Reality Check

in #philosophy7 years ago

Oprah calls them, "Aha moments." These are moments that change our perspective and enlighten us on the truths of this universe. For me, they occur less whimsically and more like a slap to the face or a punch to the chest. Truth can hurt, but it changes your life. This weekend I got to sit with some speakers that focused on self-belief and life-changing strategies. I dug deep and focused on some truths that open the floodgates of personal potential.

Stop making excuses for your unhappiness.

It's easy enough to blame someone else, isn't it? Look around. Who is in control of your life? Who is calling the shots? At the end of the day we have the choices . We have the choice to grow. We have the choice to heal. We have the choice to put one foot in front of the other.

Stop waiting for tomorrow.

Time is not something we have the means to bargain with. There's no guarantee of what tomorrow holds. What is stopping you from being your most fulfilled self today?

Stop waiting for someone to save you.


You have the power to impact change. You have the tools to get between where you are and where you want to be. We can meet people that influence our lives and inspire new perspectives, but no one is standing on the edge of the water with a life raft. Once you realize the power you have within yourself you will realize that nothing is impossible.

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