This GOD does NOT EXISTsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #philosophy7 years ago

We think we live in an advanced society where we are free from oppression by religion, but in fact one religion still oppresses us. It is a religion of money. We worship money. We pray for money. Money is our God. This God affects us on a psychological level, changing how we think and view each other. The profit of this God is held more valuable than the lives of humans. Without this God in your life you cannot live. We are brought up into the cult of money and we are told “Worship money or die”.

Non-believers are seen by believers to be mad, savage, or anarchistic. They have believed in their God for so long, that they cannot believe that life can exist without this God. This God must always be worshipped on top of everything. A believer is unlikely to think that they are wrong to put their faith in this God, because people in general do not like to believe that they were wrong or duped, especially for so long. The believer is unable to comprehend or imagine themselves outside of the system which this God has created for them.

This God is a chaotic and malevolent God that favours criminals, psychopaths, the immoral, and their sycophants. Those who this God shows most favour towards are more likely to want to keep their God sacred. Those who this God shows least favour towards are razzled and dazzled by all the trinkets this God claims to produce, and hope to one day be shown favour. Truthfully this God is merely scrap paper, scrap metal, and digital numbers. This God does not exist.

Irish Writer, Poet, & Lover

Seeing it for what it really is... Maybe one day we can tame this God, in all its forms.
Cryptocurrencies are a big leap in reigning in the malevolence of this God.

PRAISE STEEM!!! 😇 💰 😜 💰 😇


/me makes the sign of the dollar

Hail Steemit, full of grace......

Praise be to STEEM and the platform STEEMIT onto which it has provided us
Give us our daily high quality OC
So that we may upvote others as they would upvote us
And forgive those who troll upon us
For the blockchain is thine kingdom
For ever and ever

Money = Power. So the real question is why is there such a focus on power? Well first off as you pointed out in the post the system rewards, among others, psychopaths but this is not a bug but rather a feature because the system is run by psychopaths. Those who seek power are often those who ONLY seek power. Those who seek power for power's sake often set up the system so they can gain more power and so that it is conducive for them gaining power in the future. Statism is a religion based on the idea of having power over others. Whether the excuse for that is "the greater good" or "conquest" or "national security" or whatever else it still boils down to exerting coercion. But people don't like exercising such violence themselves so they elect "leaders" to do it for them and those leaders often turn out to be pychopaths because no one else is that bent on gaining power to put up with all the drama. Hence developing a psychopathic society hence a culture of worshiping power. All because most people find it acceptable to coerce their neighbour.

I meant, please hail frozen Steem riches upon us!

Money is close, but not quite it, IMO.

It's pleasure that is our God, money is just the leading means to try to grab as much of it as possible. I'm sure we'd ditch all the pain it takes to acquire enough money to satisfy our desires, if we could. Our ideal would be unlimited pleasure without the necessity of experiencing fear or pain or strain, but the world doesn't operate that way. It requires effort and taking on risk in order to satiate our senses, because nearly everyone is competing for the pleasure resources (for most - health and security factors first, then would come the novelties such as acquiring sex harems and private islands :) )

Hence, society has created this system of time (energy) for money, money for pleasure, and have cleverly made money a VERY depletable resource. You lose value by holding (hoarding) it, by design.

Pleasure cannot be God, because we lose sight of pleasure in exchange for serving Money God. We chase money to buy pleasure but lose sight of the pleasure continually chasing more and more money. Money acts like a drug, we get addicted to it. It becomes our reason for living. In addition we view 'having money' as a virtuous trait, whereas those "without money" are looked down upon; with no consideration to the history or origin of the wealth of those in this Gods favour, and the socioeconmic factors making the world under this God better designed and more favourable towards some.
Pleasure drives us, but we do not worship it like a God. We follow the law of money. We can't live without it. We give up pleasurable pursuits and our time to serve and follow the rule of money.

Pleasure cannot be God, because we lose sight of pleasure in exchange for serving Money God. We chase money to buy pleasure but lose sight of the pleasure continually chasing more and more money.

But, then, isn't the obtaining of money the pleasure, in your scenario? Is it not satisfying an urge? Isn't it pleasing to hold a stack of $100 bills in your hands? I mean, we aren't indifferent to it, right? No, having it scratches an itch inside of us.

Furthermore, isn't masturbating a pleasure? You don't need money for that, nor do most people whom do it get any money out of it, yet millions of people are compelled to do it regularly. Isn't killing an innocent soul a pleasure for a psychopathic murderer? Such a man may have no need for money, at all. Isn't cheating on one's own wife partially a pleasure (perhaps mixed with shame/ guilt/ etc.)? Where's the money in that? It's a lot of filth (sin), but there are no ties to this supposed "root of all evil" that we call "money".

The root of evil isn't money, nor even the search for power, though they're both symptoms of the real culprit. There's something deeper that's pulling the strings - it's the seeking out of internal desires; satisfying the senses - it's pleasure-seeking.

Desire IS the devil, not money. Money is merely one, of thousands of tools, used to scratch that itch. And when one finds out that money doesn't make the itch go away, well, then we might turn to sex, drugs, sky-diving, suicide, etc, etc.

But, then, isn't the obtaining of money the pleasure, in your scenario?

It can be, but often we get caught up and it no longer becomes about the pleaure. Take modern wage slaves for example, many of whom do not earn enough to fully support themselves. There is no pleasure in that. They live hand to mouth. And even on the other side of the spectrum you have bankers and investors who have already made millions/billions. They no longer need money, but keep making it and addings millions to their bank account (which means nothing to them) just because this has become their state of being, their reason for existence. Many do not drive pleasure from it. They are just going through the motions.

Money rewires our brain. It affects us the same way being in a cult would, making us do things that we normally wouldn't if offered enough scrap paper, scrap metal, or digital currencies.

Pleasure cannot be a God, because when we pleasure, we worship ourselves. Money is an external worship, much as how one would worship a God.

For me pleasure is good. I personally cannot take pleasure in knowing someone is getting hurt by my actions, so to chase pleasure in the purest sense is a good and natural thing. We all want to live in each other's happiness.

Desire is a natural driver. Money is an artificial tool, which although isn't real, our brains perceive it to be real. It affects our behaviour and our cultural norms. It makes us more likely to shun those without (calling them, lazy, workshy, scroungers) it, and to believe and follow those who have it. We hold money in high esteem like a God.

Pleasure on the other hand, some people feel guilty about it. And it means different things to different people. Some people chase it, some avoid it.
Money though, we, and our society view it like a God. Our world follows its laws. It is infinite in nature, although only blesses some. We even have churches for money.

An example of how money affects us. Homelessness in UK costs the taxpayer £20,000 per homeless person. It would be cheaper to house them and get them off the streets, but people don't want to go for that because they feel it is unfair, because they would be getting a free ride with money God. It removes our ability to emphasise with each other as humans, instead we just see units of economic work. To not work for money God is seen as a bad thing.

Anyway pleasure/desire is an internal natural driver. In this world money has become the ends instead of the means.

Modern wars are all profit based. Poverty is profit based. Removal of workers rights is proft based.

You make sex, drugs, and sky-diving sound like a bad thing 😊

I completely get your points, but I still contend that the problem is much deeper than currency/ money.

The problems you highlight about money are the external consequences of being ruled by greed, selfishness, pride, arrogance, etc., etc., which are each, themselves, extensions of desire and desire is "trying to scratch the internal itch" (seeking out pleasure).

I'm trying to get to the root problem, here. We all know that money provides us with a perfect display of how ugly and inconsiderate people can be. But let's not be dishonest with ourselves, money isn't causing us to behave this way. The external is a reflection of the internal. It's our own greed and selfishness, which are extensions of our desires, that conceptualized and then gave reality to the concept of currencies/ money. Before that moment had taken place, people behaved just as inconsiderately and selfishly towards their fellow humans.

All our societal problems are internal. Our external issues, things like war and poverty, are only symptoms. Stinginess (greed) is something that is made very visible by money. In part, anger/ violence finds a lot of expression through chasing after profits (greed), as well. However, rape and most hate crimes have no connections whatsoever to money. The real problems of humanity really neither begins nor ends with money. The real issues are in the human psyche and money is only a symptom of it.

Coming back to this question of who the real God is: I'd say it's our unconscious minds which so cleverly represent so many of our faults within this symbol that we call "money", making the problems appear, on the surface, to be something external to ourselves. The problem is that we don't really believe in God, none of us do, IMO. Some of us strongly hope and try to convince ourselves that such an entity exists, but our actions make it clear that we have no conviction in it. So, yes, we worship ourselves and, by extension, those whom we love and care about; hence, our selfish and greedy ways.

I contend that the ruler of our actions is the itchiness that we feel inside of ourselves; these desires which pains us to ignore. Without proper insight into this truth, we stand no chance to correct our errors (the errors of bringing more pain to ourselves by behaving unconsciously, like a slave, to base desires), IMO.

Many people are being given this lesson on themselves by their abuse and/or unhealthy pursuit of money, but millions of others are being taught this lesson by many other means (repeated incarcerations for the same offense, having the same relationship problems leading to the same type of break-ups and toxic relationships, obesity and/ or health issues caused by the same eating/ sleeping habits, etc., etc.). There are a million and one problems aside from those that are highlighted by money usage/ habits. The real problem is that we're too fixated on scratching our internal itch (giving our attention to desires and/or preparing ourselves to achieve our goals) to see the real problem - we aren't questioning the chain and whip systems that have been laid out by our own minds.

I apologize for the length of this. I really didn't intend to make it so wordy.

No problem. I enjoyed reading it.

I don't believe money is the true God, but Money does definitely change and alter our behaviour as individuals and a society. And we do treat it like a religion, giving it symbols, worshipping it, living for it, etc.

I understand what you are saying. The human brain understands desire and fear as psychological opposites. These two rule us and drive the subconscious reasonings behind our actions.

I understand what you are saying. The human brain understands desire and fear as psychological opposites. These two rule us and drive the subconscious reasonings behind our actions.

Precisely. I'm trying to point out that it's in our best interests, both at an individual and societal level, to become aware of our "chase after pleasure and run away from pain" habits and to dig deeper into how those two poles (fear and desire) play on our emotions and our decisions.

Most of us are being pushed around by those two things, with little to no feeling of control over our lives. We're living like druggies, craving the next fix, but we can't be happy living like that. Peace comes with stability, not through cycles of depressing lows and euphoric highs.

True. I believe it is important to understand our reasonings behind our actions, to better understand ourselves and each other. And also to maximise benefits, and align interests.
Many people think or belive things without realising why they think or believe that certain thing. For example the fear response causing society and individuals to have a prejudice towards Muslims.
From understanding our drivers, the limitations, and biases placed upon them we can change how we think, feel, and act.

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Noooooooooooooooo! 😭 Money God why have you forsaken me???!!!!

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