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RE: What Does it Mean to be Awake?

in #philosophy6 years ago

You enter the bus and the driver is grumpy and unfriendly. You see that he has a bad mood. You are not reacting on it. You buy your ticket and wish him well. You go to the bakery and there is a mother with a little kid and the contents of the bag is scattered around the place. You help to pick the stuff up and wish them well. You meet your friend in the evening and he starts to talk about his work. He wants you to confirm that his boss is an asshole. You don't confirm him but ask him instead what he is planning to better the situation. .... and so on and so forth.

But perhaps that bus driver went home and killed himself after that shift. He had been very troubled, and if you had taken the time to talk to him rather than be dismissive, he may have found within your conversation a reason to live.

And what about the spilled bag of contents. It is helpful to assist in picking up the things that have fallen to the floor, but perhaps it could be more helpful to ascertain why the bag was dropped. Perhaps the floor was wet and the bagholder slipped, if so then that floor will need dried before someone else falls over. Perhaps the person holding the bag has a rare muscle disease that you could have noticed if you were asking about how the bag dropped rather than how to help.

Even the last situation with the friend. You can help by asking what he will do to get out of his position. Or you can go a step further and ask what is wrong with him that makes this issue so bothersome. Then perhaps you can help him come to a better place mentally where he doesn't even need to find a way to deal with his position, because he is able to deal with it naturally.

I am just trying to reiterate my point that being awake to one thing means being asleep to another. So if we could all only be awake to one thing, what would be the healthiest thing for us to be awake to? IN my post argue that it would be responsibility, but I am curious as to what you think would be the best thing for none of us to be ignorant of?

I have watched a fair few Bhuddist speeches over the years, but I will check out the individual who you recommend tonight and let you know what I think. It doesn't surprise me that you say he is funny. I have noticed that all the best educators are.


I don't know where to look for but there might be a shirt with a big "S" on the chest. It's out of blue cloth and has also some red and yellow elements on it. That suits what you aim for here.

You can be awake for one thing after the other which you can act upon. As you cannot and will not be present everywhere at once you follow the rules of gravity and biology.

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