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RE: Shower Philosophy: Mansplaining

in #philosophy8 years ago

Yes. Absolutely. This description nails it. Thank you!

BTW, I love the image of you explaining to someone that you are being condescending, not mansplaining. There should be a muppet for that.

As a female who believes in reason, I have to agree that "mansplaining" is still within the realm of reasoning. Though it may fall into any of the usual fallacies, depending on use, a condescending explanation by a man to a woman is still potentially a reasonable argument. Calling it "mansplaining" doesn't reduce its validity. It's impossible to say the same about emotional appeals, special pleading, or other fallacies which women in many times and cultures have been socially encouraged to use in place of reasoning.

But that's a whole 'nother topic. ;)

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