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RE: Complexity and Corruption?

in #philosophy7 years ago

Interesting post. You do a very good job of summing up the way it is out there. Nothing is standing on solid ground. I find it absolutely amazing that Bitcoin is at 4800 and it looks like the alt.coins are tanking. Who is really controlling Bitcoin?
When you got control over the printing of money as well as the distribution of it, you can get everyone bummed out on the alt.coins… they sell out , and then will come in and buy all the good alt.coins at bargain basement prices.

Makes you seriously come to grips with the fact that the entire thing is controlled algorithmically. Just look at the price of silver and gold. There is no reason why they are where they are other than the prices are being controlled and market forces don't have much on impact.

Whatever the case, I had an interesting conversation with you and Beachermit awhile back. Finally, got around to posting my second blog calling it: An Inquiry into the Nature of Truth. Haven't got much of response to it, I was wondering if might take a look at and give me some feedback on what is there…. maybe, I am coming across as a little religious, but hope that’s not the case.
One thing that is becoming apparent here is you certainly aren't going to be making much money here unless you really get lucky and a whale decides to give you a leg up. I already got my third post in mill, but unless I get some positive feedback from some people, I'm starting to wonder if this is vale la pena. Check me out @pjbnikao


Hi, Philip, thank-you for your thoughtful post. Yes, I'll reply later but for now, all I would say is ​ any Gnostic truth would be that the Torah Gd is not the father of the Kristos. But....the Torah Gd will be ushering in a Messiah in the near future, IMO, and those events are going to be quite interesting, ​to say the least.
All I would say is that Jewish history is not accurate and if their Messiah is premised on a false history........Well, then, what is one to do?

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