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RE: Freedom of response, echoes and responsibility

in #philosophy6 years ago

It didn't take me long to realize the number one topic I could write a zillion stories about is full of people on a echo chamber railroad charging down the track in defense mode, FP is full of people unwilling to accept the opinions of others.


lol you really have it out for FP. Am sure it must've been a misunderstanding and like I said -there are real victims on the group. Did anyone offend you in particular?

No, it's the hate mongering. Sure there are people who have had negative experiences but there's plenty who have had positive experiences or even mixed. But unless you hate monger you don't get any support from them, everybody must hate, hate, hate. Since none of them that I have seen have shown court papers even if they redacted their names you are only hearing one side of a story...the stories that make the papers are the stories where the real truth lays whereas someone was wronged by CPS and won their cases in court decisions. These parents weren't afraid of public acknowledgment of the charges, they were confident they did nothing wrong and they won. When you read story after story of all the wrongs and how it's CPS's fault and no lawyer will take their's a sure sign that the problem lies with them and not CPS....way to many lawyers looking for a good payday, a solid case surely would not go unnoticed. (I am generally speaking of here in the US, most stories coming out of third world country stand a good chance of being true.) No one wants to admit they were bad at parenting, were making the wrong decisions or gave more credence to relationships they were in or to themselves then their own children but it happens all the time. Family protection encompasses the good, the bad and the ugly, there's no one way road. I know from personal experience, there's enough involvement and experience within my own family to know the difference. Some of us had good, some mixed and some really bad experiences but if I can't share the good with the bad it ruins the story as a whole. With them there's nothing good about CPS at all and there will never be any acknowledgment of such....even when you post stories of tiny babies who died at the hand of parents who CPS gave another chance to, stopped supervision or "failed to kidnap" them when they had a chance, those were the last three stories I posted over there, teeny tiny babies who died at the hands of their parents, those articles didn't get noticed or acknowledged, that's because they don't want to acknowledge that bad parenting happens, it's a fact and a reality but to them there's no justifiable reason what so ever for any parent to be monitored or their children taken, let alone the existence of CPS....even when the cost comes at the expense of societies most vulnerable.

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