
@rainchen the belief that humans only use 10-15% of their brain has no basis. Humans utilize 100% of their brain- just not all 100%-at one given time. Different parts of the brain "light-up" at different times thus giving the illusion that function comes only from 10-15% usage.

Also, why be like Lusy when one can use brain impants to become ever more efficient? :)

We do use more then 10%.
What is true is that we are consciously are aware of about 10% of all the data our senses are sending to our brain.
This can be improved by observation skills, meditation and even certain videogames.

Yeah, I read somewhere that we use most of it. Although on a related note there are theories that each of our hemispheres are unique individual conchessnesses. Cool post. I tend to assume there is intelligent life in the universe, but aside from tool building I make no assumtions about alien similarity to humanity. P.S. remember to upvote the replies you value.

There are indeed many tecniques omarb to icrease brain efficiency but don't you think that impants and mods are a much more efficient alternative?

The giant hologram theory looks very convincing and this experience we call life is also this simulation in our brain. Our senses send impulses to our brain and this brain creates another simulation based on preconceptions.

Still something inside me thinks this is just a part of the story and we the human vessel allows us to be experiencing a range of perspectives on reality and one of those is a hologram but there is also these many hidden sensations that we experience.

I am sure in 100 years they will be taking our projections are mere fantasies. Indeed w cannot possibly know. We barely reached outside of our evolutionary event horizon. Hopefully we will be alive to witness revelations.

I will be watching this tonight. thank you

I try to solve simple maths and I feel like I'm access 150% power and still can't solve it hahahahaha :p

@rainchen This is why we invented calculators. so they can do it for us :)

Could be ye, there are always infinite ways to achieve something. Efficiency is relative to the criteria that we choose. We could also argue that we are already cyborgs if you would observe us from outside the 3d perspective. check this :
I do agree on the chaos and infinite randomness contains everything. It is time that creates a limitation so we can observe a pattern.

Interesting article. I would say we are cyborgs since we have tripled our lifespans by using technology.

and since we are on the subject of mind bending reality. Have you seen this? btw i am following you @omarb . i like the way you see the world

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