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RE: Mind your knowledge

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

¡Veracity! that's the key word and main thought here.

And since everyone through these last years have had and still have way more abundant, easy, and in a democratic way, access to exponential huge amounts of the exact same shared info and supposedly knowledge simply & barely at the very lazy reach of their own hands. Every piece of that content gathered thru the very same informational/educational media outlets.. Well, everyone suddenly has been transformed into an Instant Knowledgeable Expert about everything & all. Yet, though, an ¡Instant Parrotable Expert!

However, in fact, nothing of this are exactly news. These human attitudes & behaviors always have existed before also, without us really noticing. Because before of the internet era it simply was way more hard to stumble upon and end up in front of the very same info/knowledge/truths/facts that exist and were/are happening out there every second. Before internet, we needed to individually chase, forge & gain info, knowledge, expertise, experience and real wisdom invariably through reading the right books, science journals, specialized magazines, digging and diving down into forbidden, unknown, arcane & underground sources, socializing and networking physically and in real time with the supposedly true fountains of knowledge to which not everyone and their dogs had access to, etc, etc, etc. In summary, a good chunk of years ago this all was harder to find info, accurate & veracious info, not common massive infoxification ¡that is!, true knowledge and actual wisdom before dare to open our big mouth to repeat or assert anything at all. Unless.. you actually did your homework first and wearing your daredevil questioning, inquisitive, renegade and maverick hat, you went ahead to look for and search, research, contrast, experiment, chose & pick up the damn correct pieces of the knowledge puzzle and luckily grab and put all that shit together with only those pieces which at the time looked like perfectly shaped to fit in before you were entitled to say you knew something at all. You actually needed to hold a very tangible handful of hairs of that Knowledge Hairy Beast in your hands and show it in an indisputable material way before claim you know something and were an expert about anything.

I'm afraid, after the invention of internet and this current ubiquitous mobile access to uniform, endless & infinite highly homogeneous infoxification at any time and from everywhere you are, simply in your pocket at the reach of your own lazy hand, anything is gonna get better any time soon as for what you've written in your article. The era of the viral lazy-ass knowledgeable experts has been born already and trying to separate the wheat from the chaff to find the true fertile seeds is going to be harder and harder if you take those only from the hands of any of these current Parrotable EXPERTS. :)


i love the "instantly parrotable experts".
If you think about it, most of them have not earned their ideas the hard way: they are indeed parroting things that sound like they might work but often aren't applying them. (And I will put my hand up to doing that sometimes. But then again I am really hesitant to call myself an expert except in very few obscure fields.)

I like the definition of an expert as :
"Someone who has made all possible mistakes in a very narrow field" I think someone who has done this probably has a shot at acquiring true knowledge. Provided they are willing to learn of course.

I think that the value of being an expert, except for some perennial fields like human related subjects (communication, persuasion, psychology, coaching etc.) is going to fade fast unless you can combine your technical expertise with other relevant fields and skills.

As a society we have been told that we need to specialise and gather more and more knowledge of an ever narrower field.
I think most progress is going to come from the intersection of different fields, combining disciplines by people who are willing to look over the fence of their expertise and remix their ideas with others to generate truly valuable ideas. "Experts" who remain in their technical box might find that all of a sudden their expertise became worthless or abundant.

Exactly @the-traveller! You actually went developing further the core of the general idea of my comment giving the definitive hit on the mere nail's head here to explain it brightly.
Because since my comment already looked long and boring enough, I had to stop it somewhere. LoL

I'm glad you like it and that it has motivated you to round it even better.

Cheers!! :)

As always your delivery is impeccably @por500bolos.

I especially like infoxification. I haven't heaed that before.

Separation of the wheat from chaff is indeed difficult until you meet them face to face.

Hahaha my dear friend @tarazkp. I'm really glad that from my long weird spanglish comments It could be possible to extract something of value, coherence and rationality out of the inspiration produced from your very well written, eloquent and brightly thought provoking articles in true english. Since as you know, english is not my native or primary language.

But as long as you keep pulling my tongue with them, I will always try to contribute with something new and valuable in them, although in principle, they may look a little bit cryptic to be deciphered at all on this Infoxification age. LoL

Finally!! a valuable meep reply on my comments & stuff by this Highly Eloquent-Meaningful and appreciated bot opinion. ¡Now I'm done! LoL

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