Reality Check: Is What We See The Extent of Reality?

in #philosophy8 years ago

Many a great men have spent their entire lives contemplating about the nature of reality. We have been doing this since times unknown and it seems like each time we venture inside this rabbit hole, we come out with more questions than we began.

The lives of several great philosophers stand testament to just how elusive the understanding of reality can be. It is like the fountain of youth that just doesn’t want to be found.

Now, you might be thinking to yourself what in the heck’s name I am going on about. After all, you have to but open a dictionary to know the meaning of reality which is ‘the state of things as they actually exist.’ Therefore, you would not be wrong in saying that the pursuit of its understanding is meaningless.

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But I want to ask you something. Does knowing the meaning of something equate its understanding? I know the meaning of electricity, and yet I do not understand its workings. The same goes for reality.

One might also argue that this is something that we are merely being too philosophical about when there is no need to be as we can literally see, smell, hear and touch everything around us. If reality wasn’t real, how could we even do that?

But again, I would like to ask you. Are you sure you can see, smell, hear everything? Isn’t anything outside of your perception? Well, let me shift from philosophy to science for a bit.

Our Perception of Reality Is Limited By Our Sensory Organs

Did you know that the entirety of what we see (all the colours) forms only a small portion of the infinite vibrational frequency spectrum? That means we can’t even see most of the ‘light’. 

There are gamma rays, x-rays, radio waves, UV rays, infrared and microwaves, that form a major portion of reality and yet we simply can’t perceive them.

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If it was not for science, we would be looking at the universe through only a very small keyhole and our understanding would be much less than what it is (which is not too much anyways). 

Then there are sound waves. We can only hear the world between 20 to 20,000 Hz. Anything above or below that range is inaudible. Hence, we are missing out on another large portion of reality. 

The same goes for our other senses.

We Know Only 4% The Universe

Dark matter and dark energy have been in the news a lot recently which is quite natural as we have just intensified our efforts to understand them. What is dark matter and energy, you ask?

Why, it is the stuff 96% of the universe is made of and we have absolutely no way of seeing them, detecting them or even comprehending them. 

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That’s correct. All the galaxies in the universe, all the stars, planets, moons, every single atom form only 4% of the universe that is actually there. The rest of it is made up of something that our feeble minds have not been able to even begin to understand yet.

So, I think I can safely say that reality is not all that it seems. 

What If We Are Inside Someone's Game?

Have you played an open world game? Some of my favourites are Minecraft, GTA San Andreas and others. Open world games have worlds much like ours where there are countless people just roaming around doing what they are programmed to do. 

What if our real world was an open world game in some higher intelligent being’s computer? What if we are merely ‘characters’ in a program that exists on a hard disk. 

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This is not something to talk about when we are ‘feeling philosophical’ and want to talk about something with greater meaning over a beer with a friend. This is an actual hypothesis known as the Simulation Hypothesis. In fact, this theory is at the heart of Hinduism which says “everything is Maya” meaning, “everything is an illusion.”

Some of the smartest people today think that this is true including the likes of Elon Musk and Neil DeGrasse Tyson. And if this theory was actually correct, our whole concept of reality would be shattered.


The point I am trying to make in this article is that the reality that we have come to understand as real is either completely or partially not real at all, or it is an incomplete reality. 

I haven’t even talked about other dimensions and how we can’t perceive them and how atoms (that make up everything) are mostly empty space or how consciousness can effect reality. 

I don’t know whether I am right or wrong. I don’t know even if that matters. But one thing is for sure. We know next to nothing as far as the infinite knowledge is concerned. We might all be Jon Snows, knowing nothing!


Well, a lot of people that have gone through NDE (near-death experiences) do say that the spiritual world is much realer than this world. So, it wouldn't surprise me if we're in some simulation programmed by the Creator.

Sending $1.20 via SBD your way. Keep steeming!

The different possibilities just keep amazing me. I have heard from some people that the spiritual world is just a dimension higher than ours. It's like a new plane of reality in itself. It's so exciting to be able to talk about this :D

Thanks for the SBD mate. I really appreciate it :)))

a lot of people that have gone through NDE (near-death experiences) do say that the spiritual world is much realer than this world.

Many whom consume drugs, specifically psychotropics/ hallucinogens, say the same thing about their "trips". To me, this is almost self-evident, by reason alone.


Think about it: what feels more "intimate" than being completely locked-up and/or absorbed within one's own mind? Of course that experience is going to have a different quality to it than having presumably near half of your conscious processes focusing on how to best adapt/ react to the objective environment. Of course everything that happens within those moments that all the powers of your mind are focused within the conscious processes/ processing(s) are going to feel "closer to oneself" or less "alien" (more familiar = realer), in general. Of course you're going to discover more about yourself in these types of moments than when your mental energy is more fragmented (doing a million and one things besides observing mental processes and their "symptoms").

NDEs and many of the hallucinogenic trips have one very important thing in common - they completely close off consciousness from the "other" (the world). Left to itself, presumably with all the energy that it had before (when it was in constant observation of the world), many things about oneself suddenly become more focused and intense (vibrant). It's like a "super-amplified" self-observation, all the "self-observation power" of hundreds of hours, in the "awake state" of consciousness, rolled up into a single moment!

Our consciousness is in itself a sensory system, but who dares to delve into it. After differentiating the mondaine sensory system from your consciousness, you have access to limitless options within as well as outside the realms of what most people in the Occidental world call nature/ the cosmos. This is great to have a posting on this subject and have so many people interested in sharing on this matter. I wonder who's going to experiment and delve into the potentiel of their consciousness? This is, again, a great article. All for one and one for all! Thanks a bunch and namaste! :)

I don't know where but I read that consciousness will be the next frontier in scientific research and discovery. It will bring the next 1000 years of technological advancement as science will finally have understood both the physical and meta physical world.

I am glad that you share my interest on the subject matter. Namaste :)

As there's a war on consciousness ramps up right now the clash is rising and imminent, especially for the cultures, societies and groups of people that have been delving into this for thousands of years, but most especially the most advanced of them. Sharing its philosophies is the rule reflecting life's processes which follows consciousness movements. the gaps are closing between science and spiritual matters and it can empower everyone of us, do we want it bad enough!?! I DO. Namaste :)

The Ancient Tibetans schools have much to say on this... they seem to say... or I wonder if it is our "consciousness" ...(and an awareness of it that transcends the "simulation" of the perceived "reality illusion")... that IS the "sensory organ" that actually HAS the ability to extend perception into these extended spectrums and dark places... If only by virtue of the inevitable reality that, their existence is bound (by the fact of a witness) to exact an experience that is bound by the same cause and effect (interconnected) laws that seem to hold sway over our expanding 4%...

Great Post, Great Topic, looking forward to the next 1000 years!

I agree with Terence McKenna when he says "there is a transcendental dimension beyond language... it's just hard as hell to talk about"
Even if we could imagine what reality is we wouldn't be able to talk about it because it would be far beyond what language can explain!

I second that agree, vis-à-vis McKenna's quote, with one exception - instead of "it's just hard as hell to talk about", I prefer "it's unspeakable (unapproachable through words)".

Neither thoughts nor words can touch/ capture the full magnitude of reality, IMO.

What if we could, smell, touch, know everything? What if we don't? What if we could taste blue and touch light?
What if? What if?
Here's my simple version of this what if game.
What if all that was, all that is, the vast mostly empty, is consciousness, what if there is absolutely no other ness, but consciousness? In the end: SO WHAT NOW. Or in the epic Dude Where's My Car: "and then?".

That is actually a very valid point!

Whouwee awesome conversation bro

Because there is a wave in there that needs to be surfed...!! Dude ;-)

I think our collective concern with "reality" is rooted mostly in the unknown that is consciousness and, more specifically, our curiosity about and, in most cases, fear of, death.

I know that it's hard for me at times to wander about anything but death. Perhaps I'm a bit unusual in this way, I don't know, but I can't fathom why someone wouldn't have curiosity about it, as it's something that literally can't be avoided - we all eventually die.

The question of what exists for the living after death, if anything, by necessity, IMO, should be of primary concern to uncover, if, for no other reason, than it pointing out one aspect about reality that is relevant to the living - does consciousness, or "experience", extend beyond the life of the organism?

Science does a fantastic job of uncovering the reality of the physical, objective, world, but what of the subjective, spiritual world's that effect us all, at least equally? Do we trust the dogmas of religion to answer our questions on this plane? If so, which one to trust? Many of them seem to contradict the others - they can't all be right,... right?

Similarly, the words of philosophers from past and present don't align 100% with one another, so which one(s) to trust, there?

I think the answer lies in learning to listen to oneself - one's own body and the innate "intelligence" that lies therewithin. Religion has a certain appeal in that it appeases the intellect with its promises of life eternal; thus, quelling one's fear of death to some extent. Philosophy has more of an appeal to intellectuals, particularly the extremely rational minded individuals, whom derive pleasure from pondering over possibilities and elaborating on concepts, even if some of those concepts happen to have less appeal to the more "feeling types" (e.g. nihilism and atheism).

While the general concept of what is "truth" may differ between the religious and philosophical worlds, they overlap in that they, in most cases, only satisfy the mind (intellect) and do very little for the senses (intuition). They're more like somewhat effective psychological weapons against the fear of death (quelling fear), than they are sources of "hit you at the core", absolute, undeniable, certitude-level of conviction.

IMO, if one desires the latter, then one must "dive into one's own senses" and learn for his/her self what this "consciousness" is and what it isn't. This approach involves none of the "hand-holding" that we get from following religious dogma, nor the intellectual satisfaction that some will receive from reaching into their imaginations and/or solving the question "what is reality?" or "what is consciousness?" by reason, alone. Rather, this approach hits us directly whence our convictions arise from, right in the gut of our own existence (at the source of our own consciousness). There's no way to know precisely what we will discover or how, or even if, we can handle it when we get there. We don't know where "there" is, when/if we will get there, what it will look like should we "arrive", or if "I" will still exist (as I currently know myself to exist) when that happens. Who knows? We might even face our death "there"?


We might finally discover who we are and, perhaps, in the moment that our identity is revealed, we will also come to understand what the rest of this "objective world" is. Maybe "death" and "understanding" are synonymous?

Great Share. I so agree with your point about death, its just fascinating... I don't see it as a morbid subject in the least - quite the opposite, it must be (next to birth 'totally forgot that one') the most profound experience! and one that should inspire undivided attention and best efforts for a healthy approach... I personally hope (and humbly strive) to be as awake / conscious as possible when the moment strikes, away from the flashing sirens and pain killers - and there with it.

In my "pondering"... I've learned our most profound wisdoms are discovered in the thoughts and acts of compassion and the effects of generosity -and- that there is space between all things, from atom to atom, including between our mind ~ and concepts and understandings it is taught to hold (gods or humans). This "space" between, actually IS the birth of profound, in it we nurture our attitudes and either empower, degrade or ignore the qualities we perceive an enlightened being should hold, and the trust/belief in our will/ability to liberate ourselves to achieve them.

Thanks for your compliment and for sharing your interesting thoughts on this topic.

I'm with you on being present for death. In fact, I want to be as present as possible to everything, at all times, as I'm learning in my mostly "two steps forward, and one step back" progress towards seeing myself for what/who I really am that, whether seen as "good" or "bad" in my labeling mind, being wholly present to ________ (my own senses, another person, something, etc.) is always an enriching experience; the more I "stay present" the more growth I notice within myself, especially when it comes to reaching a more neutral (less judgmental) perspective and becoming more self-aware.

As far as the "space" goes, I'm convinced that it's the key to making spiritual progress. If we're too attached to our own minds (thoughts, memories, emotions, etc.) and/or identities (social roles, self-image, outward appearance, etc), then we really don't stand much of a chance to see through/past them, into the depths of our own souls; into the core of our being.

At the core, below the level of conscious thoughts, we find "mental silence", which is the source of the space that we can observe between thoughts and also the underlying sense of extreme peace and joy, which is the result of the compassion/ non-judgment that emanates from that level of consciousness. Resting within this silence is the goal of spiritually-based (enlightenment-seeking) meditation, as it's here, in this "empty space", that insights into one's own nature flow without resistance(s).

The problem that many face, myself included, is that the silence represents a vast, possibly infinite, unknown for the conscious mind (the unconscious), which evokes some level of fear, including the fear of dying (entirely losing one's sense of self - ego), so we have a tendency to hold back and create some resistance from fully surrendering all control. In doings so, we don't have full access to consciousness and, therefore, lack some insight into our true-nature.

I've heard it put by people whom have been widely accepted by the masses as authentic spiritually enlightened individuals, such as Jiddu Krishnamurti, that one whom "dies before [physical/ organic] death" is a liberated soul. This, to me, says that one must enter the "void" (vast, empty, unknown, space within one's own consciousness), without any resistances, essentially "killing" one's own sense of personality and individuality (ego) in order to achieve full enlightenment (self-knowledge). My own experiences of "getting close", but failing to go all the way, out of fear of losing myself, supports that conclusion.

Thanks for the education!

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

or is it all just a dream
within a dream

yes, it very well might be. There are so many what ifs, it's mind-boggling!

...and we are merely a prisoner inside the beast!

Gran post!!! upvote y resteem & follow

Nice article! I couldn't agree more that we have limited access to the true nature of the world. I wrote a piece on the simulation theory here you might enjoy:

Thanks for reading! :) Will be sure to check out your post.

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