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RE: A Gateway to my mind: 3 hours of me trying to convey the stuff going in my mind to the world

"facts don't change, only theories do" true but the problem is that many scientists will cling to theory like dogma when that's all they are - theories. I recently read a quantum physicist, erik verlinde, that says Einstein's theory of relativity is all wrong, that gravity theory is wrong, and that dark matter doesn't exist because scientists only made up dark matter as a theory to explain "extra" gravity in the universe they couldn't explain! but anytime I discuss theories and uncertainties of theories people go ballistic on me because they can't separate theories from fact and unknowns - this happens in the btc world all the time when I challenge unknowns that are bandied about in the crypto world as facts when clearly they are not. anyway, nice post and come check out my channel as I address life philosophy topics as well. peace hermano.

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