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RE: O Consciousness, Consciousness, Wherefore Art Thou Consciousness? [A Philosophical Argument on the Nature of Consciousness]

in #philosophy7 years ago

Lets say consciousness is energy/electricity or bio energy life force. Could it not exist outside the physical form I wonder if it all connects in some way via particle interaction as life branches life to create more life infinitly. If you become aware of this code of consciousness communication is possible with anything that holds an energetic signature. To do this would not be the spoken word but the way your electricity merges with the electricity (or chi) of something else. Sort of what some call a spiritual alchemy. Great post by the way I loved it!


I don't know how I missed this comment!

Yes, this idea that you are referencing is what I mean by "consciousness is the nature of reality." Consciousness exists without a physical body, but a physical body gives it the capability of mobility and further expanding degrees of awareness.

Imo, telepathic communication goes along the lines of accessing this non-local consciousness and delivering or receiving messages through vibration.

Thank you for your comment!

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