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RE: Harmless Delusion or Destructive Mental Disorder?

in #philosophy8 years ago

All of your objections stem from humans exercising their free will to reject God's commands or invent their own personal policy preferences. Pointing to non-Christian behaviors as reasons to reject Christianity is intellectually dishonest.

Sir Francis Bacon (scientific method founder) and Sir Isaac Newton can hardly be accused of "not using their minds" yet they are some of the strongest believers and analysts of the Bible. Newton spent more of his life studing the Bible than he did on physics, calculus, and gravity.

The Bible is perfectly consistent. God is in control of His creation to a greater extent than a virtual reality simulation is under the control of its creator. Nothing is impossible if you control the simulator.

Can I prove that? No. But to claim that it can't be true after seeing all the other amazing things that indeed are clearly true, is the ultimate exercise in your own version of "faith". Faith in the assumption that the easily observable is all that there there is.

Better be sure of that. :o)


No, my first and foremost objection is simply that the source material, The Bible, is a work of fiction and the God character depicted within cannot possibly exist. A fictional character cannot be in control of anything in objective reality. Studying The Bible is a complete waste of time because it reveals itself as pure fiction in the very first chapter.

Nothing is impossible, you say? Can fire be frozen? Can a sphere be sharp? No, because these qualities contradict the definition of the object itself. God's supposed qualities of omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience are self-contradictory and thus he cannot be any more real than dry water or a flat mountain.

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