If actions speak louder than words, then why is the pen mightier than the sword? - Win 5 STEEM

in #philosophy6 years ago

Motivation is one thing that keeps us going. It's a food that fills our hearts and encourages us to keep pushing forward. 


I have heard many people say ‘action speaks lauder than words’. This is because actions are more revealing of one's true character since it is easy to say things or make promises, but it takes effort to do things and follow through. Source 

So they believe that people don’t always do what they say or don’t say what they would do. To actually prove that you are a man of your words, you need more than mere words to do that. People need to see you act and your action must correspond to what you say. It’s after this connection is established that you can truly be regarded as a man of your words. 

Similarly, I have also heard people say: the pen is mightier than the sword. At first, I was wondering what they mean by this. Ordinarily, you will agree with me that it sounds absurd to assume that a tiny pen is mightier than a sword but a closer look at the rationale behind the statement revealed the meaning to me and i kinda agree that the pen is mightier than the sword.

The pen is mightier than the sword" is a metonymic adage, coined by English author Edward Bulwer-Lytton in 1839, indicating that communication (particularly written language), or in some interpretations, administrative power or advocacy of an independent press, is a more effective tool than direct violence.


The simple meaning behind the adage above is that the message or point we express via words cannot be achieved using violence. It suggests that thinking and writing have more influence on people and events than the use of violence.

If it is established that these two statements are independently true, then why is there an apparent conflict between them?

A philosophical answer is needed for the above question.which is: If actions speak louder than words, then why is the pen mightier than the sword?

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Thanks for your time. Your boy @smyle the philosopher


@smyle, I never can convince an authentic philosopher like you because you may not agree with me, but as a born psychologist, I will see how I can try my best to convince you here.

If actions speak louder than words, then why is the pen mightier than the sword?

I really love topics like this because it gives me full length of opportunity to express my views.

The expression action speaks louder than words is absolutely true because action really intensify and bring to reality with proof of it's desire, wheras words can remain words and unfulfill without an action, but always remember that without words, they is no action because words gives birth to action, but ironically, action can't becomes a reality without words, that simply implies that words is the mother and of actions, and as we all know, it is a desire of every mother that her child should be greater than herself.

Now, the reason why the pen is mightier than the sword is that a pen is use to write words and the pen here represents a word written on paper, while the sword represents action because without a message to be pass they will never be a response/action (sword), so here, the words(pen) still remains the superior while the action (sword) remains the inferior because the sword(action) is dependent of the pen(words).

secondly, wars are not worn by swords(actions) but by words(pen), reason being that the human mind is abstract just like words(pen) and GOD, it is unseen, but it is more powerful than any weapon that ever existed, so in a null shell, anything that is unseen like the mind, GOD, love are the most powerful things ever existed.

So to round it up, though action speaks louder than words, but words is more powerful than actions, not only because the world was created by means of words, but because words gives birth to action, with that, action is louder, but words are powerful, so with this the pen(words) is mightier than the sword(actions)


The pen is mightier than the sword
There's definitely a relationship between these two phrase

Action speaks louder than voice et The pen is mightier than the sword
But What are the true meanings of this phrases?

Action speaks louder than voice is an old time adage which has a hidden deep meaning ,some persons do give it a literal meaning and some never believed in it because they will always say how will what i do be louder than what i say where one is voiced and the other is voiceless, How will you tell me what i do in silent is louder than what everybody can hear. But deeply it doesn't really means just doing anything and saying anything.

Dreaming big and working hard to achieve a set and well planned goals without boasting about it takes you a long way than just saying what you wished to achieve whether before or after the achievement because saying what you want to achieve before taking a step can automatically stopped you from getting that thing done and saying it after the achievement can distract you from preparing for the next achievement and in the real sense YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS IS YOUR SILENT VOICE That is why your ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN YOUR VOICE


Why is the pen mightier than the Sword?

Looking at this two phrases.

since ACTION IS LOUDER THAN VOICE and using a sword is an ACTION and your words are written by the PEN we should be able to conclude that The sword is mightier than the pen but am happy to tell you that when it comes to PEN and SWORD

The power and act of writing caused by the PEN is more than the power and act of violence caused by the sword.
Writing indicates civilization which is far better than applying force or violence in achieving things and also the power of the Press is more than the power of Strong war men because what makes them strong is the SWORD,though what the sword can do a pen cannot but where the work of a PEN can get to, the SWORD can never.The sword can be useful at the spot while a PEN can be useful at the spot as well as reminding you of great events in the past.

The writings of the past heros can be useful to solve present problems which gave a clue of how the event actually happened but the violence and killing of the past heros can sometimes help but most times cause more damages,Writings will remind you of how the sword was used.

PEN and WRITING can have a big impact on people and the society as a whole, an impact that even a mighty sharp sword cannot achieve.

I rest my case

Nice work

my view
at first, i want to give views why action speaks louder than voice
Lets look around us, see the way people earn reputation. people are known by their actions. Yes, actions speak louder than words, because anyone can say the right things. It says in the Bible to show faith not by what a person says, but instead rather, by fearing God and obeying his commandments. Good words are not useful for much if a person doesn't do the right thing. They'll be considered a hypocrite if they don't practice what they say.
moreover, because actions cause more changes than words. To say something and to do something are two different things. It is a well known fact that people often do not do what they say, even being a hypocrite and doing the opposite. There are many cases of preachers, motivational speakers and politicians who say one thing yet do the other. An action can never be undone, but a promise can be broken.
in most cases, Actions show a person who you really are Actions can tell you much more about someone, instead of your friend telling you something that may be true or not. Also, actions show people who you really are, if you are the liar people claim you to be, rude, sweet, or an ordinary person. Good words aren’t useful for much if someone doesn’t do the right thing. Anyone can say the right thing; it’s showing the person the right thing. You definitely need see it to believe it!
so this implies that, Actions say more, words explain more A perfect example is that if someone sees u and busts into tears, they obviously have a strong and emotional feeling about u, but at the same time u are not able to understand the feeling. But of that person comes to u and explains u through his words that How much they missed u or how much they loved u, he it words will have a strong impact in ur heart, giving a positive feeling about them to u...

Reason why pen is mightier than the sword
it is actually a proverb
The proverb is laying emphasis on the aspect of war and hatred. Bounding is together to be in peace and Unity. power of writing is much greater than the power of war and hatred. A war always ends in sufferings and loss where as writing is a gift to the mankind. The stories learned during our childhood have taught us a lot. Those teachings are a priceless possession for us.
A popular saying goes thus; the peaceful act of writing with a small pen can have a bigger impact than the act of violence carried out by a sword.
The might and supremity of pen have no doubt been witnessed by majority of us. Some of these miracle functions of pen are just as Books are the way to the truth and he pen certainly is more powerful than the sword. The tasks that can be completed with a small tip of a pen cannot be accomplished if we use something as mightier as a sword.
Take note..
I end my speech with.... "Pen is mightier than sword

Actions speak louder than words. We can say words but our actions speak for us-things unsaid.

If A loves B, B may not love A. In this case, there are certain actions A will display without occasionally saying "I love you" and B or other persons will know that truly A loves B.
On the other hand, B can keep saying " I love you" everyday but B's actions will show A or other persons that B does not love A.

The pen is mightier than the sword , write-ups have the power to pass strong messages. There are cases where depressed persons have become encouraged because of motivational posts here on steemit.
Write-ups have been used to instigate wars, use to draw out weapons and swords. The pen have been used to write words which promote racism, killings of people who are portrayed to be inferior, enemies ,terrorists.

In conclusion, the pen is mightier than the sword in that write-ups have been used to instigate wars,promote instability,terrorism. The pen (words) can also be used to create peace, stop wars, sign agreements.
Actions showcase the things left unsaid, "If we say one Nigeria and there are tribal killings everywhere then our actions shows that there is disunity in Nigeria"
Nevertheless, the power of the pen should not be underestimated because it is mightier than the sword.

If actions speak louder than words, then why is the pen mightier than the sword?

Who says they are not related. Before Actions can become memories that will stick to people, they have to be publicized by the Pen.

But on a second thought, they are not related depending on certain conditions

  • Audience- In a little gathering where you have people that know you, then the statement actions speak louder than words is true. What about a large gathering, people from different cultural background. You need the Pen in this situation.

The pen is mightier than the sword

Famous writers have changed the world with their writings. Mahatma Gandhi affected lots of people with his writings. He was able to break geographical barriers as his books were read across numerous countries. The pen certainly can convince an individual than the sword. A sword will only convince when it is present.

Actions speak louder than words

Like I said, this is more of a little gathering, a community where you are known, they don't care about what you say, they only need your actions. It is your action that counts.

I believe I made sense @smyle

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