The Brakes on Human Development [Opinion] - Part #3

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone,

this is the continuation of the previously started series, for the disclaimer and the first post go here.

Brake Candidate #3 - Music Industry

As the movie industry and professional sports, the music industry lived an enormous growth in the last decades.

The music industry worldwide generates over 45 billion dollars of which over 17 billion go into the US [1]

In the music business, the top 25 earners, made 1.5 billion (pretax) in 2017 [2].

While this is a lot of money, it is just a mirror of our society in general, where the top 10% get 90% of the cake. Some people might not agree with this, but this is not the topic of this post, as long as it doesn't reach too high values.

I have to say that music is something really important and I'd even rank it over movies and professional sports.

What really bothers me in the music business are two things.

  • Sexism
  • Brainlessness

Let's start with the first one

Music and Sexism

Besides Hollywood, in my opinion, the music industry is the #2 driver of sexism, and I really like to cite Chris Rock on that.

at [3]

And those are even two of the more educated examples of HipHop.
But this is not only a problem of HipHop, we find it over a bunch of different genres, in R&B, Brazilian Funk (One of the worst).

At the same time, female singers think they have to make that worse and that they have to star half naked on top of CD covers and on stage.

And the worst of all, It Sells!!!

Women go to the club and don't even bother to think about how other women are treated and, while the singer might not be talking to them directly, they should be defended how someone of their kind is being treated, I mean, I am offended how other human beings are being treated and I'm not even a woman.

Because this music not only reflects how certain women are treated, it also educates young men how they are allowed to treated others or, in the case of women how it's not a problem to be treated like that.

And, fortunately, it's super easy to stop that, as I pointed out in my previous post:

Stop consuming that shit!!

For the women: You want to be called names, you want to be exposed like the women in the songs? No? I guessed so, then don't support that.

For the men: How would you feel if someone would threat your girlfriend, wife, mother, sister, daughter this way? Bad? I hope so, then don't support that either.

If we don't buy this kind of music, if we don't buy the concert tickets, if we don't watch their videos, they will stop producing it. They will continue to put half naked people on their covers, they will continue to produce that shit and will continue to expose people until we stop consuming and liking this shit.

There are still good examples, people produce excellent instrumental compositions and classical music, there is great Jazz and there is great Rock. Even if less common, you can find great music in any genre.
But let's look at the top songs.
The "L" in Quality has been changed to a "NT" quite some time ago already, which brings us to #2.

Music and Brainlessness

Besides being sexist on so many levels, nowadays music is quite often, quite brainless.

And it has actually been proven that the more complex music is the worse it sells and the dumber it is, the better it sells (on average) [4].

Which is also kind of sad, why did huge parts of our society stop enjoying quality music and started to listen to music which enters easy but leaves as easy as well.
And with the latest scandals around the german music price we see that it's not only about how simple the music is, but also about how, like really, brainless it is.

It seems that the worse the lyrics, the worse the insult the more it sells.
And I have to be honest here, I listened to Hiphop when I was a kid but the lyrics some have nowadays I wouldn't have been able to listen to.

So please, let's try to bring a bit of class in the music business, let's support authors with real talent, let's support lyrics which provoke the society to be better and not to be worse.

Let's think about this a bit more.


That means average people are brainless and most of them attracted to sexism. It's been proven for example, industries who make an advertisement video they usually uses sexism and brainless way to attract most people, the reason why is because of the combination of pleasure and stupidity; that's the common nature of human being. Nobody want's to pay attention of a quality of the music if people get bored about it. That what the system works to keep people dumb and innocent to prevent them to intervene in the real world politics.

Clearly, nothing is better than a dumb consumer, he will consume the most, not care much about the quality and won't ask any questions.

Unfortunately you bring up some valid points regarding the todays music industry. Not just the texts, even the rhythms got simplified so much that some songs just sound all the same from the beginning to the end. Real content/meaning is anyways rare these days...

That's why I'm as well mostly listening to music that's 10-40 years old already or to outsiders no one really knows. Just like you mention it, that's where one can still find some brain and manners!

Culture is part of the way human behavior is programmable, and I agree with you when you put music above movies and sports. Music is a rhythm that resonates with our being on a much deeper level.

The two major problems you pointed out are also correct and are two major areas of concern in society. And the more these things are perpetuated, the more such behavior will be present in society. Hopefully blockchain will be able to shit this monetary gain imbalance and when individual artists are better rewarded, maybe their music will be more exposed and other messages can find their way to the masses.

the music has to taste the brainless phase to produce more smart sound on future i'm feeling very sorry to see that the video clips always been produced on a "sex sells" mark but if we really approach into music history through years on 60s and 70s there were really good music 80s were bad and 90s were smartly good and innovative 00s were average good 10s were bad except some albums but we are going to finish 10 year bad music and opening our way to good music in 20s i guess. Lets hope for creative sounds on the next 10 years, thank you for your beautiful post

While I agree on some parts of this, the whole complexity of the music has been going down nevertheless for decades.
Starting with classical highly complex music we went to jazz which is still very complex but not as complex anymore, from where we went to rock (over some ways) which was still complex but, still, not as complex as jazz or classical music in many cases. And what has been produced since then, after rock, has been extremely less complex. Like you said, 90s were decent and 00s were okayish, still, not even remotely as good compared what we had already in most cases. (I don't want to deny that good music is still being produced, nonetheless, not for the masses anymore).

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