"Liberal" vs. "Conservative" - Examining the 'Divide and Conquer' Tactics of the Global-Oligarchs

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

by Dingle


The Yin Yang symbol means many different things to many different people. To some it means duality, to others it means God, and to some it means balance. Perhaps many westerners just think of Scorpion unleashing a spear out of his hand into Sub-Zero’s chest, bloodily lassoing his opponent for a match ending uppercut (Finish Him!). The Chan Buddhists of the Shaolin temple applied a moral absolute to Taoism’s Yin Yang principle, yet to (((others))), it’s a license to propagate self-serving chaos. The “devil” or “Satan” also means very different things to different people. It is regarded by some as the ultimate power conglomerate of all the malicious conscious intent in the world, to some it’s a symbol of freewill and fairness, and to others, it’s a Halloween costume consisting of a red guy with a goatee and horns.

It is certainly no news that the global overlords keep power as a minority over the majority through divide and conquer tactics. This occurs politically, economically, culturally, spiritually; and at macro and micro levels, from arguing immediate family members, to the governments of virtually all the countries of the world working in collusion to keep the peasants scared and debt enslaved. An issue like transgenderism might cause a confused/impulsive hormone-bubbling teen to sever a relationship with their parents, causing them to be on the streets with dwindling prospects for the future. In Islamic theocracies of the Middle East, women must wear what basically amounts to a portable black tent around themselves at all times; yet in the USA, 12 year old girls squeeze into jeans (complete with eye catching designs on the butt pockets) so tight it’d make a prostitute blush, and walk around the mall hoping to garner as much attention as possible to boost their (social media induced) low self esteem. In the M.E. they throw gays off of buildings, and in NYC/SanFrancisco gays parade and flaunt in the streets in their underwear, ramming their way of life down your throat and into the consciousnesses of our children. Whatever issue is instated by the powers-that-be (all over the world), you can be sure that it will perpetuate division and ignorance through distraction, as the MSM fans the flames every evening at 6 with Jake Schlapper, Bill O’Smeilly, (or who-the-f#%$-ever).

I propose these hardcore opposing dogmas of hedonism and abstinence are absurd, an untenable farce, and are quite planned/intentional (assuming we are ruled by oligarch dynasties with trillions of liquidity to throw at anything they want to manifest, aka, “gods”). Hedonism leads to a burnout and desensitization to pleasure, and abstinence vows hoisted upon you by some uber-strict father-figure-in-the-sky who you are not even allowed to talk to or ask questions to (don’t you know everything you need to know is in a dusty old book authorized by a roman emperor and an English king!) leads to crushing guilt that will slowly chip away at you until you snap, releasing a torrent of frustration into a single extreme moment where you seriously hurt yourself or someone else. Perhaps the best course of action is to be flexible and balanced regarding not only your own behavior, but also society’s collective judgment of other’s behaviors. In other words, not to bottle up impulses, yet don’t let them spill out all over the place as either.

When resources are scarce trees can share nutrients through vast root and fungal networks. In other words, they are communicating and transferring directly and naturally, with no interference from the overseer bureaucrats or social engineers. The antithesis is the goal of the overlords: to ensure we are disconnected and uprooted, with no ability to privately transfer anything, without the ability to listen to each other’s (think ZuckerBook.com) or even our own soul, and without the ability to form any cultural/tribal roots (there’s only one tribe allowed to do that). So maybe the next time someone asks you how you feel about kneeling footballers or Bruce Jenner, tell them you have to take a sudden diarrhea and walk away, and save your breath for something more meaningful.


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