can solve some of your problems by upvoting you on Steem and giving you some money, where is the reciprocity? Can you solve some of my problems? A lot of this seems one sided doesn't it? People expect to have their problems dealt with by others but, aren't necessarily willing to solve the problems of anyone else. This is common for most people.

We are so consumed in our own problems that we cannot see what problems may be facing us all. This is likely a reason for the rates of depression and the struggles they face as it is a type of obsessive compulsive thinking that creates a cycle that is difficult to break where one is continually stuck in ones own mind. Perhaps a strategy to deal would be to have an 'out of body' experience by dealing with external problems (problems of others) instead of ones own. Maybe that would be the break that is needed.

But, it isn't your job to deal with my problems but, what if we dealt with some issues that face both of us, that would be a win/win scenario as we can both benefit from it. Not only that, if we go in with an open mind, perhaps we can work together well and actually make a difference to something that does matter. Hard to do though isn't it as I have my own problems to deal with, you have yours so, when do we have the time and energy?

Time and energy is pretty important to deal with problems yet, since we are all working so hard, we are unlikely to ever have the chance to do what will help us all live better lives which is, do something that matters. You might argue of course and say that what you do right now matters but, have a really long hard look at all of what you do and evaluate just how much it matters in the grand scheme of things. We could definitely increase the average mattering a lot I ma sure.

Most of us in this world do so little of consequence yet, we put so much emphasis on it that the things that really matter get ignored and avoided because no one has the time and energy to deal with it. There are so many large problems that would take a large amount of people working together to solve but instead, we go to pointless jobs to do pointless tasks so someone down the line can sit on their yacht and donate money to charity to make them feel like what they have gained mattered.

It is all pretty pointless when there are so many things of consequence to choose yet we consistently choose to deal with insignificance. With all of our seven billion combined imaginations, all of the energy we hold and all of the potential we have... we don't really do much.

[ a Steem original ]


Habits and routines grow to form lifestyle. Lifestyle shows priorities. The needs of others should be an integral part of thought patterns if you had good parents. Do you teach your daughter to think about others? This requires great effort as the process is unnatural. My little rant for the day.

Do you teach your daughter to think about others?

I worry that she will think too much of others and not enough of herself.

What a detailed way you used to write your posts. You asks lot of questions in each and every of your posts, yet you ended up answering them yourself, I think I have lots to learn here... Smile

I always have the problem of creating problems for myself when their is non too, I think that's the major problem of everybody... Lol

Can their be anything like balance on this issue? The answer is no, even if we combine to solve a particular problem together, one would still end up doing more than the other.

The only way out I can suggest is just to do things you know you won't regret, because we can't even solve all the problems...

And more so, if we try to keep everybody happy, the only person that won't be happy is us.

Can their be anything like balance on this issue? The answer is no, even if we combine to solve a particular problem together, one would still end up doing more than the other.

The balance isn't in doing the same, it is in the doing together.

Hmm, that's another great point. The force of togetherness is far higher than that of individual ability

You are right. We are consumed with our own problems.
The funny thing is that we choose not to see that if we
fix the problems that we all share, we can fix many of our
personal problems at the same time.

Many say that life is short. But life is not short. Life is long
enough to do the things that matter. It is long enough for
you to complete your life's work. Yet we tend to spend it
doing things that give us no progress, and that simply do
not matter, in the grand scheme of things.

if we fix the problems that we all share, we can fix many of our
personal problems at the same time.

yep. We are the stupidest smart species likely to ever exist. We won't exist long though at this rate.

it's shocking we've made it this far :-)

Awesome view point towards the life and you so amazingly sorted out some aspects, sometimes what we see as problem it's just our stressed thoughts and we are not getting any productive results from it, we have to understand one thing as let's stop unnecessary thought process because there are many thoughts which we think for whole life but they never become reality so the great thing is, we have to use our imagination in good things and have to use our practical energy to make our good dreams true.

Many say that if they will get this thing or that then their life will going to fulfilled and they will not ask anything from life, but the reality is different from our thoughts, our life is goal oriented we agree or not and we have to work for our particular goals because our goals motivate us to focus on our life and it will push in life.

Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

Many say that if they will get this thing or that then their life will going to fulfilled and they will not ask anything from life

They lie. As long as there is something to chase, most people will chase.

True, our life is goal oriented and process will stops when we leave this world. For example, if we need coffee then for that coffee, we have to put our efforts to make it, means coffee is short term goal and for that goal we have act on the resources to prepare that coffee, so life is combinations of goals. Thank you. 🙂

Actions speak louder than words. People talk a lot but rarely do what they say they will. This is all to common. For one to grow you need a team of like minded people on here. It's not just a one man band ,we all need to get involved as far as we can. Yes, it's tiring but the benefits are huge. We get this right and the ones that are playing the game correctly will be very wealthy and set for life.

we all need to get involved as far as we can

many are involved just not with others here :)

For example, if I can solve some of your problems by upvoting you on Steem and giving you some money, where is the reciprocity? Can you solve some of my problems? A lot of this seems one sided doesn't it? People expect to have their problems dealt with by others but, aren't necessarily willing to solve the problems of anyone else.
I think we need a mentality of 'pay it forward', maybe I can't solve your problems the same way sou can solve mine, but I can do something for others , as you said recently, even the small accounts have to engage with the newer users. I've already explained a guy that was asking how to cash out the sbd why is important to invest in SP, and yesterday I explained a girl with only two posts and desperate for votes the importance of engaging and networking.

Going to be hard to go to Mars when we live on a Flat Earth but great he is doing stuff he is passionate about that Elon Musk!

How beautiful and easy life would be if we all helped each other, if we left the Self and thought of the other.
We all have problems and without thinking we always see our problems bigger than they really are and we see the problems of others so simple. How beautiful the world would be if we loved and respected each other equally. Although social, economic, religious differences must exist, the world would be a good choice.

It's just another reminder that no amount of money can buy happiness... but with enough money you might be able to rent it for a while.

I am amazed and dissolved in the writing of your ideas and ideas, today everyone is almost indifferent to the lives of others, but you are different, you are very concerned with the lives of many people, it all forms to share duku likes and social feelings need to uphold

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