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RE: Humans Are Not Smarter Than Other Forms Of Life, Just Different

in #philosophy7 years ago

Humans Are Not Smarter Than Other Forms Of Life - That's just very wrong. It hugely depends on the definition of smart, but being smart is most often associated with being intelligent. Animals will never be able to be more intelligent than Humans.

The way I understood your post is that you compared the Human to Animals that all have one huge strength that we humans don't have, but then you say that we aren't allowed to compare our only strength our Brain to other Animals just because it wouldn't be fair in itself. Humans are Jack of all Trades, but Master of none that is what makes us so great. Why would we want to have fur? It's unpractical and can't be adapted. And I guess there is where your misconception lies with the Animal world. No Animals would pity us because they all would want to be like us. We are Masters in Survival, we lived so long that we saw a huge amount of species die before us, and we will continue to live. We are able to adapt to any kind of situation through our imperfection.

I think your post should be of less philosophical nature than biological nature, but even then I would find in just wrong.

This is nothing against you, I'm just stating my opinion I don't want to bash you for anything, just a friendly minnow :)


Animals will never be able to be more intelligent than Humans.

and humans will never be able to be more intelligent than animals. Dare to take some examples into play?

Humans are Jack of all Trades, but Master of none that is what makes us so great.

99.99999% of all humans use the tools some other people build. Take them out in the world and most will be dead within a week. We are no longer tool builders. we are tool users.

I appreciate the critique.

and humans will never be able to be more intelligent than animals. Dare to take some examples into play?

I hope that you are not serious about animals being more intelligent than humans.

So let's define Intelligence first of all. Intelligence means having or showing mental keenness. Intelligent usually implies the ability to cope with new problems and to use the power of reasoning and inference effectively.

The Thing with Animals is that they don't try to get better or make their living situation any better they are trying to survive and that's all they do. They might by definition be intelligent enough to survive, but that's it nothing more and nothing less. Their brains are only good for this and won't get them any further.

Humans have the ability to comprehend excessive data and are able to adapt to any kind of situation given enough time.

  • We humans can go to space because we have the intelligence to do so.
  • We live in civilizations because we have the intelligence to do so.
  • We don't need to fight for our food anymore because we have the intelligence to do so

Animals might be intelligent in their own unique way, but not really in the way we define intelligence.

99.99999% of all humans use the tools some other people build. Take them out in the world and most will be dead within a week. We are no longer tool builders. we are tool users.

Come on that's just bullshit. Of course, we use tools that other's create why would we need to create the same tool if we can just buy it from someone else.

OF COURSE, THEY WILL BE DEAD... We adapted from alive in the wild to a life within city's, you can't just throw someone in the water and say go now swim. Animals that have lived in solitude or in zoo's that are set free in the wild and need to hunt for the first time will be dead within a few day's, that is nothing exclusive for human beings.

That's very poetic of you but we are still tool builders, just a different kind of tool builders. like I said we humans will adapt to any kind of situation and we live in the year 2017 we don't need to make our stone tools outside in our garden anymore, but that doesn't mean that we don't create stuff anymore. We still build machines and so one, we are just able to do it in a huge quantity so that not everyone on the earth has to do the same thing and can pursue other things in life.

Intelligence means having or showing mental keenness. Intelligent usually implies the ability to cope with new problems and to use the power of reasoning and inference effectively.

yeah. google "craw brakes nut with car wheel"

The Thing with Animals is that they don't try to get better or make their living situation any better they are trying to survive and that's all they do

false beyond imagination. see above.

Humans have the ability to comprehend excessive data and are able to adapt to any kind of situation given enough time.

this is actually true for any species. this is how evolution works.

Come on that's just bullshit. Of course, we use tools that other's create why would we need to create the same tool if we can just buy it from someone else.

Most people don't know how their car operates, their tv. their fridge, computer. the things that define their lives.

Very few of us do. Most of us are dependent like small children. this makes the entire species very vulnerable.

yeah. google "craw brakes nut with car wheel"

Wow so can an Animal Study math now? If they are this Intelligent as you make them out in the comments then they should very much be able to do that.

false beyond imagination. see above.

Their skill of making the world adapt to them is very basic. Most Animals will build a small shelter with some sticks or whatnot, but that's it. That's not what I call better their living situation.

this is actually true for any species. this is how evolution works.

Not to the same extent.

Most people don't know how their car operates, their tv. their fridge, computer. the things that define their lives.
Very few of us do. Most of us are dependent like small children. this makes the entire species very vulnerable.

So you are telling me that every human who uses something that he doesn't understand is a liability to our whole human species? Wow, that's some pretty hard statement. Let's first get a master in engineering before we are able to fly a plane because we need to understand it to use it.

I'd say that more than enough humans know how cars, tv's or fridges operate, but it's nothing that you need to know in order to survive.

Wow so can an Animal Study math now? If they are this Intelligent as you make them out in the comments then they should very much be able to do that.

Irrelevant. Can you do math while crossing the street? no, but you can still be intelligent to do it.

Their skill of making the world adapt to them is very basic. Most Animals will build a small shelter with some sticks or whatnot, but that's it. That's not what I call better their living situation.

You need to start investigating how ant and bee colonies work. Far more efficient than any human society.

So you are telling me that every human who uses something that he doesn't understand is a liability to our whole human species? Wow, that's some pretty hard statement.

How you think world war happen with millions of death? Also, what does that tell you about the "average human intelligence" if a handful of people know how to make the tools while the rest are just users? How are we any different than a monkey learning tricks?

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