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RE: Manipulating the Meaning of Words to Manipulate the Mind and Behavior

in #philosophy6 years ago

Ooh, you've written a whole series on this. Excellente.

Thoughts while reading this: the Christian idea of the Word of God, the common meaning of which people abstract down into the actual words of the bible where it actually seems to be about the spoken word than written, ie, needs embodiment, not abstraction.

I read an interesting article the other day about certain parts of the world being in pre-fascism and their leaders doing a bit of "test marketing" to test the waters. What will the people accept? Will they be okay with references to seekers of asylum being labelled as the kind of people who will "infest" a country?

Sorry to bring politics into it, and especially country-specific politics, but it just struck me as I was reading this post that that was a good example of what you speak of here. The manufacturing of consent by manipulating the people. All countries do it. It's awfully hard to watch it in action, isn't it.

Peace and freedom to all.


Well when immigration in not controlled, it can be likened to an infestation, where a large influx can cause damage on the structure of a nation.

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