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RE: Is the blockchain the "Engine Room" of "Starship Earth"? - Part I

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

I was watching a Jordan Peterson video on the psychological trait of disgust sensitivity and how this may correlate with a conservative political outlook. He speculated that it wasn't fear at the base of the conservative mindset, but a sensitivity to disgust that has its roots in our reaction to the threat presented by 'others' who may bring disease and illness with them. He showed an interesting excerpt from the writing of Adolf Hitler in which he was describing the Jewish problem and all the words Hitler used were related to disease and squalor. It is an interesting correlation and it may stem from the fact that those who are wary of 'outsiders' have increased their survival and selection chances in times of epidemic. There may even be a correlation between conservative authoritarian governments and high level of communicable diseases.

I also find it interesting given some of the language used by people who dislike some of krnel's work, who use a language of disgust when describing their distaste. It is almost like they sense that they might be infected from the ideas presented or it might infect other, so they recoil from it and try to stamp it out.


That's what I call commenting
Thanks a lot @seablue for the comment and inspiration in your acting as a valued member and facilitator in community building.
I'm just putting some thoughts of my next post that seems to fit in your comment:
In fascistic systems, "outsiders" are used as a kind of glue of the conformist crowd at the cost of their dehumanization or objectification.
Conformism for me is very related to actual Conservatism and Censorship
Actual society is becoming mainly conformist and has a root in people imitating the dominant behaviors as well as the forces of the system that are modeling them.
In actual society, conformism is turning into a mass behavior and social tolerance to deviant dissident ideas or behaviors.
Dissidence behaviors or groups today is used to by the power to aggregate a majority and control their destinies using outside "escape-goats".
For the conformist society is not people in the interaction that exchange influence and ideas, he sees society as laws, rules or institutions that everybody should conform and tend to follow "benevolent" dictators.
The conformist forces other people to be compliant with the rules he already knows.
Change is the worst enemy of the conformist and he/she feels all deviant behavior as a "threat" to their unconscious immobilism(I can't do anything).
The anti-conformist as an independent autonomous and critical person and normally is beyond innovation a creativity.
It seems that a very repressive education by the family with rigid norms and a fascistic State domination helps the growth of the conformist character and a dialoguing family and real democracy can be the seed for and anti-conformist constructive and innovating behavior.
Dictatorship promotes mass behavior making people to conform with the Power point of view.

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