"Do it for the Children!"

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

There is a general notion within the world today that we must make the world a better place "for the children." However, the ideas that come from this notion are rampant with shortsightedness. What about their children? And their children's children? And theirs? Who exactly is benefiting from imposing sweeping regulations on all "for the children"?

The truth is, when we do things with the focus only on "the children", we are not worried about future generations. Many save money in an attempt to make their children's lives easier. Then, this money is locked away and only the few who were dealt the best hands financially see any benefit. Meanwhile, inequality rises. Being "rich" does not only mean in financial wealth, but also in freedom. In quality of life.

Higher inequality inherently leads to less freedom. So-called rich children are put into circumstances which they had no knowledge of, but then they are faced with a dilemma: they are judged for their circumstances. What can they do but react? Those who suffer and struggle financially are greatly restricted in their ability to live their lives as they see fit. This then leads to growing tensions between all. Is this the world we want for our children?

Nevermind that we are all children. Each and every one of us is a child, and will always be the son or daughter of someone. Do they not matter? Only future generations?

If we earnestly want to "do it for the children," then we need to focus on equality and freedom for all. Equality comes in many avenues: financially, educationally, level of freedom, love, respect, appreciation, support, understanding, to name a few.

This means getting rid of outdated archaic rules and regulations that only limit and keep people restricted. This means honest support of all and not just part. The root cause of all problems we face is taking action for few rather than all. Idolatry is the root of all evils. Love of All is the only way forward that has any chance of success. Willingness to stand by not only those closest to us but those furthest from us. We are all ONE.

Every action we take either drives us further from unity or towards it. We are so far from it that it seems the only answer is further division. This is not sound in logic or reason.

Education is essential to a better society. Promotion of free-thinking is essential to a better society. We attack those who disagree with the opinions of the masses rather than listening. This is due to limited perspective that is unwilling to do what is necessary to bring unification. It is a free-for-all, and no one will win. In cooperative mode, we stand a chance to succeed together. As one.

The internet is on the cusp of a major crackdown, which will greatly diminish freedom. This serves nothing but the interests of few.

When we jump to conclusions about things that are not conclusive, we create circumstances where there is close-mindedness against outside ideas. This leads to ignorant support of further limitations on people, such as the foolish idea that policing the internet is right. It is an active attempt to simply remove those who do not agree and bring a world where all that is left are those who are in agreement, rather than bringing persuasive arguments that actually produce agreement.

It is the path towards killing those who are weaker who stand up against oppression. When we put ourselves above one another, our weight presses down and if we are part of hugely powerful entities like government then the entire weight of the system presses down against those actively oppressed. When we stand side-by-side, as equals, we do not have this burden on our shoulders.

What is it going to take to make the average citizen of the world realize that freedom matters? Perhaps the first step is to shed light onto the reality of the situation: we are not free when there are limitations on when and what circumstances we are free in. True, unadulterated freedom has no bounds. "America; the Land of the Free." My ass. Freedom. Has. No. Bounds.

Ask yourself, do you stand for freedom or not? Talking is frustrating and brings tension as opposing systems come closer. But if we talk enough, we can break through and merge into one system, because we are one system. We are all One. It is as simple as that. If we want a better world for "the children," it starts with freedom. It starts with listening to other's perspectives.

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